MissBud and Her K-Train

Hey Miss Bud,

It's nice to see more women growers on this site. Because women are nurturers, I think they have a more intuitive sense on how to grow things. (Sorry guys, get back to me after you've birthed a few babies!)

I could have offered you a few pointers on your first grow, but this one is perfect! I've been meaning to post but I don't know if I can offer you any advice except for the odd esoteric fact.

But if you don't mind, I'd like to cheer you on.

Hold on a sec ...

Sorry about that. I live in my mother's basement and she insists on checking my spelling before I post any messages to 420magazine.

Personally, I think she comes down here just to raid my stash! But when I confront her, she gives me this far-away, glassy-eyed stare and says:

I guess she's right. I mean, my own mother wouldn't lie to me, would she? But what I want to know is

Why does she bake so many cookies?

:high-five: for all of that ggrant! =):thanks::goodjob::Namaste::cheertwo::circle-of-love:

I can't begin to thank you for your willingness to help me obtain my licence...:Love::Love::Love:

If you ever see anything you think I could improve or change grant, please don't hesitate to speak...I am a young grass hopper who wishes to take in as much knowledge as I can =)...

Sometimes I'm a little over-caring but it's weird...I've managed to work that in with being somewhat patient (unlike the first grow) and I think that will be the best for me...

And that skit was very funny!!!....kinda reminds me of my son and I a little while ago! hahaha:smokin2::laughtwo::rofl:

I have also been reading up on tinctures quite a bit and I'm interested. Apparently they don't get you stoned per say as it is mostly a pain reliever yes?? That's what I am looking for...something I can toss in my coffee in the morn and be good for the day :Love::Love::peace:

I am still baffled about the cocaine in coca cola, and opium and others, but I guess back then science was looking for different things than they are today....
Update: Day 25 from seed

Hey everyone just thought I'd throw some more pictures up :smokin2:

Plants appear droopy because pictures were taken 2 minutes after lights turned on, I also wanted to give them to full day to recover. I think I might have fimmed the fim lol!...If I don't see normal growth I will just pick the middle parts

I have also booked my doctors appointment for 3 weeks from today (busy man lol), so it is only a matter of time before my tongue will be stuck out towards the neighbour!:smokin2::bongrip:




Plant #2 (I spread the leaves apart to make it easier for the fim)

Edit: Two days ago was the first use of nutrients. 5ml grow A/B @ 400 ppms
I have also been reading up on tinctures quite a bit and I'm interested. Apparently they don't get you stoned per say as it is mostly a pain reliever yes?? That's what I am looking for...something I can toss in my coffee in the morn and be good for the day

The Chinese have used cannabis as a medicine for thousands of years. As a tincture, it is called

Green Dragon Tea

Recipe for Green Dragon Tea
The Definitive Green Dragon (Cannabis Tincture)
Here is the very successful result of a considerable amount of research into the elusive and magical Green Dragon.

This is a simple and efficient 4 Step process.

1/8oz high quality cannabis
2 oz Bacardi Rum — 151 proof

Process Summary:

1. Chop cannabis very fine (coffee grinder works great)

2. Place in a shallow pan (pie pan with aluminum foil works great) and bake at 325°F for 4-5 minutes.

3. Remove from oven and place cannabis and place in 2 oz of rum (use a small wide mouth mason jar)

4. Simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Maintain temperature of the rum/cannabis mixture between 150°F — 165°F.

5. Strain the mixture and store.

One eyedropper is very nice. Two puts you in space. But you should self-titrate. Effects take about 1.5 hours to begin (at least in myself) and lasted for 5 hours (1 dropper) to 7-8 hours (2 droppers).

Process details–references and rationalizations:
1. Chop the cannabis–more surface area gives means a faster and more efficient extraction.

2. Bake the cannabis.
In whole-plant cannabis, THC content is expressed as THCA (tetrahydrocannabolic acid) prior to decarboxylation into THC, which takes place when cannabis is heated during cooking, and smoked or vaporized ingestion. THCA is a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory but does not have good affinity with our CB1 receptors, so in order to make a THC-rich tincture that has many of the same therapeutic effects as smoked ingestion (including rapid absorption, quick relief and ease of self-titration), we must convert the THCA in the plant matter into THC prior to extracting it through an alcohol soak. (from Vancouver Island Compassion Society Marijuana Therapeutic)
THC vaporizes at about 380°F. We want to heat the cannabis to convert THCA to THC, but keep the temperature under 380°F. That is why 325°F is used. Between four and five minutes your oven (and house) will start to smell very strong. This is the time to remove the cannabis from the oven.

