New aussie Auto grower, looking for some advice

Day 4 today and still no signs of life, I put 4 moby dick autos in paper towel last night just in case
give them time and keep the soil moist they should come up ive had one take 8 days from planting seed. before old seeds tsakelonger to sprout compared to fresh seeds. i prefer the glass of water method and after i see them crack i move them to the wet paper towel.
give them time and keep the soil moist they should come up ive had one take 8 days from planting seed. before old seeds tsakelonger to sprout compared to fresh seeds. i prefer the glass of water method and after i see them crack i move them to the wet paper towel.
Yeah nah, these ones are done. They weren't old lol, they were fresh as. It is what it is, onto the next lot
Yeah nah, these ones are done. They weren't old lol, they were fresh as. It is what it is, onto the next lot
perhaps it was not meant to be lol... maybe these next autos will be better than what they mightve produced. i know ive had some pretty good ass autos before. the Lemon OG Haze from Nirvana was some good stuff smelled light straight up lemon stayed so high played fallout on that stuff.. and i dont really like autos i do throw them outside.. moby dick is good what breeder? some people say you have to plant autos in their final pot which can be tricky if its above 2 gallons. but ive seen people tranplant quick and it was fien you just dont wanna get rootbound with the limited growth in veg put them in a big pot so the shoot thru nicely. autos are all about taking advantage of the veg time. i ran 24/0 and grew autos outside. my second or third grow was autos back in the day
3 out of 4 moby Dicks have cracked open
3 out of 4 moby Dicks have cracked open
Keep them in moist paper towel still.
They need warmth, air and moisture.
We want a good 1/2 to 3/4 inch tap root before planting.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I’d still treat the 4th like the others 👍
Keep them in moist paper towel still.
They need warmth, air and moisture.
We want a good 1/2 to 3/4 inch tap root before planting.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
3 out of 4 moby Dicks have cracked open
sometimes it helps to change the paper towel. i know old seeds can get infected easier with stuff on the paper towel. they will start to yellow. and get all slimy. never hurts to rotate new paper towels. glad they popped for ya. i keep mine in a warm closet or above my stove in my cabinets for warmth they will grow quicker
I like to start my plants in smaller containers & up pot regardless of photo or auto
Much easier to keep an even heat & not over water
I also like to be keep them on a heat mat if it’s cool, seems to help draw the roots down
I like to start my plants in smaller containers & up pot regardless of photo or auto
Much easier to keep an even heat & not over water
I also like to be keep them on a heat mat if it’s cool, seems to help draw the roots down
Hey Joe!
Thanks for stopping in and for the feedback.
Personally I used to do the same when I ran photos, but this time around with the autos, I'm just planting in final pots, just for something different.
I'm using fabric pots, some are soil, some are coco, overwatering won't be an issue
Hey Joe!
Thanks for stopping in and for the feedback.
Personally I used to do the same when I ran photos, but this time around with the autos, I'm just planting in final pots, just for something different.
I'm using fabric pots, some are soil, some are coco, overwatering won't be an issue
Be careful with the coco you have to feed every day when you use it.
Good luck on the blue dream run! Definitely will follow along for this 😊 the strain I'm growing is double blue dream and purple panty dropper. Blue dream is also one of the best strains for euphoria and creativity
From the research I did living soil and spoon feeding your plants makes the most sense too me and you can't go wrong with the fabric pots just make sure they are wide the roots spread out like a pizza.
Yeah i like soil too, I've never done coco. But seeing the better results and the fact I've got bill in my corner, I decided to give it a go. He'll, if I'm good at it, I'll probably run coco permanently.
Yeah the pots are 5gal, short and fat, should be perfect for autos
Good luck on the blue dream run! Definitely will follow along for this 😊 the strain I'm growing is double blue dream and purple panty dropper. Blue dream is also one of the best strains for euphoria and creativity
Thanks bud, soon as she breaks ground, I'll start up the journal, hopefully the other seeds pop tonight and she'll have some sisters to hang with! 😃 that's a cool strain by the sounds of it! I did some blue dream photos back in the day and they were magnificent!! 👌
Congrats @StarkRaven on your journal of the month nomination btw bro! You really deserve it 👌
The nomination alone made my day I'll let the more experienced growers lead by example I don't expect to win that would be crazzzyyyy 🙃🫠
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