My LST Grow

This plant is about 36 in tall and I have buds starting /finishing all the way down the plant. I want to get one of those round wire things to pull my branches through so, I don't have to tie them off/down. Right now I am using bamboo and string to stretch the branches out. At the end of the month I am going to take a west coast class to supposedly learn how to get a pound a plant. I am going to try hydroponics at the end of the month the soil is killing me and the pocket book.
OK so heres a quick update of my baby plant. I still have it veg. I dont know how much longer i can go cause i don't know if I'm gonna be able to move it if i keep letting it get bigger. i still don't know how I'm gonna support this thing when it has buds everywhere. Does it look like it will get pretty big? Or should i just keep it in veg and not worry about it. I have all the room in the world to grow i just don't know if it'll get to big to where i can't move it around.

Hmm let me try to comment on some things. First Ocean forest and happy frog is a great mix just make sure you use the happy frog as the top layer or else you could burn the seedlings if you use ocean forest as the top. Hmm what else? Oh the size of the plant doesnt do much to determine yield unless you want a lot of spindly limbs and generally disappointing pot. The size of the container however determines the size of the plant. General consensus is 1 foot per gallon of container but I have found ways around that. I feel that you will be vegging your plants to long if you plan to wait until april to initiate flowering. More smaller plants will always trump a few larger plants in terms of dry yield. Since you arent using feminized seeds what you could do is place a black bag around 1 branch and secure it. Inside the black plastic bag you want to put the branch in a brown paper bag. This ensures no light will penetrate and you will find out the sex of the plant going off the one branch without flowering for 2 weeks and reverting back to veg which wastes time and growth. I'm sure there are things I have forgotten but those answers were generally for others posting.
Oh yeah I almost forgot. To answer your question you never want to stop using micro nutrients although you wont need many throughout they are vital. Grow big is helpful. I use it but I use it in conjunction with other products. Generally speaking as a new grower as long as you have great soil with excellent amendments (kelp,Guano,Seaweed,worm castings, blood meal ect) you will go far without the need for other nutes depending on how long you are planning to keep it in veg. A simple solution is a product I really like from miracle grow(Only miracle grow product I used with success for cannabis) are these little blue nutrient sticks they have. You can find them in a lowes nursery or anywhere really. They are little blue sticks with nkp as well as many of the micros. You bury them in the soils and they will disintegrate via time due to watering. They didnt cost much at all like 2.00 for the pack of 6 and they are time released so you wont overnute.
Nutes are good but a vast majority are crap and are made specifically to take advantage of the surge of growers. Grow big works Ive done grows with it and without to compare and it does make a difference so if you have the money to experiment its a great idea but if not dont worry much especially if you use foxfarm soil as it is packed full of great amendments to beneficial bacteria that work in symbiosis with the root zone. If you have access to compost you could make your own tea. All in all you are doing good I would just suggest not waiting so long to flower because while you are waiting all of that time you could be almost done with another crop and it will always equal more yield given the same circumstances
i have grow big ,big bloom and i add cal/mag to the water since I'm using R.O. water. i know i can get another grow waiting that long but i was wanting to c how big i could get them. i guess its more of a personal goal to see if i can do it. i also have some clones going that I'm gonna put in pots once they get a good root system. I'm gonna veg them for a month then flower them.
Oh I see. Well experiment away. Yeah I use big bloom as well all good products. I use city water. I filter it with a brita (kinda useless as a filter but I boil the water first). After the water cools I place it in a bucket throw in some hydrogen peroxide to help oxidize the water and let it sit for 3 days to let the chlorine evaporate. But yeah your plant will grow as big as you want and can sustain vegetative indefinitely as long as the light is adequate and doesnt trigger flowering. Just remember a bigger plant doesnt always mean more buds. Remember everytime you top it will divide the sizes of the rest of the colas and if you trim lower growth it will divert the energy to upper growth. If you lower the main branch even with side branch then the auxins will allow lower branches to catch up to the main top.
Yeah those drops work but I try not to spend more money especially with the huge hit I took on buying my led as well as replacing bulbs every other grow. It gets expensive. Plus due to where I live it is impractical to do reverse osmosis which is ideally what I would like to get rid of the flouride(For my family as much as for the plants)
Yeah if it were my grow and I thought like you did I would grow 1 plant to see the heights I could get and the rest do as you normally would or want to. The way I think of it as are exactly like those warning labels on most cleaning products. You want to test in 1 small area to see the results. I just would hate to see you invest months and months into vegging the plant and not to be happy with the end result. Im just telling you this because I vegged a plant for 5 months and it was tall and wide but if you dont have a ton of light you will just end up disappointed with the yield. If you have great light penetration and the space and time then you are all set though.
Happy Munchday Joe :thumb:
yep only place you can get real growth with huge heights and big bushy plants is outside in the sun
the only pics ive seen of 16 foot trees was outdoors
not to mention those big round orange tree looking bushes they growing out in cali
as seen on weed country
Weed country was amazing. I loved that shjow. Ive spoken to tawny 2 times on facebook. Real honest hard working and compassionate people.
So I'm thinking of putting her on 12/12. but i don't know if should keep it going or not. i have 5 clones off of her right now. 2 of them have rooted and the other 3 haven't yet. cause if i let it get any bigger i don't think i can move it. what u think
The male plant pollen ates the female plants. That is how you get seeds. If you just set him off to the side and the sacks burst you are going to have a mess. All your female plants will be full of seeds and lowers the quality of your smoke.
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