My LST Grow

So my plant seems like its starting to grow faster now. i don't know if its cause of the transfer to soil or that i stopped topping it. I'm trying to keep everything growing sideways but its pretty hard since i move this plant around everyday. also its in a pot around 2gal in size. should i be thinking of putting it in a bigger pot since it should grow 3 times its size when i put it in flower? i just hope this thing doesn't get to big to where i can't move it anymore. also I'm just giving it a t/l spoon of fox farm big bloom for the veg should i give it something better or is this good enough. its also in fox farm soil but the major part of the root is still in coco but I'm not sure if that matters or not. i plan on just feeding it the big bloom through out the grow. not sure if i should use the 20-20-20 on it at 1/4 or 1/2 strength cause it has micronutes in it or is it past the stage that it needs micronutes.
ok so i should be good then. i just don't know what kind of plant this is. i got a few seeds from my last plant so i had planted one of them and this is where I'm at now.

I also just put 6 seeds in soil right now. I'm gonna start a journal on them. I'm gonna veg them till april when the time changes then put them on 12/12 with nothing but sunlight then move them to the tent when there 12hrs is up lots of work but hey its my workout for the day.
So heres what my plant looks like today. She's looking pretty good and healthy glad i put here in soil cause i didn't like having ti do the nutes thing everyday.

I only top my plants once. From what I have been told that creates more dominant branches to develop instead of having one tall branch at the top like a christmas tree. are you feeding your plants? That is were I messed up and it gave me small plants.
Do you let it dry out? It helps build a stronger roots. I usually let my plants tell me when they need to be watered (with in reason) My soil temp is 60 to 65 degrees I try and keep my PH at 6.5. Right now I am using TGA soil and I thought that it would have enough nutrients in it to not have to add. And I was wrong :( so my bloom tent looks a bit on the sad side. My veg tent is O.K I don't plan on doing seeds again. out of 10 seeds only 5 came up. for me it is not worth the money I am going to try and stick to cloning.
i let them get pretty dry before i water. they sit outside in the sun so the pot tends to get a lil warm from the heat. was thinking of painting them white to keep some of the heat out. I've been pretty lucky with seeds so far but then again I've only done 6 so far.
I don't know if I would use paint because of the chemicals. Maybe, tinfoil wrapped around them? I have to many people around me to put plants out side. I have 18 in bloom and 20 in veg some are clones and some are older. They are in grow tents. my son and I just got through transplanting 10 of them. I hope that they are going to do better now that I am using nutrients. I feel a bit like a bumpkin for not putting that in the plants. I had all three, I just was not using it. live and learn :loopy:
i don't think the paint would hurt its on the outside. i doubt the paint would go thru if water can't come thru. i just went and bought some more soil to get my next grow ready I'm gonna do half happy frog/ocean forest and feed it extra nutes as i go. see how that goes.
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