New City Grower 3.5 - Our Perpetual Grow - Continued

Sweet buds Reg :thumb:

Yes they were. Solid and covered with trichomes. :high-five:

How much longer are you figuring to veg B A R? Or should I ask, how verticle do you want them to get?
G,,day Reg I have been looking in on a very inspirational grow from a new member called my First PC Case Grow in the journals in progress I was thinking that you being very good at tight spaces and training would really be able to help this lad along:thumb:He is doing real well but don't have to many visitors
Give me a link Jaga.
Yes they were. Solid and covered with trichomes. :high-five:

How much longer are you figuring to veg B A R? Or should I ask, how verticle do you want them to get?
Right, how vertical Sue. I want to start going at least 1/2 ft over the pot before flipping. As you'll see below I got around the same weight we we're getting in the 2lts on the first plant of this new run.





This was SUBJECT #1 from the "Train or not to Train Autos" Experiment; the untrained. We had to move her from the Veg Tent and into the Bloom Tent because she was growing in between and past the CFLs.




That link doesn't take me to a journal Jaga.

All three Tents are 5ft tall.

The Veg & Bloom Tents are 20 X 36 inches
The Big Tent is 32 X 32 inches
That link doesn't take me to a journal Jaga.

All three Tents are 5ft tall.

The Veg & Bloom Tents are 20 X 36 inches
The Big Tent is 32 X 32 inches

My bad but I think you made him happy with yer presence :smokin:Urm this time
I got it this time :love:
First PC Case Grow
I think I may be confusing him he is a bit unsure of a couple things going on an you know these things :thumb:
I think the tent is to big Big sigh ah well thanks it was worth the asking:circle-of-love:
I am sorry I am not sure its working either my it is about 0%:sorry:
Reg, I need a sounding board for my next grow and I have no journal to do that on. I feel like I'm lost in the nether lands.
Although I am sure BAR and any of us would gladly let you do this why not start a new journal now Sue? We all miss you having one and you can do the sounding board mental prep work there while we all visit!

That actually sounds like a good idea Shiggity. :circle-of-love: I need to walk to the nearest Target and do some impulse purchasing with this mad money I came into before my daughter talks me into letting her spend it all :laughtwo: I'll give that some thought. I'm falling into serious planning mode and I have a lot of things to work through before I get home.
Hey BAR, Glad to see you are still at it and have such a good group here. I dont get on here often anymore but I always enjoy catching up with your grows. I do have a question for you and I guess whoever else enjoys growing too. Youve been at this a while now and I remember when you first got started and youve come a long way. Now that you are an experienced grower what has been your favorite strain you grew? As an outdoor grower Im more limited than you on what strains I can grow. However, Im thinking about trying a few auto flowers this year so I can try some different strains that this climate doesnt normally make possible. Maybe some Jack Herrer or some other sativas, I havent done much research yet. I dont know anything about autos but Im gonna give it a go anyway.
Reg, I need a sounding board for my next grow and I have no journal to do that on. I feel like I'm lost in the nether lands.
No invite necessary Sue, you'll always have a place to call home here but I see you started a new journal. It's already a page turner and you haven't even dropped a bean yet. LOL

Although I am sure BAR and any of us would gladly let you do this why not start a new journal now Sue? We all miss you having one and you can do the sounding board mental prep work there while we all visit!

Hey BAR, Glad to see you are still at it and have such a good group here. I dont get on here often anymore but I always enjoy catching up with your grows. I do have a question for you and I guess whoever else enjoys growing too. Youve been at this a while now and I remember wh have a place toen you first got started and youve come a long way. Now that you are an experienced grower what has been your favorite strain you grew? As an outdoor grower Im more limited than you on what strains I can grow. However, Im thinking about trying a few auto flowers this year so I can try some different strains that this climate doesnt normally make possible. Maybe some Jack Herrer or some other sativas, I havent done much research yet. I dont know anything about autos but Im gonna give it a go anyway.
Always good to see you making a cameo neighbor. I'd have to say Jetboy, my favorite of everything I've grown was Sugar Mango. Only problem is it only comes as an auto but since you're talking autos I guess that just about sums it up. Now as far as photos go it's Jack Herer, White Widow X Big Bud, & Ultra Lemon Haze. These are my 3 keepers so far. Had trouble trying to clone the ULH but she's re-vegging nicely.


Hey Brotha :thumb:
High Cronic.

Hope all is well in your world Reg:circle-of-love:
Everything's good Jaga. Just got caught up on all my subs today so hopefully I won't get too far behind again.

Time to break out the rolling papers......... Keepem Green
Sheesh Woody, only if you knew. I'm down to 3 pks of RAW papers left from a whole box, those are the only paps I use.

Hey Reg.
Just checking in on ya..
I'm here Cajun.

How's going Reg?:high-five:
Pretty damn good from the few pages I went back.....:thumb:
Hot Diggity! My Ace Boon Coon Jimbo's in the house. Time to pull out the top shelf. How's everything?

Hey Reg! :bump:

How the heck are you Bob.


PINEAPPLE CHUNK Day 133 / Day 64 under 11/13

Ok, let me get everyone caught up on what went down here:

For 2wks straight I sprayed her with Snow Storm Ultra every 2 days and stopped last week. I got the idea from a member that's no longer with us by the handle of Green Dreamz which is only fitting because he turned me on to PC way back when but my growing skills at that time were limited to say the least.

Anyway he didn't know he was only suppose to spray once a week and ended up with trich filled leaves. Well same thing happened here. All that white you see on the fan leafs are trichomes.





Since we had problems cloning her she's sent back to re-veg.



We also used a tip from my partner Cannafan of strapping the Jeweler's loupe to the phone and got some decent pics so don't mind us over doing it a bit.






MYSTERY X CRITICAL SENSI STAR (Planted at a 45 degree angle) Day 110 / Day 58 under 11/13

She wasn't quite ready but was sprouting nanners; can't risk polluting the whole Big Tent.




We transplanted her from her solo cup last night. Hopefully I can show one of my smoke buddies; who use to be one of those "I only smoke Sour" dudes until I opened his eyes; what top shelf Sour is. I doubled down on topping her so four good colas should appear.



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