MochaBud's First Ever Grow Journal: White Widow In Organic Soil 2019

nice looking bathroom !are you the carpenter behind all this work ?
Thank you and yes sir, jack of all trades here :high-five: but I'm also cheap :rofl: got everything surplus :slide:that's why I had to make do with the right side vanity, it kinda runs into the tub :oops: was either that or a pedestal sink o_O
So I'm getting to the point where it's not prudent to be taking them out of my veg closet to take pics anymore :rolleyes: they're getting a little size on them :D ...So now, I have partially remodeled (like I'm not doing a shit load of that already) enough of my veg closet (nowhere near finished) to take some pics...So bare with me and my ghetto veg closet, it "will" be up to date when I'm finished with it...the whole house will be :yahoo::slide:...speaking of which, everyone seemed to like my bathroom last time, so, I figured I'd take some...ehhh vague pics of our place, just outside of Janis o_O it's a work in progress so bare with me there too :hug:

Okay Day 33 of the baby White Widows lives...they seem to be happy under that 400 watt hood :love::love::love:

Okay so now some pics of our (wife & I) dream in progress :popcorn::popcorn:
My iphone Pics 194.JPG My iphone Pics 196.JPG My iphone Pics 197.JPG...this is my view of a shared manmade 5 acre (fully stocked) lake, my closest neighbor across the lake....I only own 10 of the 50 acres we share...

You've seen my new bathroom, so here's the kitchen, dining/living room...and yes I do all my own work...
My iphone Pics 377.JPG My iphone Pics 376.JPG My iphone Pics 379.JPG My iphone Pics 378.JPG

Keep in mind this is a one hundred year old house, and I'm doing the best I can with what I have...
Very nice! I would spend a lot of time down at that lake.
My wife and I love to fish, we catch and release most of the time, unless it's a fat bass or catfish, they can get pretty big if you don't thin 'em out once in awhile...ripped the lips off an 11 lb largemouth last year, (tasty on the grill) :kiss:...and she caught a 17 lb spoonbill...(fish fry):slide:
We're just on day 39, but they're growing in leaps and bounds...I've been doing clones for so long I forgot how beautiful these little GIRLS are while growing...That's right GIRLS :battingeyelashes::battingeyelashes: :cheer::yahoo:
Well here they are...and a pic of my friends baby I thought would die...and the one is still growing "way" faster than the other...I think they're different phenotypes has 11 fingers on the leaf, and the other only has 9...

1721919 and the one I thought would die 1721924 appropriate pot for a white widow that didn't die :laugh:
Well I'm keeping this journal mainly for myself. I thought it a good idea to have somewhere I can keep track of my progress/mistakes, and mistakes abound when you break the cardinal rule.
1) Never tell anyone you grow, not even friends.
2) Never put un-quarantined clones/babies in your veg room/closet/tent..........

Well needless to say I fucked up, and broke them both. But the 2nd is the doozy. I gave a friend a couple clones and a bean...he proceeds to put the clones in Miracle Grow o_O Yeah I know :rolleyes: ....the real kicker is after I told him not too, he sticks his bean in MG also o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O
So what does my stupid, knows better ass do...offers to take them back and nurse them to health...
Well long story short, they're infested with gnats, I FUCKING HATE BUGS!!!
So needless to say I'm having to pull drastic measures out of my hat...not only to save these babies but cleaning out my closet...and then disinfect my entire house... :rip::rip::rip:....fuck me :eek:
In my defense you said you started off in MG, so I thought it would be a good idea, and I did help clean them out. :oops:
In my defense you said you started off in MG, so I thought it would be a good idea, and I did help clean them out. :oops:
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Yes I did...but I told you that I was mad about the "situation" not you, at first ya :rofl:, but not your fault buddy, I should have asked what they were in since you never picked up the 2- 5gal buckets of my soil to use :hmmmm:'s all good now :hug:
Here's your girl...EDIT: I topped her :yummy:

And here's one of mine, I put into flower yesterday....
In my defense you said you started off in MG, so I thought it would be a good idea, and I did help clean them out. :oops:
Here's a couple better shots of the 1 in flower...
1730043...close up of the top...1730044...extreme close up of bottom, to show

off my healthy girl :cheer::cheer: 1730047
I know it's been a minute since I've updated my journal I will take some pics and post them tonight when the girls wake up :battingeyelashes:...In my defense I've been so excited about this C99 x Blueberry Fast: Pheno Hunting & Comparison Grow that I totally blew off my updates :popcorn::popcorn:
I will update because I have 1 WW in flower for 9 days now and she doubled in size :morenutes:...just put a second WW in flower last night along with a Liberty now I have 6 plants total in flower...double what I usually do...but to make room for the C99 x Blueberry I had to make room in my veg closet...So I pulled an Eminem :rofl:
So in advance of my pics I just want to apologize for the construction mess in them :sorry: cords/clutter...I have all new rooms being built for my girls :battingeyelashes::battingeyelashes::battingeyelashes::battingeyelashes: but are no where near finished enough to put them into yet ...soon...more to come on that :popcorn: but in the mean time...I took some pics of my lovelies :morenutes::morenutes:

My WW #11 in flower for 9 days :slide:showing buttons I start the count :nervous-guy:

My WW #9 just put in 12/12 yesterday...I'm counting fingers on leaves that's how I'm getting #11 #9 and the rescue #7

WW #11 and #9 side by side...big difference 9 days in flower makes...:morenutes:

And finally the WW rescue :laugh:..the Girl that Lived... hey @Gandalf the Green ....


She's happy and healthy now...and will go into flower :hmmmm: when there's room for her :rofl::rofl:

Cuz I ain't got no mo room in there :rofl::laugh::rofl::laugh:


Well Peace and hope you've enjoyed the show :snowboating::snowboating::thanks::thanks:
Okay :hmmmm: so I'm trying to navigate this site better and learn different aspects of how to do things :nomo: and one thing I came across is embedding your media huh...I see...
And am I just high or does this ice puddle look like a frigin' giant eye?

Its a dinosaur looking up from the soil! Yikes....

Thats pretty cool.

I saw you posting on another journal and mentioning you were growing in organic soil and journaling so I thought I'd sit in the back row and hang out with a few friends. :passitleft:

I'm a soil guy. Plants come and go, soil remains the same. I run no-till same soil been at it for a while.

Your plants look great. GL with the reno you're working on.

Old homes have good bones. Its worth the work. You're doing excellent work on all fronts.
Its a dinosaur looking up from the soil! Yikes....

Thats pretty cool.

I saw you posting on another journal and mentioning you were growing in organic soil and journaling so I thought I'd sit in the back row and hang out with a few friends. :passitleft:

I'm a soil guy. Plants come and go, soil remains the same. I run no-till same soil been at it for a while.

Your plants look great. GL with the reno you're working on.

Old homes have good bones. Its worth the work. You're doing excellent work on all fronts.
Thank you :thanks: bobrown...And you're absolutely welcome to sit in:passitleft:...the more the merrier :party:
Right now enjoying the fruits of my labor and puffing on some full melt hash I made from the trimmings and LAF. Good stuff.


Growers delight! Yeah U right! lol
:passitleft: Me too :volcano-smiley:..well not sure if it's the same only different or :hmmmm: ..I made dabs with isopropyl my sig...
I started this endeavor on the 1st of January...and 67 days later both of mine and the rescue from my buddy are all in 12/12 and doing well they are :slide:
WW #11 6 in flower...


WW #9 just showing buttons...start the count :nervous-guy:

And last but not least...The Girl that Lived...WW #7 ...

This concludes the MochaBud update...we'll be back next week :ciao:
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