Momma's Kitchen Serving: Black Cali Grape

I just wanted to take a moment and thank whoever nominated me. I know that there are great growers out there, friend and fellow members and people with way more knowledge than I have. So to be held in that light is very heartfelt. I just want to make a note in here to whoever it was, thank you for just thinking of me.
Big hugs :hugs:
Black Cali Grapes
Serving: 24g Mega Crop/ 5 gal
Serving fluid amount per plant: 3L
Pot Size:
3 gal
RH: 29%
Inside Temp:
Outside Temp: 10
Stage: Early Flower
Additives/Medicine: CA
(IPM): None
Issue: PM
Light Schedule: 12/12
PH: 6 prior to feeding
I have cleaned up the plants alot. 5 gal bucket worth of cross branching. Feels good to get it done. Sprayed a couple plants that had light spots. Removed any leaves that were causing blockages for airflow.

Little buds are forming.
Like I mentioned in my other journal my bedroom has somehow flipped in the flower approximately one week. So I have decided to use colonial silver and create pollen. Only on a select few plants approximately six in total. I am also doing one BCG because I think she's the bomb And would also go well paired with Kalashnikov, sex wax, green gelato & Shiva Shunk.
My only problem is that I have to flower in the bedroom. I may be able to relocate some into the bedroom however I am worried about PM moving into the bedroom when I finally have it under control. I saw no spots today.
I have no idea what went wrong my timers are perfect but all of them not just one strain every plant it has flower, so the only thing I can think of is there is power outage when we were during the night.
OK so it was my timer had loosened off and each day it was slowly bumping them back and over the past four days when I was away it happened so yes their info Flower and now I know why. The plants in flower BCG, are doing beautifully. I love the phenotype it has such sharp jagged edges to the leaf her very dark big fan leaves, she produces nice big massive frosty nugs.
The whole room is from one mother it's going to be exciting watching her go the room already has changed and smell to a sweetness in the air. Another quality that I love caring this strain.
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