Morglie's Perpetual: New Space & New Strains

I love the Thai Chi, it's so happy. It's great for social activities and there's no paranoia or anxiety with the black one. I find the Thai x Panama very similar. I don't know if I could tell the difference if I smoked both blindfolded. They taste pretty similar and the effects are really close. The Thai x Panama is probably a little more potent than the Thai Chi but not enough to be concerned about. You'll want to train the Thai Chi or flip it after a couple weeks of veg, she's a stretcher.
I know you struggled to keep your ThaiChi manageable. Does it stretch more than ThaiPan? I've just harvested my last cut of it as it was tough to keep manageable. I've been thinking about popping some ThaiChi. At this point though, it's veggie time. By the time I can start popping cannabis seeds again, I'm sure I'll have changed my mind a dozen times. I guess I'll have to wait and see.
Yes it stretched more than thai pan.
That's good to know. My 2nd Big Sur x Skunk I sprouted, dried up and died. I wanted to replace it with something else before the veggies all get started, so I started soaking a ThaiChi this morning.

That'll be the end cap for seed sprouting until April/Mayish, when the veggies go outside. Then it's anyone's guess as to what will be tickling my fancy. Maybe some of the Lemon Thai that I got from Tropic's. Maybe some of the Durban making it's way here from Lerugged.

Who knows. There's plenty of seedlings and clones to keep things going for a while.
I'll be popping some of the Double Wild Durbans when I get them!

Do you grow strawberries? I'd like to start but think I'd rather do containers vs putting in the ground. Any thoughts on that providing you grow them?
I would put them straight into the ground. You want them to have space to spread out into a patch. You won't get enough out of containers to make it worth while in my opinion.

Normally you put them into good soil and they spend their first year growing roots. The next year they send out shoots and really spread out. Then the 3 year, they start producing decently.

I've got a patch in my yard that we planted last year. Prior to planting we mucked out the little pond they are next to into that patch and they went crazy and spread all over the place. We should get a decent yield this year.

I'm personally thinking I'll try the Transki first. Or the cross with Miss Sticky. I love those narrow fingered leaves on the Transki.
Hiya Morglie :ciao: Very enjoyable catchup :popcorn: That (P13 x Kerala) x P13 looks truly gorgeous :yummy:

I dropped a Thai Chi three hours ago. :popcorn:

I think you'll like that one. The Thai chi Mai used in it has a nice sativa buzz without any paranoia.
I love the Thai Chi, it's so happy. It's great for social activities and there's no paranoia or anxiety with the black one. I find the Thai x Panama very similar. I don't know if I could tell the difference if I smoked both blindfolded. They taste pretty similar and the effects are really close. The Thai x Panama is probably a little more potent than the Thai Chi but not enough to be concerned about. You'll want to train the Thai Chi or flip it after a couple weeks of veg, she's a stretcher.
Yes it stretched more than thai pan.

:thanks: for all that. I just picked some up at ACE. Very stoked to try it. It sounds like just my style. I tried to get it from Seedsman last year but it sold out fast! Great to hear you all confirm the traits of it :thumb:
Thanks bud! Can you explain this quote a bit?
We have a small pond. Around 10' x 6' and around 4' deep that's full of small fish. Last spring my wife scraped all the build up in the bottom of the pond out and into the patch we used for the flowers. Think a combination of fish fertilizer and fish tank water (which is awesome all by itself). Lots of nitrogen and trace goodies.
Hiya Morglie :ciao: Very enjoyable catchup :popcorn: That (P13 x Kerala) x P13 looks truly gorgeous :yummy:


:thanks: for all that. I just picked some up at ACE. Very stoked to try it. It sounds like just my style. I tried to get it from Seedsman last year but it sold out fast! Great to hear you all confirm the traits of it :thumb:
Why thank you Amy! The Kerala cross is one of my favorites. I've got 4 more that are almost ready to sex. Then I can start looking for a mate to make more seeds with.

I think you'll really like the ThaiChi. The Thai used in it is spectacular. If it stretches more than ThaiPan though, they'll be a challenge to hold as a clone. My ThaiPan was ready to flower before I finished the previous plant up. And mine was only a 9 week flowerer.
Cool, thanks for the explanation. I have a small stream, damed up about 2 ft so it's kinda like a pond but I don't think I can do what you did. What do you think about planting edibles like strawbs on top of a brand new leach field? It's covered in white clover.
As long as it's good soil you should be fine. I don't know if stream water would have the same effect. It's all the fish refuse that the strawberries loved. We put 10b little fish in there 2 years ago and we had dozens of tiny babies in there. Way to many for the size of the pond. If you have a fish tank, when you clean it, save the water for your plants. I Iouldn't use it on kit plants but regular house plants and what not love it.
Thanks Buddy! I have fish in my pond/creek but the water is constantly moving so the fish poop probably gets washed over the dam. I know where I can get some fish juice....Ill ask Doc about which products I may be able to use with Strawbs.

Sorry I'm not more help. I've learned growing through the kit and am now expanding out into outdoor gardening. Mostly I've been mineralizing my beds with a 6/5/3 mix and some compost and letting them grow. I have pretty rich soil there my beds are. Well, all except the cold bed. I rectified that this fall by putting my whole last double batch of used 3rd run soil on it, so it should be a bit better this year.
I once kept african malawi Cichlids, I would use old water on my aloe and such. Total success. I kept and breed the fish my dad fish lived ten years. The house plants loved my dirty water. I have not had aquariums in a long time, they were fun.
It does wonders for plants. My wife uses water from the pond to water all her plants that she has in those beds and they have all been doing great.
The one Durban I got to come up is definitely a mutant. We'll see if she does anything.
Kerala about halfway through flower I'm estimating. This one grew regular buds that then started to foxtail like mad. The other two I've grown went straight to foxtail from the get go. This one should hopefully have some density to the buds.
The Bubba Hash x Mulanje is getting close to being done. She smells just like Bubba Hash and the buds are big and chunky. Hopefully a bit of the Mulanje buzz crept in.
And because I forgot to post them when I snapped them the other day. Here's two Ultra Dawgs. One in flower and the other getting ready to go into flower.

I'm off to harvest a Zamal Bliss and trim an Orient Express x NepJam.

All look good :thumb:
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