My Introduction To DWC Hydroponics

I am running sterile hydro and nutes from a non-sponsor but it appears the plants are more concerned with the ppm than the supplier.
I have only seen root issues during the first hydro grow. I corrected that with slow release peroxide (3%). (my res was 75 deg. plus). My roots always look wonderful now and grow so quickly that using them as an indicator would be difficult.
I know the volume of my "root chamber" for a couple of reasons:
1. I needed to know precisely so I could perform a drought in the time frame required.
Yes, I've droughted using a 100% hydroton medium. So I went strictly based on the LWA (leaf wilt angle). But I read some of the droughting thread (hard to keep up with it).
2. More importantly, I needed to know how long I could be gone trout fishing.
Damn straight brother.
One of the advantages of the yellow tips indicator is that you can see results almost immediately to changes in your solution. The tips are visible in the new leaf clusters long before they ever spread.
With the size of my root chamber I have found that one res will last up to six weeks of veg (I consider above ground as beginning of veg).
6 weeks? Good gosh, ive never gone that long without swapping in a fresh reservoir. Mine holds roughly 19 gallons (in the tent). My new cabinet setup, I'd have to do some math. Don't hold your breath :rofl:.
I start of with the seedling ppm of around 200 and add additional nutes as she grows until I reach around 900.
I do roughly the same. I start with plain cal mag thats a 1-0-0. 50-100 ppm to start. Once she needs more than that, I start the GH FloraNova Grow. But I mainly only add nutrients when doing a res change now.
I only add RO, MSA, and Calmag after that. Around 750 ppm triggers a res change so we are pretty close on that one.
I think you're misinterpreting what I mean by "reading the roots". The roots would "speak" via the PPM rises/drops.

You Grow some of the most beautiful massive roots my friend- I wouldn't dare tell you to change anything there.

Your method seems to be slightly different from mine and how I know how to do it. Nothing wrong with that...sounds like your hot topping for the first six weeks?

I may eventually do a sterile run again, just to see if I notice a difference. I haven't done a sterile run since my 1st or 2nd grow.
Yes, I've droughted using a 100% hydroton medium. So I went strictly based on the LWA (leaf wilt angle). But I read some of the droughting thread (hard to keep up with it).

Damn straight brother.

6 weeks? Good gosh, ive never gone that long without swapping in a fresh reservoir. Mine holds roughly 19 gallons (in the tent). My new cabinet setup, I'd have to do some math. Don't hold your breath :rofl:.

I do roughly the same. I start with plain cal mag thats a 1-0-0. 50-100 ppm to start. Once she needs more than that, I start the GH FloraNova Grow. But I mainly only add nutrients when doing a res change now.

I think you're misinterpreting what I mean by "reading the roots". The roots would "speak" via the PPM rises/drops.

You Grow some of the most beautiful massive roots my friend- I wouldn't dare tell you to change anything there.

Your method seems to be slightly different from mine and how I know how to do it. Nothing wrong with that...sounds like your hot topping for the first six weeks?

I may eventually do a sterile run again, just to see if I notice a difference. I haven't done a sterile run since my 1st or 2nd grow.
I'm hot topping once per week for the first four. The remaining veg is a depletion of what is in the reservoir until I flip or it hits 750 ppm. So I guess that constitutes reading the roots.:thumb:

The CalMag I use is 4-0-0.
Can you explain how this would be calculated? I am very interested in understanding this, so maybe I can replicate some of your success.
Don't get too wrapped up with this one, it is sort of a brain twister. You and I grow in different size containers.
Mine has 17 gallons and yours has 3 1/2 gallons.
Let's say we both have a ppm reading of 1000.
Both of our plants drink 2 gallons of solution in a day.
We both add two gallons of RO back.
My ppm reading is now 950.
What would yours be?
Don't get too wrapped up with this one, it is sort of a brain twister. You and I grow in different size containers.
Mine has 17 gallons and yours has 3 1/2 gallons.
Let's say we both have a ppm reading of 1000.
Both of our plants drink 2 gallons of solution in a day.
We both add two gallons of RO back.
My ppm reading is now 950.
What would yours be?
for mine a much lower ppm than 950. thats a 66% dilution @2 gal added ro. bucket change for sure.
I am at least starting to gain a foothold in some basics. I was kind of planning to flip complete Hydro next run. @Rexer hooked me up with a RDWC kit manufacturer and I bought a13 gallon kit with 5 towers. One is the rez. Plan to put the system smack dab under the Next Light Mega and start doing things brilliantly.

