My First Time Growing

Just as a quick update, The Cannabutter has been made and is going thru it's first 1 hour cool down before going into the fridge to get real solid so the water separates from the butter. In a few hours or so, I should be able to try it. I will post the result as soon as I know. Thanks so much for ALL the help on making it Canna! :thanks: for finding the recipe and helping me sooo much!

I'll let you guys know as soon as I've had a chance to give it a whirl. I can't wait to see what it does for my pain!
You might see some dark areas on the bottom of the cannabutter, you can lightly scrape that off if it bothers you. It's not harmful whatsoever. :)

Congrats on getting it made!!!!!


I noticed it was slightly darker on the bottom, but that doesn't bother me. I ate one slice, felt a tiny buzz and ate a second piece of toast after 40 minutes. Just have to wait a little now to see how that does. It works great on cinnamon toast and doesn't taste bad, and what I do taste just tastes like an earthy flavor, not unpleasant at all. Thanks again sis! I think I'm going to have to try it again with 2 slices buttered heavier tomorrow. I don't want to do more now and have it to suddenly kick my butt later tonight. But I definitely feel a small body high so far.

Be careful Smoke...

Canna - can you recommend a trial dose? Maybe you already did and I don't remember. I know it's easy to overdo it and get knocked on your ass with edibles.

Hope this works great!!! :thumb:

I'm taking it easy Jimmie, but I have a high tolerance to most pain meds already, so I'm not real worried it's gonna kick my butt with just the little I used to make 2 slices of toast. I may just have to wait until tomorrow and try 2 slices together and see how that hits me because I don't want to just keep adding more the first time.
I'll be one my long hours work schedule the next three days Smokey, so might not be able to get back to you until Tuesday or so. I'll try to check in the mornings before heading off to work. Get home too late at night, and too tired for internet. LOL

Jimmy, what Smokey is doing is exactly what I would recommend. Try a little first and wait. His effects took about 40 minutes to start. How long it takes and how effective it is will depend on the strength of the butter (strain type etc.), along with personal tolerances. Everyone will be different, so start out minimal to test your own tolerance and time for effects.

You don't have to use a whole ounce the first time, cut the recipe in half and use just a half ounce the first time to get your trial going when you have enough to do that.

This is such good news! We've got your feet wet on the butter, now you can use your imagination and start using it in all kinds of foods. :)

Next, we'll get you on some infused cooking oils...Olive oil especially. I'm sure your wife uses olive oil. :)

So, before we do that. Here's a tip for "waste not, want not". I always save my stems that were near the buds. On those stems are trichomes, the better the sugar coating on your buds, the more trichomes will be on those stems too. I use the stems, broken into smaller pieces, and put the olive oil and the stems in a small crock pot and let them simmer a few hours. I also add some trim, if I think there aren't enough stems in there.
So, don't throw that trim away..and don't throw those stems away. They can be used to your benefit!

More as we go, but I am just so happy that this is working for you bro!!!

(I got the afternoon off work today, inventory. They didn't have work for us until that's done)

This is such good news! We've got your feet wet on the butter, now you can use your imagination and start using it in all kinds of foods. :)

Next, we'll get you on some infused cooking oils...Olive oil especially. I'm sure your wife uses olive oil. :)

So, before we do that. Here's a tip for "waste not, want not". I always save my stems that were near the buds. On those stems are trichomes, the better the sugar coating on your buds, the more trichomes will be on those stems too. I use the stems, broken into smaller pieces, and put the olive oil and the stems in a small crock pot and let them simmer a few hours. I also add some trim, if I think there aren't enough stems in there.
So, don't throw that trim away..and don't throw those stems away. They can be used to your benefit!

More as we go, but I am just so happy that this is working for you bro!!!

(I got the afternoon off work today, inventory. They didn't have work for us until that's done)


It's working real well! I'm very happy with the results! I'm not sure how much extra weed I have yet to try other stuff yet, But my "stash" is starting to build, so soon enough I should be able to try something new, I just have to make sure it's something I like :)

It's so cool to see that this worked so well, Smoke! Did the effects last longer than if you had smoked? And how did the house smell while you were making the butter? :thumb:

The toast is working GREAT Jimmie! The effects of 2 pieces last about 8 hours of working strongly. Then I added 1 more piece yesterday afternoon and then another piece e couple hours before bed and slept so well!! This stuff is REALLY strong and I love it. Hardly any odor at all, but I added a step for when I had to decarb the weed and used a smaller cookie sheet that fit inside a oven safe turkey bag and sealed it up, The heat got in but no odor got out at all. The butter/water mix had little to no odor at all.
OK, Now that I have the cannabutter (and it works so great! Thanks Canna for such a great recipe!) and I thought I'd let you guys know, I'll be harvesting (actually, my helper will be doing a lot of it) 2 plants this week, The Amnesia and the Truthband clones. I missed the harvest date by about 3 weeks on the Amnesia and hope it didn't screw it up. I have 4 plants in the bookcase and 1 germinating in a cup, about 14 - 15 days now, not real high hopes on it anymore and one is in the Tupperware between paper towels, waiting for a tap root (nothing yet). If I don't see a taproot soon, I'll be starting a clone to keep up the bookcase grow which should have 5 plants growing. I just figured I would let you guys know where my grow is now plus the 4 in tent/flower- until I harvest the Amnesia and the Truthband. So After the 2 plants are harvested I will have 2 in tent (One almost ready to move into flower from the bookcase) and 4 in bookcase with more soon hopefully.
OK, Now that I have the cannabutter (and it works so great! Thanks Canna for such a great recipe!) and I thought I'd let you guys know, I'll be harvesting (actually, my helper will be doing a lot of it) 2 plants this week, The Amnesia and the Truthband clones. I missed the harvest date by about 3 weeks on the Amnesia and hope it didn't screw it up. I have 4 plants in the bookcase and 1 germinating in a cup, about 14 - 15 days now, not real high hopes on it anymore and one is in the Tupperware between paper towels, waiting for a tap root (nothing yet). If I don't see a taproot soon, I'll be starting a clone to keep up the bookcase grow which should have 5 plants growing. I just figured I would let you guys know where my grow is now plus the 4 in tent/flower- until I harvest the Amnesia and the Truthband. So After the 2 plants are harvested I will have 2 in tent (One almost ready to move into flower from the bookcase) and 4 in bookcase with more soon hopefully.

