My new grow space

Thanks SB. Super happy with the way things went and got all mixed up, in the future if anybody is going to do something like this I would recommend respirator from the beginning. Luckily I had one beside me just in case. The dust from some of the finer powders got Airborne as it was being mixed originally.
Speaking with Stank behind the scenes and I'm pretty proud to say that I finally received and mixed all of the Amendments that I needed to in order to create myself about 200L of Stank soil. I'm going to let it cook for the next 30 to 60 days at which point I will be able to use my ATF that I have been cloning in the stank soil to reunite them for the very first time north of the Border LOL.

Here's my final ingredients , including my base soil and what I used as my humic. I also bought another 30 pound bag of earthworm castings to be sure.

Super happy to finally get the stuff on your way....... Looks like my timing is going to be perfect.
Nice! I'm glad that you finally got the chance to mix everything! it's gonna make your life a bit easier:yahoo:
It should totally make things easier in there. Rather than multiple buckets, I should be able to just use foliar sprays and some drenches on my pots. Got to get through my present girls in flower and my next round in veg first, that'll give me 60 days worth of cook on the soil by the time my ATFs and my next round of Kushy Kush are making it into flower.

So Van, no plain water and no PH testing. Have you discovered any deficiencies yet, I know you've mentioned gypsum.....for calcium?
I ran into some issues under the new light. I am not sure what they are.....but I know if I don't keep them in 1 gallons for as long, there isn't an issue.

Originally I was trying to go about 2-3 weeks in the solo cup......then up pot to 1 gallons and try to keep them in 1 gallons for 4 weeks and then up pot to 5s (males if I want to harvest pollen), 7s (shorter flowering strains) and 10s for longer flowering strains about 2 weeks before flip. I was running into a deficiency showing up around week 3 in the 1 gallon pot. I have changed to putting them in 2 gallon pots instead of #1 so I will see if that solves my issue.

I am trying to figure out what deficiency I was seeing and I will make adjustments for the next batch. I will keep you posted.

You are correct.....I haven basically given up the PH pen and I have pretty much only been watering with ACT (not a really strong ACT) or water with a little fish emulsion fertilizer. I know the pH of my ACT seems to be around 7.5-7.7 so its not nearly as bad as my plain tap water (9.0-9.2).
Alright buddy well I'm on the right track......thanks for some clarity, as always.
My girls start off in the solos, likely til 30 days. They then spend 2-3 weeks in 1 gallon pots before going into their 4 gallons 10 -14 days beforr flower. I'm hoping that the 4 gallons will suffice for 8 week strains as I planned my space around them as final pot size . I may do the occasional sativa or special grow but once I'm in perpetual ATF and Kushy kush every 2 and 4 week mode, the Stank soil is gonna be crucial to me keeping up.

It's going to be super weird not Phing.. ..might need to wean myself off that habit lol.

So what are your main tea ingredients, and when? Are you reading your plants for when and what to add? is it obvious like fish emulsion for N etc? How long did you Veg your ATFs before flowering them in the Stank soil?

Sorry Van.....way easier than me pouring through your ATF journal......

Tonight I watered my 4 vetetan girls in flower. They're presently in the 900PPM range and on day 33 since flip. The newbys are on day 5 and are just starting to show signs of preflower. Theyre still presently still getting Veg nutrients.

In Veg, all 6 of my girls are getting full nutrients. Presently sitting at 900 ppm also, after adding some mycos and Grozyme to my final 5L in my bucket and finishing it off by soaking each of them thoroughly. All 6 also got their 1st dose of LST, just to help with light penetration.

