Grow Journal Already In Flower Though

Thank u so nothing wrong with it just orange lol
So guys for dry period is this good enough

How do u get it higher and its been in darkness 25hr and being tried and chopped sometime tomorrow however want to get it right I'm expecting the nasty smell this time but would like to try control it if possible and get the nice smell it has back
You mean for hang-drying your harvest? Too low in my estimation. I'd say 55% would be better. And after the first 3 days closer to 60%.
You'll be drying it in the tent? Hang a couple of wet towels in there.
Thanks and yes will hang in same tent she's grew in tomorrow when stripped leaves x

Still shed loads to do lmfao and almost there but wow she's bigggg do rest tomorrow cba



You know it's a huge plant when you can't get it all trimmed in one day even with a bowl trimmer at 1:30am!

Ye does it say time ye or same time?? And ye decided no more lol cleaned mess and start again tomorrow what is done is on nets drying z
What u think guys any good with guessing how much I'll lose weight wise 4days into dry
Got 886g atm thinking ill definitely have 20z by time properly dry c
Got 886g atm thinking ill definitely have 20z by time properly dry c
Takes ages to dry doesn't it guys really like and sometimes fools u thinking it's done and its not
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