Notice also that there is considerable misinformation regarding heating the cannabis. It is true that you don't have to heat it to extract both THC and THCA, but the amount of THC in whole plant preparations is relatively small compared to after decarboxylation of the THCA. So if you want to maximize the strength of your tincture you must heat the cannabis prior to extraction.

3. Use the highest proof alcohol available. In my area this was Bacardi 151. The more alcohol the more efficient the extraction will be.

4. Simmer the mixture.
This is one of the areas that seems to be most debated. Many recipes call for placing the cannabis (unbaked of course) into the alcohol and waiting 2 — 6 weeks. The main concern with heating the alcohol is that it is "explosive" (not exactly true...it is however flammable).

The purpose of the simmering is to heat the alcohol mixture to improve extraction rates and efficiencies. Heating during extraction increases the motion of the molecules (basic physics/chemistry) and drastically decreases extraction times. The boiling point of pure ethanol is 173°F (78°C). We will use the water bath to heat the rum/cannabis mixture to just below the boiling point of ethanol.

Heating the alcohol mixture can be done very safely using a hot water bath. You will need an accurate candy or quick read thermometer. Place about 1 inch of water in a wide, vertical-edged pan (9" wide x 3" high). Bring the water to a low simmer. The rum/cannabis mixture should be in a small (1 pint) mason jar. Do NOT cover the jar.

Put the thermometer into the mason jar and place into the simmering water bath. Bring the temperature of the rum/cannabis mixture to about 165°F (I maintain it between 150°F and 165°F). You want the alcohol mixture to be just barely moving (not boiling, but showing active convection within the mixture). If the mixture starts to bubble too much, just turn down the water bath.

You should have the oven fan on high. You will notice that any alcohol fumes are mixed with water vapor from the water bath and vented out the fan. This combined with the fact that you are trying not to boil the ethanol makes the process quite safe.

5. Strain, titrate, and store.
When you are finished with the extraction you will be left with about 1oz of green dragon tincture. Note that one ounce of the alcohol has evaporated.

Now you should test your eyedropper. In my test 34 full droppers equaled one ounce of liquid (this is a little less than one gram of liquid per dropperful as 29g equals 1ounce).

The liquid should be dark green and smell like cannabis.

6. Dosage.
Everybody is probably different. It takes me 1.5 hours to feel the effects of eating cannabis. Similarly this tincture also takes 1.5 hours to take effect.

I had tried a tincture someone had made using the cold extraction method with the same amount of cannabis and found that 5 droppers did pretty much nothing.

Using my Green Dragon technique I find that one dropper will bring effects on in 1.5 hours and last 5 hours with 1.5 hours of lingering aftereffects.

Two droppers gave me a "spiritual dose" (as strong as any brownie I ever had). Effects lasted 7-8 hours with lingering effects for 2 more hours.

This means that 1/8oz of good cannabis yields about 30-34 doses of tincture (1 dropperful is really all I need). And is much more pleasant than smoking (which really is bad for you and your lungs and the reason I've stopped smoking entirely).

This link might be helpful.
Metric Conversion: Worldwide Wholesale Distribution of Valves, Fittings, Tubing & Flanges: World Wide Metric

Enjoy and let me know of your success and/or questions.

Master Wu

I'm going to give it a shot this week and I will let you know how it goes!!:thankyou:


Hey there Goshawk!:high-five:

I have an appointment next week with my family doctor (same one who didn't sign the forms last year) and will just be as informative as I can. Hope for the best prepare for the worst!
I think trying to change a doctors mind when it comes to cannabis recommendations may be a wasted effort. Finding a doctor over the phone that is already giving medical marijuana recommendations would seem to be the the most direct path to take as long as your problem is listed in your state's cannabis law and you have some documentation of treatment he will probably approve your recommendation. If your ailment isn't specifically listed in your state's law then you would have to use something like chronic pain, eating problems etc as long as it it is listed in the law.

Miss Bud lives in Canada and, unfortunately, Canada is rather backwards in its view about MM. I live there, too, so I know about this. But you're right, it would make sense to find a compassionate doctor to recommend MM, but it's not as easy to find one as it is in the States.

In Canada, unlike the United States, medical care is provided by each Province. All Candians are covered and medical insurance is not required. One has a "family doctor," who is a conduit to medical services. If you need a specialist, he will recommend one. You don't seek out a specialist by yourself.

