New Grow With PS500 LED

Hows every1 keepin hope all is well and growin happy so been a few days since i put a few snaps up so heres the girls 5 days later

Xspeed shes a few days ahead

Master kush im findin that wen shes due a feed shes pale then slowly changes green ha shes mad.

And my 2nd xspeed growin smooth just like her sister ha happy growin
Ye thats for sure my 2 xspeed r crossed between 2 also or 3 actually critical x rudarails x speed devil#2 they r growin on there own all im doin is watering and there thrivin . Also that light is doin sum job im gettin excited as the days go on and wat progress each day ha
Ye cant wait im lookin 50/50 wit tricombes for a mixed high ha . By the lookings of sum of them colas il have sum nice size 1s cum finished that im lookin forward to
Ye cant wait im lookin 50/50 wit tricombes for a mixed high ha . By the lookings of sum of them colas il have sum nice size 1s cum finished that im lookin forward to

You'll notice perfect sun finish plants faster than normal
Ah im always good joe i dont do much now other than smoke eat and sleep . Id rather be wit my little1s than in a pub drinkin plus i dont drink myself hope ur bein good urself and happy new yr
i no what you mean my gr is upstairs i have to go look at them at least 20 time a day so I'm getting my stair step exercise lol!
My grow is in me rm ha im gettin fond of groowin my own it does be excitin watchin the buds grow . Plus i have to leave the tent open to help humidity . Happy growin mate
Hows all gettin on hope yas had a good new yrs . So i was wonderin if 1 plant could drink faster than others . See my master kush seems to be dryin up faster than the other 2 thanks for any info happy growin
Hows all gettin on hope yas had a good new yrs . So i was wonderin if 1 plant could drink faster than others . See my master kush seems to be dryin up faster than the other 2 thanks for any info happy growin

I've got to sets of the same strain and age and they all require different amounts of water to show slight runoff
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