New City Grower 2.0

Thanxx SNS for my second shipment of prizes.


:blunt::blunt::blunt::blunt: Blunts for everyone; It's a GIRL! :blunt::blunt::blunt::blunt:

SLEESTACK X SKUNK (Regular) Day 57 / Day 47 under 12/12

There's a hand full of small pistils sprouting which I used my Suavay Ricos (jewelers glasses) to spot. It took awhile to get a decent focus with the phone so here's the best I could do non-medicated.

Hey bro i've got a problem over at my journal can you come check it out maybe? :whoa:
Been there, done that. Seen that you had already eradicated the problem. :goodjob:

Happy Weednsday BAR :thumb:
Back atcha.

This morning I added a stingy dose of Fox Farm Big Bloom to offset what I believe is a phosphorous deficiency on the two plants; QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand) & SLEESTACK X SKUNK (Regular). I also gave that same feed to the mutant, KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze); Yeah, I'm still babying her old butt.

I did a little research earlier today. As most of you already know, I try to find the most inexpensive ways to go about my grow. I read that Skim milk (which is what we drink) is a good source of calcium. (I knew that for human consumption but it was the first time I've heard of using it on plants, just one of the articles I read).
They suggested using a mix of 50/50 milk/water but that was for a feed that they did only twice in an outdoor grow.

Also a good source of magnesium is epsom salt which I've already used one application of on the two above mentioned plants.

Bottom line is I've made up my own version of a Cal/Mag concoction with 1 gallon H2O, 3 tablespoons of skim milk (a very stingy amount), and 1 teaspoon of epsom salt. I plan on using this on my next feed on everything in the Bloom tent unless one of you throw up the red flag.

Opinions welcomed as I never had good grades in science but always had common sense. LOL...
Can't wait to see how your concoction works out!
Congrats on the female!
don't forget to put it in the fridge or the milk might turn the thing bad
Been there, done that. Seen that you had already eradicated the problem. :goodjob:

Back atcha.

This morning I added a stingy dose of Fox Farm Big Bloom to offset what I believe is a phosphorous deficiency on the two plants; QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand) & SLEESTACK X SKUNK (Regular). I also gave that same feed to the mutant, KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze); Yeah, I'm still babying her old butt.

I did a little research earlier today. As most of you already know, I try to find the most inexpensive ways to go about my grow. I read that Skim milk (which is what we drink) is a good source of calcium. (I knew that for human consumption but it was the first time I've heard of using it on plants, just one of the articles I read).
They suggested using a mix of 50/50 milk/water but that was for a feed that they did only twice in an outdoor grow.

Also a good source of magnesium is epsom salt which I've already used one application of on the two above mentioned plants.

Bottom line is I've made up my own version of a Cal/Mag concoction with 1 gallon H2O, 3 tablespoons of skim milk (a very stingy amount), and 1 teaspoon of epsom salt. I plan on using this on my next feed on everything in the Bloom tent unless one of you throw up the red flag.

Opinions welcomed as I never had good grades in science but always had common sense. LOL...

Red flag (To me personally)! Milk rots , Dolomite Lime does not. If you need soluble calcium you can add granules of Dolomite Lime about a teaspoon up to table spoon per gallon. Shake it till most the granules are dissolved. Add half a teaspoon or half a tablespoon of Epsom salt to that mix shake it till dissolved. Cure for mag issues and calcium issues and cheap and safe. Milk can attract bugs and can cause major bacteria in medium. I am sure it works but I am iffy about that one.... I will do some research to be sure! Just my opinion , I might be wrong and willing to accept that.... Cheers!
Hey Bar Im with Wild. The fat goes rancid...ok it's skim but...the bacteria aren't natural for the soil, attracting insects...didn't think of that...Look the dolomite lime does all you want, is natural, and doesn't come with side effects....unless you use too much of course...I know it's not as cheap as the skim milk...which was your point...but you don't have to deal with the unknown. My dime. :)
I spose composting the milk would provide calcium to the soil after it breaks down but if I was gonna get calcium via composting I would use cleaned egg shells , bone meal or shell fish shells crushed and mixed up sort of thing.... I can not remember the product but there use to be a soluble bone meal you could mix in with feeds...

I forgot to mention when you use Dolomite Lime dissolved , you should aggitate it immediately before you pour it in the pot , it settles very quickly! I tend not too but it leaves some dolo on bottom of the jug after , I leave it as I inteded to use it all but it can be used with my next feed. Seems to work ok! Next time I do a new grow I will add the dolo in the top layers conventionally. I usually water it with a teaspoon per gallon 2 times during the entire grow...
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