New Grow With PS500 LED

Hows every1 took a few close ups wit the flower development from my 2 xspeeds

If u look close u can actually see the start of the crystals comin along nicely ha . 1 or 2 snaps from up top aswel

Happy growin 420
Ye it will start to get alot more interestin now thats for sure sticky ha . I havent started wit bloom nutes just yet gunna wait till the stretch is finisjed them start them off slowly .
Not to sure about wat u mean GTHM big wotlrds for sum1 that didnt really go to school ha sorry for the stupid reply
hey quinny what grow2 means is he likes the way your plants have a good shape and a nice canopy he likes the way they are growing and so do i good job,btw there are no stupid replies just people trying to learn!

Ahh right haha sorry as i said i never went to school much started workin real young wit my father haha ye they r really takin shape alright now
Hey I would love to teach you as we go. There are no stupid answers just stupid world sometimes. You, my friend, are not stupid. Whenever you don't understand something I say, or something you read, just ask me and I'll explain to you.

"Symmetry" means - "correct or pleasing proportion of the parts of a thing."

What I meant was your future bud sites are pleasing to the eye because they have similar sizes.

"Training" means - "the education, instruction, or discipline of a person or thing that is being trained."

What I meant is that to achieve "symmetry" you must be training/guiding your plants with your good plant knowledge.

Any other words you want to learn? There is no shame is learning, I'm relearning some of the basic things in life because of my brain injury. So let's learn together.

;) BTW, you working at a young age is admirable. "Admirable" means, I look up to you for your work and life experience.
Thank u very much for ur kind words and education much appriciated GTHM. Ye im lovein growin i never thought i would have got so interested but now its apart of me for my own personal use not for the money but for the pleasure and fun . Sure i got home from work today and done abit more LST on my master kush , she was gettin abit ahead of herself haha few snaps
happy growin
hey quinny i grow for myself i don't sell anything i give it to friends and family when somebody needs some i grow more than i need lol if i had more room i would grow more just because i love growing these girls you have a good day!
Thanks sticky mate that i will ye exactly the same myself just for the enjoyment . Ye if i was aloud to grow perioud id have alot more myself but unfortunely im not haha happy growin and good day to u to mate
Thank u very much for ur kind words and education much appriciated GTHM. Ye im lovein growin i never thought i would have got so interested but now its apart of me for my own personal use not for the money but for the pleasure and fun . Sure i got home from work today and done abit more LST on my master kush , she was gettin abit ahead of herself haha few snaps
happy growin

Looking good brotha! Mind throwing up a side profile? I'm really trying to dial my Lst skills in, and would love the reference
By all means im no expert at it i just like puttin my hands to them and tryin but sure hey ul get the hang of it jyst like i did thanks and happy growin took a snap of her after a night and have to say she Responded very well haha happy growin

My little x speed bk in the corner
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