MK-Ultra Hempy - C02 - 1000 Watts

Re: MK-Ultra Hempy, C02, 1000watts.

:ciao: Hello DocBud, Great Growth My friend! :thedoubletake: Great Job over all. :clap: The Trays your plants are sitting on have drain holes? Also where did your find them? They are perfect. :peace:
Thanks for the show and your Time. :cheertwo:
Re: MK-Ultra Hempy, C02, 1000watts.

Amazing, healthy plants. Great job.. + reps

Many thanks bro!

Looks great Doc !
Keep it up! :cheertwo:

+ Rep
I appreciate it!

:ciao: Hello DocBud, Great Growth My friend! :thedoubletake: Great Job over all. :clap: The Trays your plants are sitting on have drain holes? Also where did your find them? They are perfect. :peace:
Thanks for the show and your Time. :cheertwo:

Those trays are from either Botanicare or GH hydro. They are flood and drain tables. As soon as I can get rid of my BCNL Producer---brand new, never used, MAJOR buyers' remorse---I'm going to add two more and another light.

The trays are made of food grade plastic. They clean up well, are strong, etc. I've got them on cinder blocks, with the far side about a half inch higher than the near side, so everything drains to the holes and the trays remain dry.
Re: MK-Ultra Hempy, C02, 1000watts.

DocBud uniformity can be really nice in a garden - mine is kind of the opposite all different strains trying to keep them all happy XD at least the majority are crosses made with the same strong skunk male so they should be pretty resilient (except the kandy kush x skunk they were). OK man good luck!

Oh ya I don't have spider mites and don't plan on getting them, either! Only pests I've had are earwigs and ladybugs (yes, ladybugs eat leafs if there is no prey). And a handful of solo flying things that don't become many - set phazer to kill.
Re: MK-Ultra Hempy, C02, 1000watts.

looking good dude, those leaves look absolutely perfect. I can't wait to see them bud

Thanks bro! I'm smiling at my good luck!

DocBud uniformity can be really nice in a garden - mine is kind of the opposite all different strains trying to keep them all happy XD at least the majority are crosses made with the same strong skunk male so they should be pretty resilient (except the kandy kush x skunk they were). OK man good luck!

Oh ya I don't have spider mites and don't plan on getting them, either! Only pests I've had are earwigs and ladybugs (yes, ladybugs eat leafs if there is no prey). And a handful of solo flying things that don't become many - set phazer to kill.

I don't have mites either....yet. I didn't have 'em on my last grow....till I got 'em.

I love all living creatures with one exception. I HATE spider mites. A man who devises a product that kills them all instantly deserves the Nobel Peace Prize in agriculture....if there is such a thing. If they have no such prize, they need to make one upon such a discovery.
Re: MK-Ultra Hempy, C02, 1000watts.

They're looking really nice doc, and luck has nothing to do with it ;).

Hopin' your power stays on.

next time you're headed for the hydro shop, gimme a heads-up.

Hopefully, in a few weeks, we will both have to take a break from trimming :rasta:

We'll just have to set up a hydro visit. Last time I got some great samples, and some good advice to go with it. :grinjoint:

So far, the power has stayed on!
Re: MK-Ultra Hempy, C02, 1000watts.

Hey I read and been following this Journal and he Swears this Stuff works

AM4NB34RP1Gs 09 BlueberryxWhite Widow
POST # 18 info, But it is a short journal you may just want to read from beginning?

Discount Hydroponics - Doktor Doom Spider Mite Knock Out
Notice in the info here it says can be used on Same day of Harvest.
Something to keep in mind. :scratchinghead:

Thanks for visiting and helpin' me out!

I've got the doctor well as 4 other products.
Spider mites are nasty, horrible creatures, who exist only to cause pain and destruction. They have a horrible tendency to become immune to miticides with the exception of Azadathracin, which works by making it so they don't eat.

To deal with mites----you don't kill them, you "deal" with them----you've got to:

1.)knock them down. Powerful stuff is best. Floramite and Forbid are the two best products that I'm aware of. Some people say Mite-Rid is also a knockdown product, but it's Azadathracin based. You can only use Floramite or Forbid once each....per year. If you exceed that, you'll get mites that are unkillable. I've heard stories about mites like this in the Emerald Triangle, that drink miticides to get stronger. Stoners overused (improperly used) a good thing, and everyone is suffering because of it.

Get the RH over 60 to slow the mites down!

2.)Kill the eggs and juveniles. A product like Azatrol, Mite-rid or Azamax is good for this. It kills mites and is safe for comsumption after a few hours/days. You spray every 2 days for 2 weeks and the mites are under control.

3.)Doctor Doom is great for spot control. When you're nearing harvest, you don't want any neem taste, heavy pesiticides are out of the the pyrethrin based products, like Doctor Doom, are the way to to use up until the day of harvest.

