My new grow space

Congrats on the sinsemillia! all that time invested rewarded. Guy, what did you do to sex it so quick? I think I followed your grow so far but may have missed that convo. Opps!
Thanks guys. So I have a bunch of ATF clones now, but in the start I only got 1 viable clone off her. I potted her almost 2 weeks ago and Shes been in my seedling area. On Saturday of last week, I introduced her to the flower room. Within 3 days she had visible preflowers all over her lower nodes. Now she's back in veg.....job well done sister!!
Tonight's update.

Truly my first flip day. In the past I have just changed a timer to reflect the seasons, But with my new space, I literally have to move my girls......pretty cool lol.

Ok so get right down to it. I'm going to do all 3 sections separately so I can keep track later.


Ok so my 3 White Rhino and my 3 Peyote cookies left veg today on their way up the corporate ladder. That leaves some room. I presently have clones of all of my mature plants, so I'm in pretty good shape. First my clones that have made it to soil
and my cloner.....still pretty stuffed. At least 1/2 Of these have a good root system.
On to veg......

The girls have moved on from VEG into flower. That list includes my now pretty giant female ATF, my 3 Kushy kush, 2 CBDurban and my blueberry. Yup, 7s right, 12 in flower is my max.

That's left a gaping you'll see my Crown Royales that is my next DWC nominee as well as My yet to be sexed ATF.
So lets fill ot up. Heres a typical uppot, a bit late but whatever, theyll have plenty of time to relax over the next 4 weeks or so.

And......with all the spaces filled up!
Not sure where my flower update went. It'll have to wait til tomorrow now......eyes closing .....gotta sleep!

Goodnight 420!!
Flower update.....

My first flip.....chaos in the house lol. I've got to remember to do more preparation in advanced of next month's flip. I also realize that these girls that just got flipped into flower had a short month.

So I will start off with a group shot of the seven that I just flipped into flower. That is 1 ATF (she's a beast), 2 CBDurban, 3 x Kushy Kush and my blueberry.
here's one of my Kushy's!
Here's my ATF just before the move. She looks kind of confused because I just took an additional couple of cuttings off her.
Next my overall shot of the Girls already in flower. My white cookies and my Alpha Dawg up front, followed by my two Crown Royal in the back.

When I first started to grow, I always thought that all weed was the same, despite the different names. Now when you look at these girls as they grow, it seems like no two single plants are the same, even from the same strain.

Close up of one of my Crown we go.......Mmmmmm!!
Next, my DWC White Cookies. She's been given pretty high ppm readings over her past 2 res changes. Into the 950-1000 range. That's DNF A+B, DNF bloom enhancer, CalMag and until this change, I ran 3/4 strength PK 13/14 last week.

I also added a light to my flower room yesterday that I purchased 3 weeks ago of Kijiji. It is a Zeal LED s900 Matrix. Made in the United States, uses high-quality meanwell drivers. Has 4 separate switches for blues, Reds, infrared and UVA/ UVB.

Rider and i have been discussing behind the scenes .... Lighting! This light is a good temporary fix until myself and Rider can get my custom light on the go. (Ryder if you are reading, I took some measurements last night, I'll make a drawing today. I'll send that over as soon as possible.)

I think that's it for now, not exactly sure how I created and then simultaneously completely deleted last night's was late lol???

Good morning 420!
Thanks brother, let's see how long I can keep up with the chaos LOL.
Here's my temporary beast. Kijiji find .....
$200, can't go wrong. Actual 650W draw.
I also added a light to my flower room yesterday that I purchased 3 weeks ago of Kijiji. It is a Zeal LED s900 Matrix. Made in the United States, uses high-quality meanwell drivers.
Not sure, Guy, but I think they're speaking Chinese here:
"New S series are carefully designed with all brusted aluminum set making it so unique in the market, As well as much lighter ,no brust or crrossion and fine heat dissipation"
:rofl::laugh::rofl: fucking dying scrog.....

Just driving through guy. Things look on point pal. Keep at it!
Things are rolling along beautifully brother! You are getting busy in there.....just watch you don't bite off too much that it starts eating into those other areas of your life. Can't wait to see how everything grows out!!
For does demand time lol. I've got no real "bad habits" though, time spent in the grow room is therapeutic at the best of times.
Speaking with Stank behind the scenes and I'm pretty proud to say that I finally received and mixed all of the Amendments that I needed to in order to create myself about 200L of Stank soil. I'm going to let it cook for the next 30 to 60 days at which point I will be able to use my ATF that I have been cloning in the stank soil to reunite them for the very first time north of the Border LOL.

Here's my final ingredients , including my base soil and what I used as my humic. I also bought another 30 pound bag of earthworm castings to be sure.

Super happy to finally get the stuff on your way....... Looks like my timing is going to be perfect.
Not sure, Guy, but I think they're speaking Chinese here:
"New S series are carefully designed with all brusted aluminum set making it so unique in the market, As well as much lighter ,no brust or crrossion and fine heat dissipation"
I knew I couldn't sneak one past you Pming you now. Got dimensions to share.
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