MI-Grower, hey bro, never mind the ratings. I never pay attention to ours and without looking, I honestly couldn't tell you what ours is. As for the gnats, we have tried GoGnats and had zero success. Used it according to the directions and still have gnats. We have also tried apple cider vinegar, and only nabbed 3 of the pesky critters. Here is what I have done that does work. i mix up the GoGnats per directions, placing it in a spray bottle, then when I see the little beasties, I spray them knocking them down to the soil. Then I reach in with my thumb and pointer finger and pinch them to death, so I guess the GoGnats does work in a way...lol. We just bought a bottle of Microbe-Lift BMC from the grow shop. 6 drops treats 100 gallons of water. It is supposed to kill the larvae within 24 hrs. It is a Biological Larvicide Aqueous Suspension. It is safe to use on water gardens that contain fish, plants and around human contact. We shall see if it works.