Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB
I can send some!
No joking...I can but flowers, import/export....SweetSue, Can we clarify your dandelion tea please?
It may be the wrong time of year, Dennise is on it like a hawk...she's been gardening a whiles so is in tune with what's going on
I live in the southern hemisphere, so I've got to be keenly aware of everything I say here...
But, give.
Can you give us any further information on the benefits/uses of a 'tea' like this. You've mentioned that maybe, by inference Dandelion is high in iron? therefore making it into a tea can be used as an Iron supplement?
If you please Sue, I'd like further explanation for future reference
Now Azomite and glacial rock dust. High base line mineral additives. Along with Potassium these are generally mined minerals and contain higher levels of background radiation than you're current environment. Trust me. If you geiger a bag of potassium...mined sylvanite which is the 'rock ore' it comes from...often they are higher than the radiation count in your normal environment. Glacial rock dust may or may not be 'hot' only due to geographic differences in the base material...where it comes from.
There is argument for and against, and unless you're a Neuclear Physicist with a background in Biology, I think the arguments are all void, because they don't even understand the interactions of radiation and life on earth, so how the hell are we supposed to with all the misinformation and misunderstanding about?
But, there's a question in my mind. And there's no way I'll buy it.
Granite dust is the crushed waste from granite mines. Granite mines are generally surface mined, not ruddy great holes in the earth. As the Granites are generally formed over time on surface layers they are not subject to locking up of radiation materials...generally any baseline elements formed in granite will have destabilised thousands of years ago.
Granite dust does not have some of or the levels of some of the higher base line elements that these others do. but, is stable, not radiactive (qualification on that, like Glacial rock dust, it would be possible to get it from an area that is already hot, therefore higher in radioactivity, but generally not.) and if I'm trying to 'fix' my plants with rocks...well I reakon you got rocks in your head!!!!!
Loki is the Norse God of change. Associated with bad intent, he is merely the instigator of change.
So, the Loki nature in me just thought I'd chuck this debate in....hope that's ok BAR