My Low Budget Medical Grow

let em go wild you'll get bigger buds if you want to lollipop the flowers off the lowers of the plant but dont take any fan leaves or branching up top i think!
I finally put plywood over the tub for a floor and used some white plastic from the closet walls to tape to tent more. when I opened things up to put floor in the temps went up tp 80'f. I put the floor in with everything running and as soon as thigs sealed up better even with door open it went down to 77. Then I shut doors and it went down more to 74.I will check this out tomorrow on the overnight high but I have great hopes and I may be able to turn up the ballast.
It is lights on day 10 of flower in this picture and they were watered ph adjusted tap water too just before picture.The Blue Mystic and grape ape responded well to their low stress training,they were standing straight up 24 hours later andhtis would be day 3 here from then

and these girls are day 3 too and looking positive agin so far, like my last clone try and all rooting I have same feeling this time. some things repeated from that time was a nutrient watering on plants day of cutting clones and then the clones went right into a cup of water for a few minutes first before cleaning stems of leaves/sprouts and then I lightly scraped the stems putting some gel on with the razor blade.NOthing has rooted yet but they didnt wilt and look good so far:)

Happy 4/20/14 and Easter for those who observe:Namaste:
I have some pictures from last night to show how my girls are flowering at 2 weeks now.My Blue Mystic is with good growth but a slow preflower here.


I lowered those 2 main branches and decided to supercrop those middle 4 toppers. One of them may not recover but I did tape her for some help and thats how she looks in the tent now


The new height is 30 inches from floor on her.
My Grape ape is more pistiled up but shorter at only 24" from floor and I didnt mess with training


these 3rd gen jack herer clones are looking nice and a bit bigger than I remember my last clones going I will have to check on the cut to flower times to compare and they are at the 30" from floor level too.I didnt crop of lst them and will probably keep them to side of tent so the lowers may see more equal light.They are way faster flowering as you can see

and my lst 2 3rd gen herer clones with the one in the small pot and weakly ammended mix is my self seed project.She actually has a little longer flowering time but not much and the other one I trained real early but lost control of the main.So I will have the main behing the others getting light to help even out growth better I think.

My ammended mix that was partially cooked at first transplant and close to done at final shows decent plants but maybe too much N from the dark green and possibly slow flowering on the seed plants . That has been why I alternate ph adjusted water in between feedings.

By southern window at day and a little glow of hps at night are my seedlings for veggie gardens

from left to right are tomatillo ,jalopeno,red ? bell peppers, and then tomato's
I think those red ? seeds are from the red bells I grew last year and saved seed from because seeds I saved from store bought colored bells did not even sprout roots in the paper towel.I also have some burpee red bell seed sprouts popping through mix else where along with lettuce, basil, parsley and lemon balm maybe some cilantro but I forget that one now:tokin:
Thank you for checking out my grow good people of 420 magazine:thanks:
and I was not liking reading how I said happy Easter to those who observe because my family does and I wont worry on offending and seperating peoples beliefs any more :peace:
Hello gentelmens and ladys im new at this site :) so i cant even find out how to make my own forum.sorry for my eng. so i came here to find some help.I m wanna start grow in gorilla grow tent 10-20-6'11 .i was thinking useing 4 1000w HID and use hydroponic budet is 8000$ .i will planing grow big now im getting confuse.i did many research.but still.....can you pls tell me from where best to buy full complectation grow lights system.hydroponic system.and what els i need for this size tent.and from where best to buy?pls help me:Namaste:
Welcome to 420 magazine Bro this is the best place to learn from and if you come back to this post I would recommend a better spot to post your question,mostly where more people can see it and that would be at the "introduce myself" under 420 Lounge in title up above
Introduce Yourself
and under the Grow room title next to it there is Frequently asked questions and Grow Lighting and more.
Frequently Asked Questions
Grow Lighting
is a good spot to be asking how to set up a decent grow.
I would check into our sponsors for some great equipment from this link
Sponsors | 420 MAGAZINE ®
8000 budget sounds nice to have and will set you up good
I hope you find some help needed and then start a grow and show it on a journal:thumb:
Welcome to 420 magazine Bro this is the best place to learn from and if you come back to this post I would recommend a better spot to post your question,mostly where more people can see it and that would be at the "introduce myself" under 420 Lounge in title up above
Introduce Yourself
and under the Grow room title next to it there is Frequently asked questions and Grow Lighting and more.
Frequently Asked Questions
Grow Lighting
is a good spot to be asking how to set up a decent grow.
I would check into our sponsors for some great equipment from this link
Sponsors : 420 MAGAZINE ®
8000 budget sounds nice to have and will set you up good
I hope you find some help needed and then start a grow and show it on a journal:thumb:

