New Grow Journal Using A Clone From A Flowering Plant

Were you saying you are flowering for 16 weeks? I missed something cause that sounds a bit off. Are you counting from first pistols to chop or when you flip the lights? I have been growing land strain sativas since the 70's and the longest flower I ever had was 14 weeks from a Malawi Africa strain, grown in soil. Same strain in hydro took 12 weeks.
From when switched lights like ye on 10th week on Thursday we on sunday and went through some trauma like is behind alot other started its budlets at wk 3 21day as stated however other didnt is massive though so that's wats making me think it's going to take another 6 week at least other I think is practicality done x
Mother vs clone taken in flower at the same age 5 weeks, 20 inches tall,

first jack.jpg

Is this how a flowering clone grows x
That was a 50% indica,50% sativa I had pictures of on hand. First was a standard clone and second is what the in flower taken clones look like without any training or topping done. Both at the same height but the flower clone took 2 weeks longer due to reverting.

I understand what you are saying with 14 and 16 week flower now. If the plant gets stressed and you count the time from light schedule flip that makes more sense.12 week count can quickly turn into a 16 week count. Especially if you have a plant that resists going into flower.

Those little single leaf sugar leaves are going to grow to 3 or 4 inches long. Some are going to grow curled up into a claw. It will look like a goldenrod plant in flower. Don't panic this is normal. After it doubles in size (around 2 weeks) and has healthy side branches with traditional leaves you can trim away everything on the stem. Give it a week to recover then prune off any lower or inner branches you don't want. That's when it will start growing really fast. Around an inch or two a day.
That was a 50% indica,50% sativa I had pictures of on hand. First was a standard clone and second is what the in flower taken clones look like without any training or topping done. Both at the same height but the flower clone took 2 weeks longer due to reverting.

I understand what you are saying with 14 and 16 week flower now. If the plant gets stressed and you count the time from light schedule flip that makes more sense.12 week count can quickly turn into a 16 week count. Especially if you have a plant that resists going into flower.

Those little single leaf sugar leaves are going to grow to 3 or 4 inches long. Some are going to grow curled up into a claw. It will look like a goldenrod plant in flower. Don't panic this is normal. After it doubles in size (around 2 weeks) and has healthy side branches with traditional leaves you can trim away everything on the stem. Give it a week to recover then prune off any lower or inner branches you don't want. That's when it will start growing really fast. Around an inch or two a day.
Definitely growing one pic from yesterday n today got new growth still right to leave on.247? And is looking like its loving it's new ts1000 #marshydro



How long has it been since you cut the clone?

I ask because too much light will make the thing want to grow which is not what you want. You want the energy to go into creating roots. I don't even have a light over my cloning area. It is set off to the side of my veg space and only gets ambient lighting.
How long has it been since you cut the clone?

I ask because too much light will make the thing want to grow which is not what you want. You want the energy to go into creating roots. I don't even have a light over my cloning area. It is set off to the side of my veg space and only gets ambient lighting.
About over a week ago spent abit of time in water with root hormone then once rooted placed in coco
Plants flower due to the hours of dark cycle not light hours. Anything less than 10 hours of dark will induce veg. in the same way more than 12 hours of dark will induce flower. Placing a plant in 24 hour dark will shift the enzyme balance that induce flower and 24 hour light shifts the enzyme balance for veg.

Each strain and setup is a little different but this is a basic guide when I cloning flowers.
When you cut a clone you don't want veg or flower you want root. Long days with indirect light.70% 3 feet away.
After it roots you want to revert so little more intense light on 24 hours for a few days.70% 2 foot away.
Then you want to start removing 1 hour a day and increase intensity of light. 80% at 23 hours then 22hours.... until you reach 18/6. There are several essential processes that take place during the dark hours and makes the plant more efficient in the light hours. The key is to first directing that efficiency so it goes into veg not more flower.
Plants flower due to the hours of dark cycle not light hours. Anything less than 10 hours of dark will induce veg. in the same way more than 12 hours of dark will induce flower. Placing a plant in 24 hour dark will shift the enzyme balance that induce flower and 24 hour light shifts the enzyme balance for veg.

Each strain and setup is a little different but this is a basic guide when I cloning flowers.
When you cut a clone you don't want veg or flower you want root. Long days with indirect light.70% 3 feet away.
After it roots you want to revert so little more intense light on 24 hours for a few days.70% 2 foot away.
Then you want to start removing 1 hour a day and increase intensity of light. 80% at 23 hours then 22hours.... until you reach 18/6. There are several essential processes that take place during the dark hours and makes the plant more efficient in the light hours. The key is to first directing that efficiency so it goes into veg not more flower.
You sound Awesome start givein hour less a day from today
Note that he said "After it roots" . Are you sure you have roots already? Everything I've read indicates it takes longer to root a flowering cut and a normal cut from a healthy mom is usually at least a week and that assumes you've got everything including your environment dialed in.

