Mono Grows a Pound

So, mrs Mono and I have had a relaxing Sunday morning in the kitchen. Vaping some leftover popcorn buds and making some butter from the rest and trim. On to make a lemon cake this evening.
Hps in veg is amazing for plant structure. That's how I always did my big girls :) start em under cfls then for last few weeks of veg I'd go hps. It would make a huge difference to the stem and branch structure, lending to better yield! :)

That's very interesting LA. I had always been under the impression that hps would lead to internodal stretching in search of more blue light. Apparently this doesn't seem to be the case with more modern systems.
Dang dude I like your style,, already got the seed a poppin :goodjob:
And enjoy or have you enjoyed all that Lemon cheesecake sounds so nice

Thanks buddy, no time to hang around when it comes to popping seeds. Got two regular 'afghani' seeds sitting around too, will keep them for next run in the new year. Planning on them two along side five feminised strawberry cough :).

Oooh, still not touched the cake. Will have a slice or two this evening once the kids are in bed haha.

Amazing timing CC I just put a post the you posted just as before mine
Great update them girls are I am sure growing muscles in expectancy of the buds to come:circle-of-love:

Thank you very much :). They keep bouncing back even though I am topping and removing leaves almost daily lol. I had been expecting a delivery of soil on Friday, however its not going to be here until tomorrow. As soon as it comes the other exodus cheese and super silver haze will be transplanted to final pots. (22 litre rectangular storage tubs)

Anyone got any tips on how to get them out the pots without damaging the roots? I suspect they will be rather pot bound by now...
Man the cheesecake looks wonderful,, but then so is your choice on the strains an hybrids you grow
When I read you are putting 5 strawberry cough in the new year I was jut amazed so far you have grown a lot of stuff thats my top
shelf stack:cheesygrinsmiley:so many types an so lil time :volcano-smiley:
Man the cheesecake looks wonderful,, but then so is your choice on the strains an hybrids you grow
When I read you are putting 5 strawberry cough in the new year I was jut amazed so far you have grown a lot of stuff thats my top
shelf stack:cheesygrinsmiley:so many types an so lil time :volcano-smiley:

Thank you sir. I hope to get two or three of the strawberry coughs out into the polly tunnel for the outdoor season. ( well, summer, there isn't an outdoor season in Scotland lol) hope all is well with you my friend.
Everything is coming along smoothly. Sleestack skunk is growing literally out of control, no amount of high stress training can slow her down. All plants are now in final containers, under the 600 watt hps on 18/6. Tomorrow I will do a massive picture update.

Tomorrow will be loads of bending over, topping, defol, watering, feeding and most importantly I will be building a screen for the sleestack skunk to make the most of the vigor. Hopefully I will not be disappointed and find it to be a male...
I had hoped for many pics but had a bit of a blunder. Here goes mono doing a bit of lst with the door open. *knock knock* I look up and see a delivery guy at the door. Not sure how much he seen, but it was a mad scramble to connect up the new carbon filter (which he was delivering lol)

Anyways, got some pics a coming. Will sort out the messy, make shift set up at the weekend and give the girls the comfortable home they deserve. :)
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