My Introduction To DWC Hydroponics

Oh no. :rolleyes:
You have smoke detectors and a fire extinguisher until you get reorganized, correct?
What was the defect?

#Vivosun #LoveWhatYouGrow
Bill284 😎
outdated/insufficient abc extinguisher's.
insufficient detectors

parts on order my good man.
I read a post from @Grand Daddy Black a while ago that sent chills down my back. Another member had asked GDB about going hydroponic...

My brother ... this shitz is 2 much work for an old man in my condition. You handled the question so graceful. Damm
turn 64 tomorrow, spinal stenosis/scoliosis/retrolosis/ 6 crushed discs. Not the young Marine I think I am. Going down to 1 bucket hydro next run. Peat based is my speed.
turn 64 tomorrow, spinal stenosis/scoliosis/retrolosis/ 6 crushed discs. Not the young Marine I think I am. Going down to 1 bucket hydro next run. Peat based is my speed.

Can I make a suggestion brother? Get or build yourself a SIP. Forget the work of hydro in fill it with peat based soil-less. No dicking with pH. No dicking with runoff. I used to tote mine to the tub for watering to deal with the runoff. Now I water in place and getting better than peat in fabric pots results. I'm pretty confident that 2 plants are gonna give me yields close to the 4 I'd usually grow in the same space.

I read a post from @Grand Daddy Black a while ago that sent chills down my back. Another member had asked GDB about going hydroponic...

My brother ... this shitz is 2 much work for an old man in my condition. You handled the question so graceful. Damm
Maybe if he got out of the 3 gallon bucket into a 5 gallon bucket he might not have had as much trouble. 64 Happy Birthday Young one .
I'm trying a SIP right now if you want to look in the Cherries DubeLee. It's my first and I'm not sold yet. It's a very different grow experience. Anyway, I put the soil in and so far I haven't even taken off her rain hat to look at it. She's growing stronger than any previous plants so far. I mean fat rigid branches and giant leaves! Put her to flower yesterday. Pouring ro water in the tube each day is all. I had some cal and mag issues that some epsom and a little cal/mag took care of right down the pipe. Come have a see.

Happy Birthday young man! Mmmmm cake on your birthday! Love a birthday party! :passitleft: Wedding Cake today. It ain't birthday cake but it's what I got!
@Maritimer . Happy Birthday youngster. Unfortunately our bodies don't stay as young as we do.

Try the larger reservoirs before giving up on hydro. I grow a single plant in a twenty gallon res (17 gallons of solution). I perform a res change every three weeks or so. In between I add between one to two gallons of RO each day. Maybe once a week I'll add MSA and CalMag to help her tolerate the LEDs better. It can manage at least three or four days all by itself while I'm in the mountains.

Keep smiling.
Oh boy
Getting my rear kicked with the best growth I have ever witnessed. But... my ceiling is only 6ft 4 inches from floor.

I was reading about SIP. I will wait to hear more from my brother @StoneOtter, but I must say with @Azimuth and my mentor @farside05 both in SIP I bet we check it out soon.
Maybe if he got out of the 3 gallon bucket into a 5 gallon bucket he might not have had as much trouble. 64 Happy Birthday Young one .
Hi Hip,
These are 5 gallon buckets. Now the root balls stick inside the almost empty bucket and with the root ball being so large its hard to stuff back in the bucket when nute change needed. Biggest girl is chugging over 1.5 gal a day now.
@Maritimer . Happy Birthday youngster. Unfortunately our bodies don't stay as young as we do.

Try the larger reservoirs before giving up on hydro. I grow a single plant in a twenty gallon res (17 gallons of solution). I perform a res change every three weeks or so. In between I add between one to two gallons of RO each day. Maybe once a week I'll add MSA and CalMag to help her tolerate the LEDs better. It can manage at least three or four days all by itself while I'm in the mountains.

Keep smiling.
I got a plan for a single DWC bucket with heated reservoir that will compliment my four Peat based plant runs. I might not win any prize for its design but I think it will work.
Crazy good growth! How many days in flower are they?
27 days in flower so far. I am really hoping they will finish faster than 9 weeks in flower. When I go to pick her up out of the bucket I need an assistant to hold the bucket down while I lift her. Otherwise she just stays with the bucket no matter how hard I try. LOL
The caption of the 2nd pic says end of week 4.
Yeah, it is off by a day or two. was reading your SIP thread and decided it was worth a try. I will be able to scrog my next attempt in a couple weeks at a home made RDWC single..
Crazy good growth! How many days in flower are they?
I see your signature line has another MOY listed. Congratulations my friend. U dezerve its I says 👩‍🌾
27 days in flower so far. I am really hoping they will finish faster than 9 weeks in flower. When I go to pick her up out of the bucket I need an assistant to hold the bucket down while I lift her. Otherwise she just stays with the bucket no matter how hard I try. LOL
Damn! At least they should be done stretching at this point.
The caption of the 2nd pic says end of week 4.
Weeks are stupid. Days for the win. :)

I mean "thanks farside!"
I see your signature line has another MOY listed. Congratulations my friend. U dezerve its I says
Thank you kindly Maritimer. :Namaste:
I see your signature line has another MOY listed. Congratulations my friend. U dezerve its I says 👩‍🌾

After a while they'll run out of room, erase it all, and just put "The Man, The Myth, The Legend".
I was reading about SIP. I will wait to hear more from my brother @StoneOtter, but I must say with @Azimuth and my mentor @farside05 both in SIP I bet we check it out soon.
I like the simplicity of the grow and the big time results. No pH'ing, no reservoir changes, can use organic soils and nutes and get hydro and coco type results. Plants are super robust with nice thick stems and bushy growth.

The grow containers are easy and inexpensive to build, and I think its really fun growing this way.

There are more and more of us growing with SIPs and many of the grows are highlighted in the #SIP Club thread. Great results from even new growers since there's no learning curve for proper watering.
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