If you don't have roots and continue on as if you did you risk introducing additional stressors that will reduce your odds of success.

Your plant, your process. I'd just caution about making assumptions given you're only a week or so in. :Namaste:
Note that he said "After it roots" . Are you sure you have roots already? Everything I've read indicates it takes longer to root a flowering cut and a normal cut from a healthy mom is usually at least a week and that assumes you've got everything including your environment dialed in.

If you don't have roots and continue on as if you did you risk introducing additional stressors that will reduce your odds of success.

Your plant, your process. I'd just caution about making assumptions given you're only a week or so in. :Namaste:
Definitely roots its growing your success rate must be poor if stuggleing to get them to root its probably been about 2 week x
Note that he said "After it roots" . Are you sure you have roots already? Everything I've read indicates it takes longer to root a flowering cut and a normal cut from a healthy mom is usually at least a week and that assumes you've got everything including your environment dialed in.

If you don't have roots and continue on as if you did you risk introducing additional stressors that will reduce your odds of success.

Your plant, your process. I'd just caution about making assumptions given you're only a week or so in. :Namaste:
You are right bought stress but the details were hidden between the lines.
Yes, it will take longer to root a flowering clone. Root nodes do take a few days longer to form on flower clones. Both flowers and roots need no N but need P and K. You don't want the plant wasting root PK energy on flowers. Flower clones are slower to develop full root systems due to the nutrient competition and enzyme balance. That is why you need to revert sooner so it will start focusing on roots.

In soil you can't see the root system so you have to go by the plant pictures. The lower leaves grew noticeably longer in one day. Without a developed root system there is no growth.
You are right bought stress but the details were hidden between the lines.
Yes, it will take longer to root a flowering clone. Root nodes do take a few days longer to form on flower clones. Both flowers and roots need no N but need P and K. You don't want the plant wasting root PK energy on flowers. Flower clones are slower to develop full root systems due to the nutrient competition and enzyme balance. That is why you need to revert sooner so it will start focusing on roots.

In soil you can't see the root system so you have to go by the plant pictures. The lower leaves grew noticeably longer in one day. Without a developed root system there is no growth.
Well today guys I'd like to show u that something going very well progress on this in 3 days is crazy thinking top can come off but dont wanna risk her



You won't see anything changing for the next week or two. All of the energy is going into tap roots. When it starts growing you are ready for transplant. Roughly 1 gallon per foot.

This is a 3 inch tall flower clone with 1 inch roots in a 6 inch pot. After 10 days the roots were a foot long and she started to grow veg.

jack clone.jpg

You won't see anything changing for the next week or two. All of the energy is going into tap roots. When it starts growing you are ready for transplant. Roughly 1 gallon per foot.

This is a 3 inch tall flower clone with 1 inch roots in a 6 inch pot. After 10 days the roots were a foot long and she started to grow veg.

jack clone.jpg

Lovely that do u think I can have lid off ? And do mean she will stay like that for a week or so now I dont think shes ready for transplanting yet another week atlest
I just keep increasing the size of the opening in the dome until it is not doing anything. Slowly lowering the humidity promotes root growth but you don't want to stress the plant. Opening the vent a little more over a few days without it wilting is ideal. Only time I close the vent is if it wilts. After the dome comes off permanently the plant will focus on roots. After a week or two of no dome you should be ready for transplant.
I just keep increasing the size of the opening in the dome until it is not doing anything. Slowly lowering the humidity promotes root growth but you don't want to stress the plant. Opening the vent a little more over a few days without it wilting is ideal. Only time I close the vent is if it wilts. After the dome comes off permanently the plant will focus on roots. After a week or two of no dome you should be ready for transplant.
Thanks I've had it off for 2hr today and this is outcome would u say its wilted I wouldn't?

Thanks I've had it off for 2hr today and this is outcome would u say its wilted I wouldn't?

The progress with this light ts1000 is mad every day its grown abit more



Finally made it back! Tip back that dome a bit more every day and you can skip the de-doming time. Don't plant it until you see roots busting out the sides of that puck.
Oh hi and ye that giveaway gives loads of notifications lol Ye put some rawplugs either side atm to make a vent and its had its 3hr darkness today too
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