In my seedling area, clones are popping roots everyday and I think I have twins for all of my girls presently growing......just a "just in case". Pennywise and Stank have both been addiment that I'm gonna love the Blueberry, so I've kept her around too. Funny because even though she's low on "usual" high levels of THC, you guys sing her praises and both my brother and my buddy want a shot at a I missing something lol?! to watch some LOS videos on YouTube.......goodnight 420magazine!!
Monsieur Stank.......1 more thing.....i mixed all of my ingredients together for my Stank soil the other day. How often do you remix it? Now that ive been able to afford it all, I dont want it to go mouldy lol. How often do you add water to the mix as it cooks? Ive already noticed tonight that it was warm to the touch.
@Van Stank, your advice is always taken as

@SquattingBear, luckily my girl also smokes, so a couple of totes in the basement is cool with her. Actually I don't think she's noticed them yet. She appreciates the dance......she certainly appreciates the erb lol.
Alright buddy well I'm on the right track......thanks for some clarity, as always.
My girls start off in the solos, likely til 30 days. They then spend 2-3 weeks in 1 gallon pots before going into their 4 gallons 10 -14 days beforr flower. I'm hoping that the 4 gallons will suffice for 8 week strains as I planned my space around them as final pot size . I may do the occasional sativa or special grow but once I'm in perpetual ATF and Kushy kush every 2 and 4 week mode, the Stank soil is gonna be crucial to me keeping up.

It's going to be super weird not Phing.. ..might need to wean myself off that habit lol.

So what are your main tea ingredients, and when? Are you reading your plants for when and what to add? is it obvious like fish emulsion for N etc? How long did you Veg your ATFs before flowering them in the Stank soil?

Sorry Van.....way easier than me pouring through your ATF journal......

Tonight I watered my 4 vetetan girls in flower. They're presently in the 900PPM range and on day 33 since flip. The newbys are on day 5 and are just starting to show signs of preflower. Theyre still presently still getting Veg nutrients.

In Veg, all 6 of my girls are getting full nutrients. Presently sitting at 900 ppm also, after adding some mycos and Grozyme to my final 5L in my bucket and finishing it off by soaking each of them thoroughly. All 6 also got their 1st dose of LST, just to help with light penetration.

In my seedling area, clones are popping roots everyday and I think I have twins for all of my girls presently growing......just a "just in case". Pennywise and Stank have both been addiment that I'm gonna love the Blueberry, so I've kept her around too. Funny because even though she's low on "usual" high levels of THC, you guys sing her praises and both my brother and my buddy want a shot at a I missing something lol?! to watch some LOS videos on YouTube.......goodnight 420magazine!!

Ok, so for my ACT (Aerated Compost Tea) I like to keep it simple, but I am starting to add a new item into my tea (Ground barley). My general tea recipe is 2-3 gallons of water that I let sit out for 24-48 hours. From there I have a "tea bag" that I got a grow store and I put in a red solo cup full of EWC (16 oz cup), 1/2 teaspoon of finely ground kelp (powder form), 1-2 tablespoons of Molasses. I let it brew in the 5 gallon bucket for 12-24 hours and use at full concentrate.

Now when I get close to flowering time, I start also adding just a little bit of seabird guano into the tea as well for the extra boost of "P". You can also add a teaspoon of guano as top dressing occasionally if you wanted...just don't over do it.

The new ingredient I started to play around is ground barley. Bobrown swears by it and says its legit in its ability to reduce flowering times. So I am starting to top dress with a couple teaspoons ever couple weeks and I have started to add it to my ACTs this last go around. I won't recommend you doing this until I have tried it out. I can risk losing a crop more so than you can my friend so once I have first hand experience in using it and seeing the results I will let you know what I think.
What Blueberry are you running? The Blueberry strain I am running lists their THC at about 17-18%. That isn't low THC brother. Now the Blueberry is a favorite of mine for a few reasons. First is that it isn't a KO type of Indica. It is a perfect evening time smoke for me. Its good with pain. It keeps me very cerebral and mentally functionable. It doesn't over power me and put me to sleep immediately (recommend a Hindu Kush if thats what you want). Its just a very enjoyable high. Mild body mind fuck games that some people complain about with Sativas....relaxing but not sedating.....full mental capacity (at least at lower to medium level doses) and then there is the smell!! Its just a good freaking smoke brother. Its on my list of "never out" which means I am going to have to grow another one here in a couple months.
Monsieur Stank.......1 more thing.....i mixed all of my ingredients together for my Stank soil the other day. How often do you remix it? Now that ive been able to afford it all, I dont want it to go mouldy lol. How often do you add water to the mix as it cooks? Ive already noticed tonight that it was warm to the touch.