Thank you for your help mate :) :thanks:
your very welcome BOSSGREEN I was surprised to see your question and first post here and almost thought you wouldn't return.I seen you went to introduce yourself this morning and give it time,people may ask questions on sizes to give you the best answers
and I'm sorry for the "Bro"

I was wondering on your tent size you posted 10-20-6'11. WHat I mean is if the 10 - 20 represent inches then 4 1000w HID is too much for that. In my homemade tent set up I am running one 600w hid and have to keep the power turned down to 75% on that digital ballast to help control the heat.This grow space is close to 4 feet deep by 4 feet wide and 5 feet tall.
I just want you to be careful when shopping since everybody wants your money and will tell you the get this get that at the store or on advertisements.
I have to ask if you have your tent already and if those measurements are inches to help you better on a light(s) purchase. I also wanted to recommend a sponsor to 420 that is an active member here with great grow knowledge
JJ Bones at Advanced Gardening for Indoor Hydroponic Grow Rooms and Organic Greenhouses
Get 5% OFF awesome grow gear, coupon code: 420mag (420mag Sponsor)
Most active sponsor, 420mag member for 5 years
Questions? Email:
your very welcome BOSSGREEN I was surprised to see your question and first post here and almost thought you wouldn't return.I seen you went to introduce yourself this morning and give it time,people may ask questions on sizes to give you the best answers
and I'm sorry for the "Bro"

I was wondering on your tent size you posted 10-20-6'11. WHat I mean is if the 10 - 20 represent inches then 4 1000w HID is too much for that. In my homemade tent set up I am running one 600w hid and have to keep the power turned down to 75% on that digital ballast to help control the heat.This grow space is close to 4 feet deep by 4 feet wide and 5 feet tall.
I just want you to be careful when shopping since everybody wants your money and will tell you the get this get that at the store or on advertisements.
I have to ask if you have your tent already and if those measurements are inches to help you better on a light(s) purchase. I also wanted to recommend a sponsor to 420 that is an active member here with great grow knowledge
JJ Bones at Advanced Gardening for Indoor Hydroponic Grow Rooms and Organic Greenhouses
Get 5% OFF awesome grow gear, coupon code: 420mag (420mag Sponsor)
Most active sponsor, 420mag member for 5 years
Questions? Email:

no it represents feets.its biggest gorilla tent i find. :) i was also looking at supercloset complete tents.but i'm not sure about whey quality.i still don't have tent ,i just want in a 2days find out what i need ,what's best,and from where to buy and buy :)
I had to turn the light off tonight for a few hours to dry up I hope so I could spray all my plants down with neem oil and soap spray because I noticed mites on the "seed project" herer clone.They had been there enough for spots to be seen only on that one so far but I sprayed everyone at16 days flower.I still am trying to handle them on at night where I dont have much time at the end in the morning when the best time to spray is so I hope they do alright tonight.Here is turning light off but I will have it back on after about 2 hours at just 50% power.

Here is that snapped stem I taped standing tall, like all the others did after supercropping you can see on her in the far back of last picture

My Grape Ape is doing OK with some good growth



Time for bed Thanks for stopping by:Namaste:
I finally put down the bluemystic male I left out of tent getting weak cfl light.It was underdeveloped and did not open up any flowers but I was wanting to investigate how the roots responded to the last transplant where I didnt have enough soil mix to fill pots and used coarse perlite. This is a start but I think the female Blue Mystic in flower is way better as she is filling real estate in the tent by more than doubling size in stretch so far, today is flower day 19 for the crew

My worry on the BM and Grape Ape in flower from that transplant is the perlite drying faster than the bottom of pot and I want to put a mulch to help.I have some sifted compost trying to get solarized in a clear plastic bag outside except its not as warm out as I'd like but I plan on mulching my pots in flower soon and maybe putting down a dry ferlizer first like high P bat guano or seabird guano.But Im wrestling with idae of a guano tea watered in instead of that we will see how I do it.
SO far the 3 jack herer clones that were transplanted into the cooking or cooked mix I made that had high P guano stirred in bottom of transplant hole are looking the best. This idea was read from DocBud on an exp he did and I thought was succesful but with his high brix grow which mine is not even close too.The weakest plant is the one in a weak soil mix I wanted to get some self seeds from.Thats probably why the mites are on that one I will have to spray tonight again.
The other one I didnt put guano in I was originally gonna keep as a mom until I panicked and changed up grow and flowered her.That one has same soil in there just minus the extra P and thats what Im comparing to the 3 doing good too,here are the mains of them from last night

and you can see how good the Blue Mystic in the back is doing with the Grape Ape up front looking good too in this one

