Mr Am4zin's Perpetual Journey

Wow I am at -1C and snowing too here on the east coast in the US mr Am4zin!

I'm northern ish England on the hills. We get a few days snow every year, some are worse than others tho. Bin un usually warm so far this year tho.

I live in a micro climate ^_^

Your a lucky bugger. :rofl:
We have New life :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

Berry Bomb Auto Day 1

Newborn's! Love them, will watch this grow into a beautiful girl mate. Hope everything is well :thumb:

Thanks for popping in kraize. All is OK here, I trust you are well. When are you back up and running with a new journal? :passitleft:


Well I've had a lazy day today, I've sat here I my favourite t-shirt and smoked myself silly


My girls are coming along well, DD is getting ever so close now. I'm gonna bring her crashing down on Friday, she had her last drink today.





Amnesia Haze was a little thirsty today so she got water and with 1ml calmag.





Ed Rosenthal showing a calcium deficiency with her rusty spots, until the other day she hadnt had any calmag so I gave her 1.5ml per liter.





And we Berry Bomb



Thanks for popping in and enjoy you evening :love:

I am Canadian and I wear shorts all year here LMFAO
I'm seriously stoned as we speak, gentlemen :)

7 degrees C, Spart? Canadians are wearing fricking SHORTS at that point :) says the woman who dug out her driveway today. Ah well! I could use my own microclimate, I guess ...

Great update, Mr A -- from babies to almost ripe ladies, you got it going on. Cheers!
Quite a nice one Mr. A.- I kinda smoked myself silly-today-too.

I'm seriously stoned as we speak, gentlemen :)

It's a damn fine way to spend a Sunday- :passitleft:

Great update, Mr A -- from babies to almost ripe ladies, you got it going on. Cheers!

Thanks glimmer, it's my idea of a Perpetual auto micro grow. Finally got my timing nailed down and my next seed will be a photoperiod strain.

Dont know which is my favourite photo.. DD? 420mag shirt? AH? ER? Berry? Its a hard pick ;)

So much going on Wreckedsummer, believe me when I say I understand that it's hard to pick a favourite, I love them all equally until I find which one is better when sat in my bowl.


Do we remember the Northern Lights Auto that I had sent away for some more space? Well we cut her down tonite. Phenom had done a great job of raising my baby to harvest, even if he did fail to keep a journal! She made it all the way to 85 days.

So here she was before we started trimming



And here she lay after we had finished.


she was 304g, wet and trimmed into nugs (some big rock nugs too) all her top colas were hard and dense. We split it in half and I brought half home to dry and cure. So I will only have a dry wieght for half.

All in all, Mr A is a happy man.

Dance with me my friends

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