Once you mix it up, assuming you mixed it good should be set. You want the soil damp but not wet. Always easier to add more water if necessary. I mixed mine up and put it in 20 gallon trash cans (plastic) and let it set. I just recently brought a 20 gallon bin inside that had been sitting outside since July. I let the soil 'warm' up in the basement for a few days and then I broke it open, separated it into 5 gallon buckets.....added a little bit of water to keep the soil damp....added a scoop of mycos and have the four 5 gallon buckets of soil sitting in my grow room waiting to be used.

It goes fast if you are using 7 and 10 gallon be warned.

You should be good in 4 or 5 gallon pots as long as you don't veg long. 2 weeks into the final pot and flip and you should be fine as long as you aren't running any 12-14+ week strains. I use 4 or 5 gallon pots for males, 5 gallons for fast flipping females, 7 gallons for shorter flowering strains and 10 gallon pots for longer flowering strains.
Once you mix it up, assuming you mixed it good should be set. You want the soil damp but not wet. Always easier to add more water if necessary. I mixed mine up and put it in 20 gallon trash cans (plastic) and let it set. I just recently brought a 20 gallon bin inside that had been sitting outside since July. I let the soil 'warm' up in the basement for a few days and then I broke it open, separated it into 5 gallon buckets.....added a little bit of water to keep the soil damp....added a scoop of mycos and have the four 5 gallon buckets of soil sitting in my grow room waiting to be used.

It goes fast if you are using 7 and 10 gallon be warned.

You should be good in 4 or 5 gallon pots as long as you don't veg long. 2 weeks into the final pot and flip and you should be fine as long as you aren't running any 12-14+ week strains. I use 4 or 5 gallon pots for males, 5 gallons for fast flipping females, 7 gallons for shorter flowering strains and 10 gallon pots for longer flowering strains.
There it is, page 13 14 and 15 into the guru's Bible..... LOL. Thanks again buddy.
There it is, page 13 14 and 15 into the guru's Bible..... LOL. Thanks again buddy.
Glad to help brother. My only word of caution is "if you are using top notch lights.....err on the side of caution and go one pot size bigger than you think you will need".
Glad to help brother. My only word of caution is "if you are using top notch lights.....err on the side of caution and go one pot size bigger than you think you will need".
Rider and i are in closed door talks on my new lights......hes the man as far as I'm concerned when it comes to building custom. He's got my dimensions, just figuring stuff pot size will have to be one of those additional items. Sorry too @Van Stank, missed your question earlier......pretty sure my Blueberry is Emerald guys have got me all excited about her lol.
Glad to help brother. My only word of caution is "if you are using top notch lights.....err on the side of caution and go one pot size bigger than you think you will need".
More light power more faster your plant grows so faster transplanting is the game right ?
More than anything, I love to smoke. I love nothing more than sitting down at a table with my girlfriend after dinner with a cup of coffee and a joint and talking about the day. It's one of the reasons that dabs really don't do it for me, because the social aspect is kind of lost. If it's a social smoke, and something that won't want to make my girlfriend pass out then hell, I'm all for it.

What's it now Van, like day 3 of my cook lol. It's almost as bad as waiting for my plants to grow.....

Speaking of plants, and on the complete opposite side of the DWC girl got her res change last night. I notice a bit of upturned edges on her leaves but no tip burn. It's likely due to the PK last week. I'll post pics tonight....
More light power more faster your plant grows so faster transplanting is the game right ?
More than anything Joe, what Van is saying is that you must be ahead of the growth of your plant with your pot size. If you increase your Par levels on your plant, you're increasing her needs. As she needs more, she needs Pot space. I can go a maximum of 5 gallons in my space so I will have to veg appropriately. I don't plan on anything really longer than a 30-day veg, after they have spent 20 to 30 days in the cloning tent as well. Each time they will be up potted from a solo, to a 1-gallon, to a 5-gallon in my situation......of course this is for the Stank soil.
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