My proper test equipment will all be available by then.
Ahoy There!
I am not complaining, but I am. The hardest folks to get benefit from our medicine seem to flock to me.
Wow, was I gonna start bitching about how hard it can be to judge dosing on new patients. Shame on me. Shame

53 year old white male
never tried cannabis in any form
the gentleman has a clinically low IQ adding to the dosing criteria
questions will often be answered with what he thinks I want him to say, instead of his own feelings.
comes to us with degenerative knees, and no insurance.
one of the most beautiful persons I could ever hope to meet.
if he is not wearing a shirt, he gave it to someone who wanted it. :love:

I started him on a 1/2 @Carcass Teddy bear, with his promise to hold there until tomorrow. I sent him off with a bundle of 50 trusting he will not get into them without my knowledge.
Hi @LKABudMan
Should have ordered transfer pump when you first mentioned it. Mrs Maritimer is not real happy watching the checkbook, but after only two buckets it will be worth the whining. hehe
If you keep the transfer pump process like I did I suggest 4 rechargeable batteries. I use a tfer pump to water and swap batteries a couple of times a year. Makes it seamless. Ok I see others do it too.
Can you believe it.
No alcohol, or sedatives of any kind.
Just Northern Stankberry.
Thanks bro
A dream sleep! That does it! After this Cherries DubeLee run I gotta run a Northern stank! We both sleep poorly here!

Only 8 pages before I realized you're posting in your own journal brother! I'm picking up! :laugh: New things are good!
If you keep the transfer pump process like I did I suggest 4 rechargeable batteries. I use a tfer pump to water and swap batteries a couple of times a year. Makes it seamless. Ok I see others do it too.

A dream sleep! That does it! After this Cherries DubeLee run I gotta run a Northern stank! We both sleep poorly here!

Only 8 pages before I realized you're posting in your own journal brother! I'm picking up! :laugh: New things are good!
Ahoy me brother,
Learning how to run in Hydro has been on this mans bucket list for a long time. So far, its been a blast. I would not be saying that without all the help I have gotten here. My wife is starting to think I am smart. I tell her my secret. I surround myself with smart folks and it makes me look better than I am. That is what glued me to you. :love:

Thanks to everyone helping me scratch this line item off my bucket list.
Ahoy me brother,
Learning how to run in Hydro has been on this mans bucket list for a long time. So far, its been a blast. I would not be saying that without all the help I have gotten here. My wife is starting to think I am smart. I tell her my secret. I surround myself with smart folks and it makes me look better than I am. That is what glued me to you. :love:

Thanks to everyone helping me scratch this line item off my bucket list.
Hehe, and that's what glues me to you! The secret to success!

It's amazing what a water grow is!
Ahoy There!
Yesterday, I was sitting in the garden trying to imagine improvements to my little operation. I have done this repeatedly during my garden runs, always seeking a better way. It is equally exciting and embarrassing, to share my next change.

As I sat there and looked at my 3 empty buckets it occurred to me. Drill holes for the airlines in the wall separating the bloom room from the empty veg room. Walah!!! I am back in business thanks to the mobility of my DWC buckets. I won't be able to do that when I put together my RDWC, but for now I am jazzed.

@Rexer, you told me to let you know when I run the little beans. I have beans in the soak bath awaiting your instructions. Why didn't I think of this a month ago? Yikes 👩‍🌾
Ahoy There!
Yesterday, I was sitting in the garden trying to imagine improvements to my little operation. I have done this repeatedly during my garden runs, always seeking a better way. It is equally exciting and embarrassing, to share my next change.

As I sat there and looked at my 3 empty buckets it occurred to me. Drill holes for the airlines in the wall separating the bloom room from the empty veg room. Walah!!! I am back in business thanks to the mobility of my DWC buckets. I won't be able to do that when I put together my RDWC, but for now I am jazzed.
Nice move Maritimer! Once that RDWC is setup- she ain't budging.
@Rexer, you told me to let you know when I run the little beans. I have beans in the soak bath awaiting your instructions. Why didn't I think of this a month ago? Yikes 👩‍🌾
Talk about timing! Two of my 4 seeds have popped above ground this morning. I've water tested my rdwc the last few days, and have all the leaks plugged up. So I'll have at least 2 plants in the cabinet within the week.

Ok Maritimer- here is my method for germination into veg:

I start with plain RO the first day or two. Really you have 5-6 days before nutrients must be introduced. Mine are almost always in the system before that happens.

Do you use plugs of any sort for your seeds?

I use Rapid Rooters. As soon as the roots start poking through, I move them into the system.

Take your net cup. Place hydroton on the bottom, and fill it about 1/2 way. Place your plug gently onto the hydroton, and fill the net cup the rest of the way up.

You may have a day or two where you need to occasionally dump some water from the reservoir, over top of the roots. Once they get into the moist pebbles at the bottom, stop top feeding.

For your reservoir. Make your mix using cal mag only to get them started.
Just incrementally add a bit of cal mag in, until you hit 100PPM or so (a bit above/below is ok). PH and add benificals. That's it.

Be forewarned: it takes very tiny amounts of PH up/down with low PPMs in the res, to change the PH.

