New City Grower 2.0

Well, based on the droopy drawers with no yellowing or crispies....I was thinking she's either staying over saturated...or not enough water. If she's sitting in a puddle, it could be causing a problem?

Yeah any water trapped in there could be going foul.

Have a good sniff in there Reg.
The question makes sense. The plastic isn't covering the bottom. Those pales were somewhat transparent is the only reason for the plastic. I'm just going to leave that problem child alone & just give her some ph 6.5 tap every few days & see what happens. I'm tired of worrying myself over her. She's been a headache from day 1.

:thumb: I know what you mean. I have one plant that just won't do anything but the "twiggy" look. The mother plant did it, and each one of the clones I took from her did it. Not worth the effort with those skinny buds and growth.
Beer, did someone say beer?

T-minus 1/2 hr until Showtime.
I'm drinking Samuel Adams, Cherry Wheat As we speak.
Beer sounds good, but I would prefer a bowl of Bombay mix (not the snack type)

for the upcoming show
I know, I just click when I feel like taking a side trip

to somewhere different
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