What strain is it: Black Cali Grapes
Bought from: Jordan of the Island
Seed/Cloned: NON FEM Seed
Genetics: Super Dave Genetics
Indica, Sativa or Hybrid: What percentages?
Is it in Veg or Flower stage: Seedling
Germinated: Jiffy Pods
Flowering: 55-65
Yeilds: heavy
Height: medium
Medical: NA
If in Flower stage... For how long: NA
Indoor or outdoor: Indoor
Veg Lights: 2
Bloom Lights: Halide bulbs (4) (Flowering Room) (12x12)
Veg Lights: T5 Pannel
Hours: 18/6
Timer: Yes
Air Conditioning: Window AC
Soil or Hydro: Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Jiffy pods to germinate, now in 1gallon, Pro Mix HP
If soil... What size pot: 1 Gallon, and then 3 gallon
Water Source: Well Water
Size of light: Multiple
Room size: 12x13 approx veg room 12x14 bud room
RH of Room/cab: 52%
Temp: 26C
How often are you watering: 0
Type and strength of ferts used: Green Planet, Flora Nectar, Big Bud, Molasses, Dense
PH UP to 6.5
Here the skinny:
Black Cali Grapes
A breeding project involving Super Dave Genetics has created Black Cali Grapes a
three way pairing of Grape Juice x Cali-O x Blackberry Kush. The berry orange flavor
combination is stellar, with earthy kush undertones for lip smacking ganja goodness.
It’s a fast flowering (55 – 65 days), heavy yielding, medium sized marijuana plant with
some side branching. Black Cali Grapes is a very resinous, mostly indica, and very
hardy cannabis variety. New growers will enjoy its ease of growth while experienced
professionals will achieve optimum yields with an excellent cannabinoid profile.
Genetics: Grape Juice x Cali-O x Blackberry Kush