Lemon Grass Grown In Earthbox 4x4 Adv Grow Tent

Here's how I kept pretty low compared to what most comparative growers needed their whole tent to grow. It's my first manifold with multiple branching if you want a read. Probably room for improvement but the message it there I think.
Hey SO! Im on page 13 looking for the technique she was droopy this morning from the chop she’s back praying
Hello All ! Day 51 Im sure i goofed it up but mary’s such a resilient plant but the top i think is done for it was like she fainted :laugh:
Hello All ! Day 51 Im sure i goofed it up but mary’s such a resilient plant but the top i think is done for it was like she fainted :laugh:
That top is going to need to be misted or maybe a humidity dome of some sort (maybe a plastic bag) to get it rehydrate. You cut off its access to water from the roots so now it's up to you to provide it for a few days until it stabilizes on its own.
I just left one good node to grow out. Then the branches from it I pegged down as well until it all just came together and went up a few inches, then flowered her. Pruning has to be careful. Every other node will want to grow up and down instead of out to the sides. I cut them off, the up and down ones. Makes for a less busy plant. It can make a lot of colas if you let it and they all get great buds. Smallish but top shelf every one!

Skewers with wire wrapped around creating a hook to hold em down is how I held em. Carcass sticks some call them.

There they are on the right in the pile. I had to remove them at one point to get the cover off.

Hello all day 65! Attack of the fungus gnats and she’s shooting out leaves and shoots all over have you all ever put mosquito dunks in a humidifier? theyve got in there theyre flying around in the co2 bag :oops: Just added the second light!this post comes after a light defol of huge fan leaves
Hello All! Day 73 was yesterday ive been so much busier these days since my last attempt theres an issue maybe fungus gnats maybe something else theres some discoloration…..side question has anyone ever reversed the flanges on their carbon filter it was recommended to expand the life of the filter now the screw holes arent lining up :eye-roll:
Hi Tequila, I see light veins in lots of leaves. My SIP grows do that unless I give them dose of cal/mag regularly, 4 ml a gallon of low N cal/mag is what clears it up and relaxes their leaves. I think what happens is calcium gets washed away and leaves the plant unable to process magnesium. I never go more than one 4 ml dose a day.

Haven't reversed flanges. Interesting!
Not sure about that part.
I'd normally associate it with overwatering, but a SIP shouldn't get that, right?
Droopy leaves were overwatering i thought the cupping was like too much light or something enviro i thought:scratchinghead:….i sprayed a foliar while my light schedule was messed up so the foliar foop may have burned the leaves a little….
I see a P issue as well.
They say foop is a good source of p
Droopy leaves were overwatering i thought the cupping was like too much light or something enviro i thought:scratchinghead:….i sprayed a foliar while my light schedule was messed up so the foliar foop may have burned the leaves a little….

They say foop is a good source of p
Lol, I thought you were referring to the droop as cupping. I'm used to seeing people talk about canoes or tacos for heat/light stressed leaves.
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