You are so welcome Smokey. Thanks for the update on the grow, I sure hope you get a taproot. Did the seed crack open before the paper towel? And is the paper towel just damp, not dripping soaked with water?
One under, one over the seed is what I do. And keep on top of my freezer where it's kind of warm and dark.

Looks like I need to get some caramels made with my cannabutter, fell off my ladder this morning trying to do some more gutter repair. I'm going to be needing some back/hip pain meds in a bad way the next couple of days. It was hot, It was my fault. Should not have gone up there being tired as I was. Got dizzy and lost my "legs". :laugh:
You are so welcome Smokey. Thanks for the update on the grow, I sure hope you get a taproot. Did the seed crack open before the paper towel? And is the paper towel just damp, not dripping soaked with water?
One under, one over the seed is what I do. And keep on top of my freezer where it's kind of warm and dark.

Looks like I need to get some caramels made with my cannabutter, fell off my ladder this morning trying to do some more gutter repair. I'm going to be needing some back/hip pain meds in a bad way the next couple of days. It was hot, It was my fault. Should not have gone up there being tired as I was. Got dizzy and lost my "legs". :laugh:

It's okay to leave the seeds to taproot in a cool dark place too Smokey. Was just reading Dennise's thread today, she does the cool dark place. You just want to be sure you aren't cooking them with heat and not freezing them either.

Sorry to hear you hurt yourself, Gotta be careful or you'll end up like me, more on my butt than my feet. and it sucks. BTW, when it comes to the container for the taproot, it is in the same armoire that I dry in. It's 73 degrees in there and very dark consistently.
Hey Smoke - I was just curious if Mrs. Smoke is considering trying the edibles. A while back, that came up as an idea to help her diabetes.

Edibles wouldn't help with diabetes Jimmie, Diabetes is about getting the sugars into your blood safely using insulin injected in relatively small amounts a few times a day. THC has no effect on Blood sugar except in the case of edibles, where it would make it worse by increasing the blood sugar of the diabetic.
I'm going to do some research this morning with my cuppa on the subject of the edibles and diabetes, but THC does help to treat some diabetes. There have been studies on this with people (not mice etc.) and if you put a little search into google you will find links to sites with information on that.

Dennise is a diabetic, I'm sure she will have some input here. :ciao: Dennise

If you make your edibles from recipes that control the amount of sugar/no sugar, or things that convert to sugars, you should be able to get the full benefits of cannabis to help with the disease. One of the misnomers, in my opinion, about "Edibles" is people automatically think "Sweets". People with Diabetes or Cancer (sugar feeds cancer cells) run for the hills on edibles recipes. Soooo not true now. If it's not a treat or a sweet snack, we should think of it now as Cannabis infused recipes/cooking. Read up on this guys. :)

I'll post a link when I find one that explains this.

In the meantime, here's a clip from one of the articles I found:

Medical marijuana has been the focus of several studies examining potential diabetes treatment. One such study, published in the American Journal of Medicine, found that active users of marijuana had a more productive carbohydrate metabolism than people who didn’t use marijuana.1 Murray Mittleman, Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard and author of the study, said, “[Marijuana users’] fasting insulin levels were lower, and they appeared to be less resistant to the insulin produced by their body to maintain a normal blood-sugar level.”

The study comprised over 4,657 men and women participating in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2005 and 2010 – 48 percent had smoked marijuana at least once and 12 percent were current cannabis smokers. The researchers controlled for other factors that might impact diabetes risk, such as gender, income, alcohol use, cigarette smoking and physical activity. Even after these adjustments, the current marijuana users showed fasting insulin levels that were 16 percent lower than those of former users or those who had never used the drug.

These findings are applicable to both types of diabetes. In Type 1 diabetes, a lower fasting level might eliminate the need for an insulin injection at that time. While injections wouldn’t be completely eliminated, it could decrease the number needed per day. For those with Type 2 diabetes, being less resistant to the insulin could help control the advancing of the disease by improving the body’s ability to manage sugar levels naturally.

I'm no good with explaining all of the science behind these things, but I encourage you to look into this and be well informed on it.

Be back later when I find something simple and to the point on this. :)

Good morning all!


Edit: Here's a link to one of the studies in the American Journal of Medicine:

The Impact of Marijuana Use on Glucose, Insulin, and Insulin Resistance among US Adults
Canna that article is about type 2 diabetes... They make some insulin on their own but the body has a hard time using it.... Type 1... We don't make any insulin at all so have to use insulin... I can't in good conscience... Knowing how brittle Smoke's wife is.... Advise her to even attempt it.... It could kill her... Now can she medicate with eatables.... Of course she can... Exactly like you said.... Just add it to your normal recipes and count your carbs as you normally would... IMO she will benefit from it as far as helping with or helping prevent neuropathy... It most certainly helps protect the nerves.... It is all kinda confusing Canna but type 1 and 2 are so different in how you have to treat it and if she is even close to having her insulin regulated... Don't touch it...:thedoubletake:
Morning Smoke... I've got a lot of catching up to do but I'm back... Hope you have a blessed and green day....:circle-of-love:
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