MissBud and Her K-Train


That picture is from last time around but thank you very much for the words of confidence =)

Your grow and videos are incredible WoCha...I think videos are a great way to present your room!!!:bravo:


Honestly, I feel new growers get very intimated by some of the "text" that goes on around here lol. I couldn't agree more with you...I think the first time around should be the most basics (i.e., temps, lighting, air) , then as you become more experienced (veg light schedules, co2, diy, hydro) the more complex side of growing comes out.

You are off to a fantastic start, and it will only get better as more things get dialled in. I am very excited for any future journals of yours!! =)=)

And yes, ggrant is something else, as you are too. I sincerely believe both of you deserve it, without a doubt. I do know for a fact you will have that title under your name soon enough sweet heart, I'm pretty sure everyone here knows it too!:bravo::Namaste::high-five::circle-of-love::goodjob:

Your words are very comforting Queen, it's awesome to have you in my presence =)

Pretty scary incident today.....

I really don't want to go into much detail but if you guys don't hear from me for more than a week....:rip: =(

hope all is well and I am sure speak for everyone here in saying please let us know if we can help in anyway!

:peace: MissBud!
I hope you will be ok, Miss Bud. And thanks for the kind words. I am glad you understand what I am saying about my journals. They were the first ones I ever done so I basically was trying to get a feel for how it is done. Now that I know and am more comfortable with it I will try to make my future journals more informative. But as I said before, I will leave the technical things for the professionals.

I will definitely be keeping a watch here, hoping everything will be ok for you. :circle-of-love:
I really, really appreciate everyones support. It means the world to me...:Love:

However today is a terribly sad day, I must ask a mod to move this journal to the abandoned section as I had to destroy all the evidence.

I love all of you too much, believe me, this was the last thing I wanted or had planned.

For my own safety I'm going to lay low for a while, but I promise once I get these forms signed we'll be in the clear.

I don't really want to go into much detail, but it's what I've been fearing for some time now...I will still be around to check up on everyone so please don't feel I'm leaving you guys :Love:
Oh no. Damn damn damn damn damn. :(

I'm in big hurry, but much love your way. Please take care, and let me know how you are doing when you can. I'm very worried and concerned. Send me a PM if you must, and if you don't mind. Just nothing but positive vibes your way. I'm sad!

Good luck and take care! My thoughts are with you and sending all the positvie vibes I can muster for you and yours!

Shit happens and a shame when one has to take down a grow...

But much better than being dragged through the courts and ending up with a big ass fine, probation or even worse. Being put in prison.

Keep safe MB


Just a idea

MissBud and Her Outdoor Adventure
Damn lady, sorry to hear you had to dismantle your garden. But you got to be safe. I will miss you but when you do get on, drop me a line. I'll just think of you as on a little vacation. Be safe and be blessed my friend.

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