OK guys, I've got a plan (Uh Oh).... lol. As I said before, I plan on topping & cloning these gals for mothers to get 3-4 grows out of them. Once these clones are big enough I plan to take 3 clones from one plant. I'm going to grow these 3 different ways to compare the growth.
#1: Will be the usual way with the MC equivalents.
#2: Will be grown the usual soil way, but with Super Soil in the bottom 3rd of the pot.
#3: Will be grown in a 5 gal. Self Wicking Bucket with Super Soil in the bottom 3rd.
I see
@Krissi1982 pulling 10 oz. plants with similar wicking pots so I'm going to give it a try.
She's pulling the kinds of yields that put a smile on my face !
The 3 bucket self wicking kit comes with the pieces to do 3 - 5 gal. buckets for about $47.
I'm not sure which Super Soil I'll use yet. I've only found 2 (SoHum & Coast of Maine).
SoHum is $47 & Coast is $36 for 1.5 Cu. Yds. Not sure if one is better than the other so if you know... please let me know. I'll be ordering this stuff sometime this week so hopefully I'll get some feedback on the soil before I order it.
Thanks !
Bad part of all this is.... If the wicking buckets & Super Soil work well I'll have a 25 lb. unopened bag of MC to get rid of.
I would send this to Shed as a gift for all the help he's provided & putting up with my shit. I do like the MC equivalents as far as the health of the plants. They come out looking really good. But I'm still not pulling the yields.
Not saying it has anything to do with MC as I doubt that. More like the grow method itself if anything.
Maybe I should do 4 Clones & try the MC equivalents in a Wicking Bucket too. I probably will do that .