New City Grower 2.0

Thanxx guys. After reading your responses what I'll probably do is only feed it to KUMIKO (Honey Haze), the mutant tonight as a test. She's pretty much expendable. If that plant enjoys it then I'll move forward with the other two. I knew there was a reason other than pity that I've kept her this long. Again, thanxx for your input Rosebud & Tas.
:high-five: Or maybe just don't do it at all so you don't have to flush em'....:circle-of-love:
It's already been administered to KUMIKO IV, the mutant. Did you read the Link?
Done deal. Let's see what happens.
Good evening BAR Not to sure how milk will do for a calcium supplement but I have used it for powdery mildew. Worked okay by you had to really be on top of it to get results. It was a couple of summers ago on an outside grow and I can't remember the dilution rate. But just spraying it on daily will help with PM
Well I finally got around to taking some was it a long day. So she is 4 weeks into flowering and I must say this strain (Nirvana's Bubblelicious) overall is slow grower. She is going about the same rate as last season before the reveg, but with near perfect conditions and no deficiencies. This is the main reason why I probably won't pop another one of these beans with the start of the new journal, only because its harvest times won't coincide with a scheduled 2 month harvest window in my perpetual grow room. With the way this plant is looking, it will be another 3 months of flower before I finally cut it down.

Anyway, I cannot guarantee that I won't pop another Bubblelicious see some time in November after I get the perpetual system to a good momentum. I also realize that my pheno is dominantly Sativa, compared to the other Bubb grows I have seen out there. Even the Seed Bank describes more Indica maybe I'll get lucky with the 8 I have left. Anyway, on to the pics;)

So this is the reveg after 6 weeks of vegetative growth, and 4 weeks of flowering. I have her on GH Flora Series at a PPM of 800 and a pH of 6.2. (And my pH fluctuation problems have been extremely better thanks to an RO unit donated to me by Skybound)

Good stuff there AG, nice re-veg & update. 3 more months of flower; That is a pretty long time, especially for soil-less.
B A R said:
Good stuff there AG, nice re-veg & update. 3 more months of veg; That is a pretty long time, especially for soil-less.

ha, I must have been trying to get medicated again, while trying to be coherent :laughtwo:

The Bubb only went through 6 weeks of reveg before I switched to 12/12. But just like my last harvest it will take 3 months to complete the flowering cycle. All in all, I got just the same amount of growth as my last grow(even more) with less than half the time spent in veg.

>>>looking good. that's one plant?

Yup, that's the same plant from my journal.

KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze, the mutant, cris-cross style) Day 146 / Day 116 under 12/12

Well I believe the verdict is in. After the first application of my Cal/Mag concoction; (Skim milk/Epsom salt) our mercy grow has completely did a 180. In under 14hrs she's gotten perkier, more vibrant, & has an all around healthier look.
"That's My Girl!"






ha, I must have been trying to get medicated again, while trying to be coherent :laughtwo:

The Bubb only went through 6 weeks of reveg before I switched to 12/12.
Yeah, those re-veg's take off once they get started. I flipped STACK A. DOLLAR (Re-veg, Cotton Candy) after only 12 days of veg.

EDIT: Just heard we've had a train derailment on the F train. Hope it's not some type of attack' That's something that never happens on the subway.
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