New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Hydrogen peroxide (hp, chemical formula H2O2) is a contact disinfectant that leaves no residue. Use it to control algae, gray mold, Pythium and powdery mildew. Hp can be used daily with no adverse effects on the plants: it produces only oxygen and water vapor as it works. - Household hp sold in drug stores has a concentration of 3%. Garden shops sell 10% hp. ZeroTol® contains 27% hydrogen dioxide and 5% peroxyacetic acid, with an activity equivalent to about 40% hp. It is considered hazardous because it can cause skin burn similar to that caused by concentrated acids. - To treat plants with drug store grade 3% hp use 4½ tablespoons (70 mL) and fill to make a pint (500 mL) of
solution, or a quart of hp to 3 quarts of water. - With horticultural grade 10% hp use about 4 teaspoons per pint (20 mL per 500 mL), 10 ounces per gallon (300 mL per 4 Liters). - With ZeroTol use about 2 teaspoons per pint (10 mL per 500 mL), 5 tablespoons per gallon (75 mL per 4 Liters).
Re: New City Grower

It's sterile so I believe it would kill off bennies.
Re: New City Grower

ok so this is def a question for me. (guys sorry for hogging the space)....

Hydrogen peroxide is a tool to be used in various situations. firstly for sterilising hydroponic systems, pots any anything u want sterilised. it IS NOT an additive.

Use H2O2 in systems where temps are running slightly high:

1. to keep nasty bacteria and funghus (mainly pyth) at bay
2. to oxygenate water levels
3 to kill pests (especially effective against spider mite and aphids, black and white fly larvae)

Not recommended for use in soil, the reason being it kills all beneficials, however in certyain circumstances it can be used to fix root rot or wipe out larvae and eggs of pests. NEVER use on seedlings or very weak plants.

u must add beneficials back to soil if used in soil.

Best used in all recirculating systems using clay pebbles but can be used on any media.

Clarification. not an additive But a TOOL to be used when needed
Re: New City Grower

Well being that Brassic Brit said "me" an it's all in fun, Pick a Curtain Brit​

Curtain #1
Curtain #2
Curtain #3
Re: New City Grower

Last week I opened my bucket to find around eight black flies, Rez change with HP and all is good now.
Re: New City Grower

Hit em with question #4 Dres
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