Mr Am4zin's Perpetual Journey

Happy holidays and safe travels, Mr A!

that's awesome. I won some Berry bomb auto. Great news to wake up to. Thanks ShiggityFlip. You were after GDP if I'm correct? :passitleft:

That's what I posted but I am thinking now to go for something else. Wanting the gdp was a vanity thing and I questioned it right after posting it. Sure it's super purple but also one of the most expensive out there. I don't want to be greedy and it is also a medium yielder. I was thinking maybe it would be cooler to get a high yielding super THC strain. I have never tried one of those. I was thinking THC bomb, tutankhamon, or nebula. Or another recommended strain like that. Just have to narrow it down!

That berry bomb auto looks killer man, great choice.
That's what I posted but I am thinking now to go for something else. Wanting the gdp was a vanity thing and I questioned it right after posting it. Sure it's super purple but also one of the most expensive out there. I don't want to be greedy and it is also a medium yielder. I was thinking maybe it would be cooler to get a high yielding super THC strain. I have never tried one of those. I was thinking THC bomb, tutankhamon, or nebula. Or another recommended strain like that. Just have to narrow it down!

That berry bomb auto looks killer man, great choice.

It was the pic of berry bomb that sold me. It Looks stunning. There are so many strains I'd love to grow but time and space will always be my limiting factor. GDPurps looks like a great smoke and everyone seems to love it, hence the recent price hike.
:love:Home sweet home :love:

I've been home just 20 minutes and I'm higher than I've been for months. :lot-o-toke:

Popped my head in on the girls and gave them a dash of water to see them till tomorrow evening when I get home from work. Yes work!

DD is looking sad, her leaves are yellow after a week of just water. Her main cola is fat and rock hard.

Little ones look fab. Nice and healthy

Quick pic for now I'll update in morning.


Nite nite my friends


Holy Mackerel have I been gone that long? I went back over 5 pages and am still lost.

Apparently grats are in order for you and Shigg, could not happen to a couple of better guys then you two.:goodjob: Glad to here you home safe and sound as well. The new year is closing in fast and here I missed wishing you a Merry Christmas, though I am not to late to wish you a happy New Year.:circle-of-love: Things are starting to settle down here and hopefully I will be on more then the last couple of weeks. Heck I dis-appear for a few weeks and it takes for ever to get caught back up to speed.

Glad to see all is well in your garden and you have a few new girls in the line up ;)
hopefully I will be back up to speed in the next few days

Nanight mate, sounds like you're going to bed happy. Sweeeet :)

I went to bed very happy, woke up far too early but I'm still smiling :lot-o-toke:

Glad things are still doing well! I'm sure they missed you. Almost as much as me! :p

Glad you're home safe my man!


Mr Am4zin :high-five: Pigeons420

Thanks my friend, it's good to be home. Bit of a rough landing, very windy here, yet another storm coming through. My girls missed me very much but daddies home now.

Welcome back Mr A, can't wait to see your DD. Rest up. Oh and I've been holding on to this :passitleft:

:passitleft: cheers Wrecked. I waited a week for that. It turns out that cannabis clubs in tenerife close for Xmas.

:high-five::welcome:home brother man. The dd should bounce back quick or is it choppy time and start a new.

cheers spart, DD is gonna be great. :cheer: far to early for choppy time yet

Good morning MrA :) great to have you back safe & sound ;) hope you had an awesome time :circle-of-love::Namaste::passitleft:

Good evening my friend, had a great time :passitleft:


Good evening friends and thanks for coming. I hope you all had a happy time over the holidays with your family and friends. I had a great holiday but the long day and lack of sleep I was very tired today, I got in from work and crashed for a few hours, i'm now up high and ready to show you my girls.

My big Dark Devil Auto at day 56 looked quite sad last night, for the last week she has been on a diet of nothing but water delivered by a friend who can kill pretty much anything she sees, just by looking at it, she was the only option, seeing as it was Xmas. Most of her fan leaves had gone yellow and crispy, they came of with a light pull. The ones that didn't come off I left on, she does have some green tho. The rest of her now looks quite well she was quite droopy last night but she has pipped up after a feed. Her buds are fat, frosty and showing no sign of fade.





The youngster's are smashing, both pots were pretty dry last night, they got a good watering today with plain tap water.

Ed Rosenthal Super Bud day 13




Amnesia Haze Day 12




I hope you are all happy, healthy and high. I certainly am :tokin:

I'll be seeing you around the place my friends.


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