Hello friends and family!!
First off, I'd like to let everyone know that I obviously didn't want to leave without saying goodbye, but it was a lot harder than it sounds.
I got into a minor car accident and the damage wasn't bad at all. I got a phone call the next day from the other man who I hit and he said the mechanic estimates 1700$!!!....I couldn't believe it so I went down to meet him and sure enough, they had to order him new tires that weren't sold here!!!
Long story short, my insurance would more than double if I go through them so I just decided to pay him up front...which led to my internet and hydro being shut-off until a couple nights ago....Believe me everyone, this year has just been brutal!!!
For all the bad comes some good...during all this I managed to per sway my doctor to sign my compassion forms. The process takes 3-6 months for my card to arrive but I have an "interim" licence lol. That being said, my babies have been going through just as a rough time as me!
, we ran out of room in the bloom box so we build a crappy little cab to finish off the other one (just has some T5's). I am already at day 42 and almost all the leaves have the chlorosis appearance, with some "rust" spots showing up on the sugar trim....Anywhoo I really wasn't even expecting to finish these ladies but I think I'll still get somethin
So this is my plan for the next couple months....
I will take all the time in the world to get caught up with all of you...Since I've been gone, you all haven't left my mind for a second. I sincerely feel like I've gained some very solid friendship and I would never do anything to jeopardize that, so please don't feel like I "abandoned" you. I really really really wouldn't be anywhere close to nature as I am now without a single one of you...Seriously I have some strong unconditional love for ya'll!!!!
I will finish off these babies hopefully it will be enough to keep me through the summer. I have a class starting in June and I might be moving so I don't know if a journal will be up again for a while but I can promise my activity around here will frighteningly scary!! hahaha
I also will be putting more money aside these days just in case something like this happens again!!!...I love you all too much!!!