MissBud and Her K-Train


This journal shall be risen from the dead :smokin2::rip:

Much kudos to you especially :circle-of-love::high-five::Namaste:


Yay!!! :Namaste::cheertwo:

thank you for the kind words friend :thanks:

And I will tell him for you =P


Lol I definitely wasn't expecting to take this road but sometimes life throws speed bumps at you and you just have to take the dent :smokin2:;)

:thanks: for the words and stopping by TBD
that is such GREAT news MissBud! I am very happy you didn't actually have to destroy them. It will be nice to see regular updates from you again. :thumb:

Keep the faith and push forward!

I'm glad you had someone to back you up, I don't know the reason and it really does not matter, as long as you are doing OK...:thumb:

I am always thinking of you Sisco :circle-of-love:

Things are starting to look a little better now so lets keep the fingers crossed! :Namaste::thanks::high-five:
that is such GREAT news MissBud! I am very happy you didn't actually have to destroy them. It will be nice to see regular updates from you again. :thumb:

Keep the faith and push forward!


:thanks: too much MS, you are a very modest and loving person!:circle-of-love::Namaste:

I am glad that people are very positive about this whole thing :Namaste::Love::cheertwo:
Update. Day 10 Flower

First of many guys and gals!!!!:circle-of-love::cheertwo::high-five::Namaste:

I took a trip to visit the ladies and I was blown away by multiple things! lol:scratchinghead:

First off, the stretch was mind-blowing. Next time I will go back to the MH for the first 2 weeks, plus initiate flower about a week earlier...We are sitting at about 3" from the glass lol!! Looks like it's time for him to build a diy cabinet to put one in because we just don't think it can be managed :hmmm:

Now this happened when he was moving the plants around and I just saw it very recently. I asked him if he could be a little more careful next time and he was very apologetic, there was no fuss whatsoever I actually thought it would slow it down lol. The duct taping job he did was terrible lol :laughtwo:...I tried to feel the stem lightly and it seems pretty broken. Would it be better to let this thing grow? or could I actually just cut it off beneath the original break? (I wouldn't care about losing the nug).


Now last but not least lol...

He flushed the plants with plain water followed by giving them 940 ppm of flower nutes on Day 2 on flower. The previous dose I was giving them was about 500 of Veg nutes. As I looked closer, it seems that a lot of chlorosis is starting to undergo, sort of resembling a magnesium deficiency. Pro-mix HP contains Cal/Dol Lime in it and I added extra dolomite lime at a normal dose like I did last time. The Ph run-off was at 5.4 (some of the lime must have washed through??) so we added 6.5 water. Checked run-off and it said 6.0 so we shall go from there.
(It also appears much brighter under the hps)

Hello MissBud:Love:

You don't have to tell stories....You are living in one. I can't believe all that's being done to you. I sure admire your will. Oh! My! Oh! My! This sure not what I excepted. My heart is with you girl. Sending all the good vibes I have.
Some how this too will pass. Your quite woman my lady. Glad you stopped by.
May it all end soon.!
Things look great MissBud...sorry I haven't checked in for a bit, work has been crazy. I'm glad to hear your overcame your obstacles and everything worked out for you. Those ladies are definately tall for the bloombox. I have found a strain where the clone is just perfect size and after multiple toppings are finishing about 6" from the glass. The main problem I am having with the box is getting my timing down pat. I take clones, but the roots grow so fast I have to move them to the flower side pretty quick to avoid the roots growing together in the veg tub. I'll get it figured out with time. I have been pretty slack on checking ph and ro and such, but they seem happy!
Woohoo! So nice to see your plants again. Look great to me - you're such a perfectionist, though, so I know you'll be all over the slight yellowing. :)

Hope you are well Missbud!
I love that last leaf pic! shows just how healthy these ladies really are. nice flat even colored green, no flared edges, just really happy looking plants =) nice work!!
Hello friends and family!!:circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love:

First off, I'd like to let everyone know that I obviously didn't want to leave without saying goodbye, but it was a lot harder than it sounds.

I got into a minor car accident and the damage wasn't bad at all. I got a phone call the next day from the other man who I hit and he said the mechanic estimates 1700$!!!....I couldn't believe it so I went down to meet him and sure enough, they had to order him new tires that weren't sold here!!!

Long story short, my insurance would more than double if I go through them so I just decided to pay him up front...which led to my internet and hydro being shut-off until a couple nights ago....Believe me everyone, this year has just been brutal!!!

For all the bad comes some good...during all this I managed to per sway my doctor to sign my compassion forms. The process takes 3-6 months for my card to arrive but I have an "interim" licence lol. That being said, my babies have been going through just as a rough time as me! :sorry::rip::whoa:, we ran out of room in the bloom box so we build a crappy little cab to finish off the other one (just has some T5's). I am already at day 42 and almost all the leaves have the chlorosis appearance, with some "rust" spots showing up on the sugar trim....Anywhoo I really wasn't even expecting to finish these ladies but I think I'll still get somethin :cheertwo:

So this is my plan for the next couple months....

I will take all the time in the world to get caught up with all of you...Since I've been gone, you all haven't left my mind for a second. I sincerely feel like I've gained some very solid friendship and I would never do anything to jeopardize that, so please don't feel like I "abandoned" you. I really really really wouldn't be anywhere close to nature as I am now without a single one of you...Seriously I have some strong unconditional love for ya'll!!!!:Love::Love:

I will finish off these babies hopefully it will be enough to keep me through the summer. I have a class starting in June and I might be moving so I don't know if a journal will be up again for a while but I can promise my activity around here will frighteningly scary!! hahaha

I also will be putting more money aside these days just in case something like this happens again!!!...I love you all too much!!!:circle-of-love::thanks:
Missbud -

I'm thrilled to hear you are okay and that you got your compassion forms signed, but really sad that you've had to go through so many other life challenges lately. I'm thrilled that we'll be seeing you around more again, and that you have some things coming together for you. Life sure has it's peaks and valleys. Sometimes the valleys are there so that we can appreciate the peaks a bit more, I suppose. Aww, screw valleys anyway, right? Much love and wishes for continued better fortune. Sounds like you've got a great plan. :Love:
I will take all the time in the world to get caught up with all of you...Since I've been gone, you all haven't left my mind for a second. I sincerely feel like I've gained some very solid friendship and I would never do anything to jeopardize that, so please don't feel like I "abandoned" you. I really really really wouldn't be anywhere close to nature as I am now without a single one of you...Seriously I have some strong unconditional love for ya'll!!!!

Hey Sista!!! I was just thinking about you and lo and behold you're back!!!! I know how you feel about gaining friendships, I think I have made a few including with you. I am sorry to hear about all the things you have been going through but glad things have gotten better for you now....

I might be moving

I am currently in the process of packing and getting ready to move. Just finished doing the paperwork last week and has to pay broker's fee next week. It has been a bit of a pain but I just want out of here and my current landlord is being a major prick but trying to keep my deposit. So it off to court I go if he doesn't return it.

It's just great to have you back and Ggrant too, he had been MIA as well.
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