My First Grow Journal: Bubba Kush

The two big ones will be going into the 7 gal pots, the two smaller ones will be going into the 5 gals and that will be it for the rest of the grow. I'd really like to flip to flower soon for the sake of space.

Or maybe just toss them all in 7gals
Either are fine. I have used 7 outside and 5's inside. As greenlizard mentioned, the bigger the better, but if you want to save soil, the 5's produce well. I have a plant in a 5 right now and is yielding well. Grew big and fat, not much different than the 7, just watering more.
I agree with MrSauga,
Those girls are no longer satisfied in those smaller pots. Also I agree that 2ml of cal-mag per Liter of water is what you should use on the next watering. That's the dosage I usually give.
Thanks guys, I watered with 2ml per liter yesterday and I'll keep an eye on the new growth. New pots arrive tomorrow and by the looks of it I should have enough coco but will be ordering more as well.

Here is a shot of the newest growth on the large plant

That's what I was hoping haha, all part of the learning process right? I did a quick fix on one of my hot pepper plants on time, although on a much smaller stem. In the short time I've been researching growing weed and actually starting to do it, I have learned more than all the years I've dabbled with veggie gardening. This years peppers and veg should be bigger and better than ever with all I've learned so far.
1 day u will bro trust me not sure if my old journal is still on here (new grow wit ps500) u ever get a chance check me out il c my girls I grew peace happy growing
Bit of a hectic weekend so I'm late updating. Saturday I was able to get the two big ones into 7gal pots. I had just enough coco left to fill up both.

Everything went as expected, laying the pot riser upside down below the pot made it easier to roll down onto. The roots on both plants look fresh and healthy. Space is really starting to become a concern lol, a full 3x3 or 4x4 would really come in handy now.

Two days after potting up, the large plant still has taco'ing leaves on the upper new growth. I can't really pinpoint the exact reason anymore because they are all literally under the same conditions. With my lights being higher up in the tent now, the temps down lower and at canopy level are in the low to mid 70's with lights on. 64-65 lights off.

Being so bushy, I think it may be time to do a little defoliation and open things up.


Shot from today

If it's the uppers then most likely has to do with lights. What distance are they now?
Next set of pics can you get the big girl with the lights off? Take a couple of pics as well, backed out a bit, from the side... whatever you can.
It could be genetic..are the tacos disappearing as they grow? The rest of the plant looks fine tbh.
I'll get some better shots tonight :thumb: I am definitely thinking this is light related and it's just that the one plant is responding to the conditions a little differently. It's all the highest point uppers, the ones an inch lower that are poking through the canopy are fine. You'd think that since both of them are the same height that they'd respond similarly, but I am learning something new everyday.

One of my major mistakes was that after up potting the two large ones and removing all the tie downs I did not adjust the lights accordingly. A combination of the extra height and no more tie downs definitely pushed the limit of the light distance. They are now sitting at 23.5" above the canopy and I finally think they are happier again.
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