New City Grower 2.0

Thanxx Jaga & how are you feeling?
Well done in the milk and salt tea! I wasn't sure but looks like its working great!
Great Shotta! It's almost the weekend, great members like yourself are dropping by, I've came up with a fast working feed formula on my own, a member I consider a personal friend tied for first place in the NOTM competition, I'm at a place that I can spend all my down time 420ing, ... Oh, I'm sorry.
To make it short & simple; Life is good.
Hey BAR just had the the most amazing thing happen. 14 days ago we were discussing weeping willow and cloning. At that time I defoliated my 2 fluxs and decided to save some of the better branches and put them in stasis until July when I start back up. I placed the branches in a reg cup of tap water and forgot them until last week, changed the water and again I forgot them as I have then behind the microwave in front of kitchen window. Just looked and the cup only had enough water to cover the bottom of the glass and the roots that sprung. Unbelievable isn't it. But like I said back then it depends on the strain. WW is very easy to clone.Pics will follow if computer lets me.

Gives me the impression that some one is making a lot of money for nothing.
That's so amazing neighbor. The funny thing is that I was planning on trying this method next; just waiting for a chance to snatch a cutting worth while that's not already flowering. I got the same idea from Granny last month. You're the man LB.

Hey OMM! Dang font...!HEY OMM! That's better.

sorry so long... And have to hurry, so is drive-by. EEK!

To answer B.A.Rs question... About cloning in a cup of water... I just cut a clone, remove the bottom couple nodes of growth, cut the upper leaves at a "V" angle, slightly graze my scissors downward along the lower stem's length (to stimulate root growth), cut the very bottom of the stem at an angle, and stick the lower part of the stem in a cup of water and place it in a shadier area of my veg tent. Then I change the water with fresh water every 2-3 days, cleaning the cup if need be. I can put up to 4-5 clones per single cup, so it saves me room. It is just like regular cloning, accept I put the lower part in a cup of water instead of soil or a starter. Some strains are quick to root and are still very green when root (2 weeks), but many strains take 4-5 weeks to grow roots and their leaves yellow right before the root growth starts. Haven't lost any doing it this way.
That's so amazing neighbor. The funny thing is that I was planning on trying this method next; just waiting for a chance to snatch a cutting worth while that's not already flowering. I got the same idea from Granny last month. You're the man LB.

Actually.......flowering clones are fairly easy (For me) and if the thread I read is half true then I should be golden. I have 6 flowering clones at the moment. All rooted and awaiting a chance in the spotlight.
What is a flowering clone?
Great Shotta! It's almost the weekend, great members like yourself are dropping by, I've came up with a fast working feed formula on my own, a member I consider a personal friend tied for first place in the NOTM competition, I'm at a place that I can spend all my down time 420ing, ... Oh, I'm sorry.
To make it short & simple; Life is good.

I got a funny feeling you had something to do with that last
Congrat's man,it look's like we may have a new diy cal,mag formula.:thumb:
I was wondering if it had any kind of after smell?Not a lot of milk being used,so I would think not.
I also wanted to ask about Kumiko IV.
I know she is showing sign's of a comeback,but how long has she been in that pot?
Just thinking,Could she be rootbound and that is causing all the problems?
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