You will then build onto that cal mag, and slowly introduce your trio.
Hi @Rexer,
The plan is to germinate seeds following the waterboarding technique. That amounts to a wet washcloth folded over the seeds in a sealed plastic bag. After I get at least 1/2 inch taproot showing I will put the seedling in rock wool cubes soaked in RO with a smidge of CalMag.
Then as you said
As soon as the roots start poking through, I move them into the system.
Take your net cup. Place hydroton on the bottom, and fill it about 1/2 way. Place your plug gently onto the hydroton, and fill the net cup the rest of the way up.
You may have a day or two where you need to occasionally dump some water from the reservoir, over top of the roots. Once they get into the moist pebbles at the bottom, stop top feeding.
For your reservoir. Make your mix using cal mag only to get them started.
Just incrementally add a bit of cal mag in, until you hit 100PPM or so (a bit above/below is ok). PH and add benificals. That's it.
Be forewarned: it takes very tiny amounts of PH up/down with low PPMs in the res, to change the PH.
You will then build onto that cal mag, and slowly introduce your trio.

Right now, I wait for the beans germinate on the waterboard with crossed fingers.
Thanks bro
Ahoy There!
I am gearing up @Rexer my man. Got a pair (maybe 3) of the youngins in the wool. They are from across the pond and took forever to finally clear the boys of the New York's Customs station. Anyhow the nomenclature describes them as Girl Scout Cookies X Jack the man Herer. I ran jack cookies before. These are destined for the bubble buckets.

Got a question about how we know when to change a reservoir based on ppm. At this point I am sticking by the once a week 100% change. But if my girl had more about herself (petite) she would eat more and so when do we hit a decent reward for changing solution based on ppm alone?
Had my spinal stimulator hung Thursday. Managed the day but not the relief I had hoped for as of yet. On a 7 day trial outside my skin before deciding on the implant. Doctor told me to "Grow On" and do my normal activities. He is aware of @Maritimer. I just spotted a @MaritimeGal. As Tom Brady would say "WHAAAT". On serious meds tonight, better be nice and say Hello.

Forgot what I was gonna say.
@West Hippie just thinking of you. Hope all is well.
Hi @Maritimer

Hope your doing well brother!

Got a question about how we know when to change a reservoir based on ppm. At this point I am sticking by the once a week 100% change. But if my girl had more about herself (petite) she would eat more and so when do we hit a decent reward for changing solution based on ppm alone?

Great question.
I believe that once around 60%~70% of the initial PPMs have been depleted.

So for example:
New reservoir set at 1000PPM
Daily topping of plain RO water until 400PPM is left. Then change and reset new reservoir.

You could push it till 300PPM, but at around that point you could get into lockouts due improper ratios.

Hope that helps!
How do you reach into a bag of seeds and get 100% male picks for 8 seeds! 8 ! Think you can do it again?
I've read that the sex of canna seeds is not necessarily set m/f but can be affected by environment, the more ideal the conditions the higher the chance of female and vice versa.

If you've not changed anything about your setup, it will be interesting to see how you fare with the new starts.
I've read that the sex of canna seeds is not necessarily set m/f but can be affected by environment, the more ideal the conditions the higher the chance of female and vice versa.

If you've not changed anything about your setup, it will be interesting to see how you fare with the new starts.
Hope you are well.
No changes on my end.
I would be really surprised if the X and Y get influenced by the environment, but what the hay.
I've read that the sex of canna seeds is not necessarily set m/f but can be affected by environment, the more ideal the conditions the higher the chance of female and vice versa.

If you've not changed anything about your setup, it will be interesting to see how you fare with the new starts.
I've heard those rumors too Azi. I only know that when I germ some of them it'll be lots of them! Funny thing. The pollen of the Red Sky was quite viable on the first run. A few months later and I was lucky to get 2 or 3 seeds where I'd see 20 or 50. Other pollens acted differently.
I've had more than my share of females, statistically speaking. I also try to use the seeds with a more 'volcano' type end rather than a more ragged one. Those are supposed to lean more female as well. Could be bro science, but also no downside that I can see from trying. Video
Had my spinal stimulator hung Thursday. Managed the day but not the relief I had hoped for as of yet. On a 7 day trial outside my skin before deciding on the implant. Doctor told me to "Grow On" and do my normal activities. He is aware of @Maritimer. I just spotted a @MaritimeGal. As Tom Brady would say "WHAAAT". On serious meds tonight, better be nice and say Hello.

Forgot what I was gonna say.
@West Hippie just thinking of you. Hope all is well.
Thanks Maritimer I’m doing good could be better I should’ve already been growing. I’ve been watching you your doing great on the grows .
The ppm thing I run below @InTheShed city water ppm before I change out the bucket but that’s just me got lazy using the cheap nutrients. Once the girls start using 2 gallons a day of ro out of 3 gallons the bucket changes come every 3-4 days cause it’s down to the 300 ppm .
Rdwc is a lot less work , that’s why I love flood and drain one tub to change .
Keep up the great work you do catch y’all later .
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