It's worth a try for Ms. Bud to see if her doctor will go for it. If not, she can then decide whether to find another "family doctor."

Miss Bud lives in Canada and, unfortunately, Canada is rather backwards in its view about MM. I live there, too, so I know about this. But you're right, it would make sense to find a compassionate doctor to recommend MM, but it's not as easy to find one as it is in the States.

In Canada, unlike the United States, medical care is provided by each Province. All Candians are covered and medical insurance is not required. One has a "family doctor," who is a conduit to medical services. If you need a specialist, he will recommend one. You don't seek out a specialist by yourself.

It's worth a try for Ms. Bud to see if her doctor will go for it. If not, she can then decide whether to find another "family doctor."

ohh i see. i think i should read what im reading if that makes sence.
Glad to see you Goshawk!!, how's everything going??:circle-of-love::Namaste::Love::Love:

Unfortunately as ggrant stated, I live in Canada =(

I totally agree with you on that Goshawk, this waiver I'm asking him to sign this time has an option for him to say he doesn't agree with it and to state his reason. If he says anything along the lines of "not enough research", or "I just don't agree with mj" then I should be okay according to the compassion club.

Worst comes to worst, I don't think canning this doc won't help. Despite this speed bump, he's been beyond crucial in my life, and I just don't think I could get rid of him :(

:thankyou: for stopping by friend!! =)


Hey there friend!:Namaste::circle-of-love:

Yeah your right about Canada going backwards about all this, pretty ridiculous.

Seems like things are getting crazy around here, and everyone thinks this is the relaxed place to be?

But anyways, I'm working very hard on putting this all together, however, I'm also preparing to not start crying if he doesn't sign it at all.

I appreciate all your help too much friend, you are the bomb!:Love::Love::Love:

Big Beans:

BB it's great to see you around again! =)

I hope everything is going good on your end?? :circle-of-love::Namaste:

But yeah as ggrant posted I live in Canada so it is a tricky one but hopefully I get this all resolved:allgood:

Hope to see you around more!
This post is dedicated to GodSpeed and Twelve12...

I have not been able to stop thinking about what's been going on with you two. You both know how I feel, and I'm sure you've heard enough suggestions so the only thing I wish to talk about is the mentality of all this...

You two are some of the strongest (mental...physical maybe too? lol) human beings I've ever come across. If anyones told me to stay steady and keep my head up, it's been you two. This may only be a site but I strongly feel the vibes from you two, can't really imagine what it would be like without y'all =(

To sum things up, every drop of love in my body is being sent and if you guys really need ANYTHING please let me know!!

p.s, karma is a bitch;)

Love you guys!!!:Love::Love::Love::Love:
Hi there missbud.

I think that is great advice, and do not forget to keep your head up, cuz when it is down all we see is our feet - lol.

Hang in there and I completely agree that karma is a bitch!
Your plants look great!

:peace: and hang in there!

LOL!! haven't heard that one before but tis funny :smokin2:

But yes, karma is real, and a bitch!!

:thanks: for the supporting words friend, it's always nice to see you around =)


It is totally okay friend! :Namaste::circle-of-love::cheertwo:

I am looking forward to your journal! I'll be there before you know it :adore:;):cheesygrinsmiley:

:thankyou: for the support friend!!! =):circle-of-love:
Update. Day 29 from seed

So I normally don't post multiple pics during a week but I thought this was bizarre...
I seem to have two different phenos, that is possible this early right??:scratchinghead:

Last time around I had given about 5 doses of nutes where as this time I'm still sitting on the first dose of 430ppms lol.

Even after fimming them both, one has thought it's okay to just skyrocket...I'm going to have to punish her (lst or sc) if she keeps it up lol :popcorn:


Could you put shorty up on a block? She needed her equal share, or it's like
baby birds: big ones dominate the runts who can starve, for all they care.

But yeah, the big one needs to be punished. I'm not often a fan of B&D, but...

Totally true Gator, I was thinking it was sorta like real life in the amazon where plants fight with other plants for space and such:hmmmm::hmmm:

LOL!! and that is quite funny, I'm not the type either but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do :bigblush:
I am with ggrant, get that canopy even if possible. Ventilation and light for all. Let them be all they can be...

Don't treat that runt like a stepchild. I have had many a runt prove itself otherwise. Dynamite can come in small packages and quality takes time. Size has never been a significant factor in quality bud. WE all love the porn, but when it comes down to it, the end result is what we are after.

TLC Baby
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