New Grow With PS500 LED

Remember I had her as a find. IV got everything cheap and fast. I was lucky I bought the light a few weeks before on a whim. Brain fart more like "at the time"
Go to the very first page on my journal and have a look at my led light thats the best nane brannd on the market now and reasonable wit the price but get u massive yields if u do abit of trainin also
How much was yours????
I paid £98 . But it will do for now until I get my Kind k5 lol misses is getting me it for Christmas lol
Still I thought they were about a grand??? How you get that so cheap???
Awwww but what will it cost me???????
The only reason it was 500 was os of the postage to get here from america but was fast 5 days and i had it na would be less bout 400 450 cos ur pounds arnt ya pound is stronger than the euros
Thhs is how ive to keep the humidity dwnn

Ha have to leave fhe door open constantlybut temps stay bang on 26 degrees the last couple of hours and still perfect
Yepp i do indeed the girls r growiin great happy and healthy
I see that! Love the perfect sun units. Just too broke to afford one... :cough: Neil send me one for free :cough:
Ye really is top clasz led for sure this is my first growin under it so lookin firward to the finale to see wat it can do

Few bud snaps of the girls wen lights out . There developing fast thats for . Last pic u see is the 2nd xspeed a couple of days behind .
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