Between grows you should always bomb the room twice, 4 days apart and hang No-Pest strips for 10 days or so, especially after an infestation.

Avid is not safe, IMO. I won't use it.
No-Pest strips are also not safe, and I won't use them when I have plants growing.

The trick is to rotate products so the mites don't get a chance to survive and become supermites.

Everyone who grows is going to get Spider Mites. They are just horrible, useless, disgusting creatures.
Re: MK-Ultra Hempy, C02, 1000watts.

No-Pest strips are also not safe, and I won't use them when I have plants growing.

Is it that the plants absorb some of the chemical or are you worried about toxicity from being around them when you tend your plants?

The package says you're not supposed to use them in any room where you spend more than 4 hours a day.
Re: MK-Ultra Hempy, C02, 1000watts.

Is it that the plants absorb some of the chemical or are you worried about toxicity from being around them when you tend your plants?

The package says you're not supposed to use them in any room where you spend more than 4 hours a day.

Both things bother me. The ones I've seen, the Hot Shot's, say not to use around food preparation. That's all I need to know. As long as I've got plants growing, I'll not use the product.

I used two of them during my cleaning period between grows. There were dead bugs all over the place.....and that's after a thorough bleach scrub and a bomb.
Re: MK-Ultra Hempy, C02, 1000watts.

Yeah, they are extremely effective, but the instructions also scared me off from using them during a grow.

I'm going to research the chemical some more though, because if plants don't absorb it, it would be easy and effective.

that would just leave the issue of direct exposure, which I'm going to research also.

thanks doc!
Re: MK-Ultra Hempy, C02, 1000watts.

Seemorebuds vol. 2 has a good spider mite infestation. Huge garden with the worst veg mites (heh) you've ever seen, no doubt. This guy left his veg room unattended for 4 months. He took clones and dipped them in water completely and bombed the veg room with pyrethrum... I doubt the water gets all the eggs off though they say it helps. 2 bombs a couple hours apart might kill them all if you're lucky.... but with bad timing you might make supermites.
Re: MK-Ultra Hempy, C02, 1000watts.

some info on the No-Pest strips:

ATSDR - ToxFAQs™: Dichlorvos

What happens to dichlorvos when it enters the environment?

* Dichlorvos enters the environment during its manufacture and use, from landfills, and from accidental spills during transport and leaks from storage containers.
* It evaporates easily into the air, where it is broken down into less harmful chemicals.
* It will dissolve in water, where microorganisms can break it down.
* It takes about 24—36 hours for half of the chemical to be broken down in water.
* Dichlorvos does not appear to accumulate in plants, fish, or animals.

If it doesn't accumulate in plants, the only concern becomes direct exposure, and if you spend less than 4 hours a day with your plants, that should be OK.

Most of the alarming data on dichlorvos is based on the pure liquid, not the percentage and volume contained in the strips.

I'm not going to lick it before going to bed, but personally speaking, after doing considerable research, I'm not very concerned about hanging one in my garage during the grow.
Re: MK-Ultra Hempy, C02, 1000watts.

some info on the No-Pest strips:

ATSDR - ToxFAQs: Dichlorvos

What happens to dichlorvos when it enters the environment?

* Dichlorvos enters the environment during its manufacture and use, from landfills, and from accidental spills during transport and leaks from storage containers.
* It evaporates easily into the air, where it is broken down into less harmful chemicals.
* It will dissolve in water, where microorganisms can break it down.
* It takes about 24—36 hours for half of the chemical to be broken down in water.
* Dichlorvos does not appear to accumulate in plants, fish, or animals.

If it doesn't accumulate in plants, the only concern becomes direct exposure, and if you spend less than 4 hours a day with your plants, that should be OK.

Most of the alarming data on dichlorvos is based on the pure liquid, not the percentage and volume contained in the strips.

I'm not going to lick it before going to bed, but personally speaking, after doing considerable research, I'm not very concerned about hanging one in my garage during the grow.

And that is AWESOME info!

kill those sumbitches.....;)

On another note, I visited our favorite hydro shop today. Check your pM's.
Re: MK-Ultra Hempy, C02, 1000watts.

Pics tomorrow AM:
Everything is going really well. No problems.

I was given a Super Lemon Haze clone today!
So, here's what I'm going to do with it:

I'm going to put it in a smallish pot with FFOF and a bit of perlite. It will be on 12/12 from the get go.

For nutes, I'm going to use Osmocote, which is a timed released fertilizer 14/14/14. It does not have micronutes, so I'm going to use tap water, and a bit of supplements from time to time, like CalMag, Sweet, possibly epsom salt if needed.

I'm not going to PH the water.

I can get as many of these as I wish, so I'm going to expiration on this one. I have a theory that weed can be grown just as well with nutes that cost less than 30 bucks as I can with nutes that cost several hundred.

It works on tomatos....we'll see. :smokin:
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