I am ready for the stretch to end and hope some nice buds come off them I have 2 months until harvesting anything here I think. 70 days from flip is June 18th.the herer clones were preflowering at the flip and I seen pistils on the fem seed Grape Ape 1 day in flower and 6 days in on the Blue Mystic.50 - 6o days flower on grape ape and 8/9 weeks for blue mystic says breeders and lets me hope everybody should be done at the ten weeks.
Last night I gave ph adjusted water to the seed project herer and the blue mystic and grape ape only as the other herer clones didnt dry out from last nutrient watering maybe tonight I will water those and try for better pictures
Thankyou for checking in on my grow:Namaste:
I gotta spray tonight and will look at hydro store for KingJohnC's mention way back of our sponsor
Sierra Natural Sciences makes 2 products to kill spider mites and thrips SNS-217C Concentrate and SNS-209 Systemic Insect Control. I add 3-5 drops of Ivory Liquid Soap per gallon as a surfactant to help the spray stick to leaves and stems better. I would spray every 3 days for 2 weeks to kill adults and larvae as they hatch.

Sierra Natural Science | Science Engineered natural pesticides sns-217c

Sierra Natural Science | Science Engineered natural pesticides sns-209
I know they have the spray but I would try the water in kind to if they have and its affordable.this Mite issue early was disappointing this round.Devestation can happen in the 2 months I need
:woohoo: seed project! :cheer:

Thanks Relaxed Lester Im hoping for a couple female seeds naturally with too long a flower on this plant.I have seen nanners 9 weeks in but by harvest had no seeds=maybe 3-4 weeks longer?

sorry about the mites, but WOW is all I can say!
I hope to control them b.real otherwise this grow looks to be doing better than normal :thanks:
I have been realizing that this current flower is the biggest area I have ever had. I have 7 plants under the light and the Blue Mystic has stretched so much that I cant take her out of the tent with current door opening.I had to raise my light the highest and she followed,and drys out faster. I dont know if this stretch is normal or if there is some heavy sativa influence on this pheno.I was trying for indica and the Grape Ape looks like one , not so stretchy,shorter nodes lots of buds .
I also did get SNS 217 spray bottle at the hydro store and did spray all my plants down. NO damage done with this new product I tried leaving lights off after about 4hours into lights when sparayed and they had 20 hours dark that night now about 3 days ago.
I do have a rooted clone on each strain flowering too which is great but no veg soace. I will have to rig something up.
I also am gonna sprinle some P guano over top of each pot and cover with my home made compost.With around 6 more weeks of flower left I hope it gets used and think the compost will help with that and keeping some moisture for roots through the perlite while maybe adding helpful other stuff.
Here are some old pictures I had taken from a couple weeks back and since then I have barely taken care of my grow. My spider mite problem is OK after useing that SNS 217 only 2 times.Lately the heat has been the problem. the BM 2 plant grew so tall out of light stretching longer than 21 days. Those topper leaves all got the claw look bad,looking too much N so I layed off the fertilizer on her.I was reading up on that and read that also not enough light can do this as the N in those leaves cant be used and they get that toxicity look so I ended up supercropping the middle ones and kinda bent over the end ones.The cropped ones turned up at the tip and have better looking tiny leaves there but the older clawed leaves are still hanging around.This blue mystic look rough and bare compared to my Herers and Grape ape.I have no current pics but the dates are on the pictures from when they were took.This is my Blue Mystic at 21 days pf 12/12 flower ( too big for tent I think) before I raised my light to highest and she already had light clawing

then to the side were she still is now

I did not use this properly since I was in flower already but am very happy with this stuff.I would like to use their line up of products someday for my grow and the right way.

Here is my Grape ape at 24 days flowering with a little leaf clawing or other issues.

I tried to stop ph adjusting my tap water and they have had just plain tap water to keep ph up to help slow down the N from the soil mix I made. I also have to say I never used my sifted compost as a mulch or sprinkled guanp either like planned.From the compost getting soaked with rain at first outside and then procastination I realized I may have passed the time for it to work best, teh fertilizer that is but the compost mulch I think would have helped me and I guess could still be done.
With changing lights on from days to nights now it has more taken me out the picture more with less attention now and opurtunities to photo and " stare" at them. Then the new and multiple strains is not so fun either after being use to mostly my herers which are doing Ok it seems currently.
you can see the out of light shadow here for the Blue Mystic

Today is flower day 35 and half way to the anticipated harvest.I think the buds should fatten up hopefully doubling size I hope :) and hopefully just to grow on the BLue mystic my worst and biggest plant
I know they need to be watered or fed tonight and that will depend on my thoughts on them then and also trying to remember what I did last few times. I will try to take current photos and be back on here tonight with them. Thankyou for reading this :420:
My grow is still going and current thoughts on it are this is will be last flower over tub, and back to closet or nothing:( Gonna resign lease and probably new closet set up with LED in my dreams ha ha but just back to closet since it would be life changing for me to stop growing my meds since I cant afford them from a dispensary and just the love of growing this beautiful plant.:peace:
one of the biggest plants I've seen you grow. you should have a lot of big buds and they should be potent :high-five:

I hope those mites stay away for good.
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