MissBud and Her K-Train

A gator in a suit, just isn't so cute

Now a gator that rhymes as well, to him my heart has fell

Cousin you speak of? Propa Doc?, I live in over-rated canada where things do not rock

Hopefully everything goes as planned, so I can shut up this neighbour and play in the sand

I have good feelings which is a rare case, but that's what happens for loving a warm reptile race
For you MissBud I couldn't resist.

Ah but a gator in suit
wearing spats to boot
is the the vision of fare

welcome him you will
for he brings nutes
and sugars
and swill

his looks they will grow
as your gardens are sowed
and sweet harvests
begin to flow

so welcome the gator in a suit
fear him not he aint no brute
he's actually quite handsome
for a gator, in a suit

TBD, it is my honour to have you here from the start of the journey friend:Namaste::circle-of-love:

:thankyou: for the warm comments




It sucks I'm in a rush because it took me a while to even write that short poem for PG! LOL:smokin2:

But just you wait, soon as I have some time you better watch out for the most loving poem you've ever been read! =):circle-of-love:

So after a long phone call with an employee from the VCS, she said the best plan is to print off as much information as I can about the benefits of cannabis and osteoarthritis, to then take that information to my current physician (I then explained that he was not willing to sign them), so she then told me to take the waver on their website to him as well. The waver just has a check box for the physician to either sign that he has discussed the medical benefits and agrees with the use of cannabis and the other check box says that he has discussed the medical benefits but does not support it's use and for the following reason(s)...

I have been doing some research already but am having troubles finding articles more in depth than "over 60 different cannabinoids help with anti-inflammatory - 1995 study" lol

I really do hate to ask for help, but if any of you suffer from OA, please could you possibly provide me with some strong information on all of this? I would like to know as well as inform my doc about the scientific studies of cannabis and arthritis! =):circle-of-love::Namaste::high-five:

So after a long phone call with an employee from the VCS, she said the best plan is to print off as much information as I can about the benefits of cannabis and osteoarthritis, to then take that information to my current physician (I then explained that he was not willing to sign them), so she then told me to take the waver on their website to him as well. The waver just has a check box for the physician to either sign that he has discussed the medical benefits and agrees with the use of cannabis and the other check box says that he has discussed the medical benefits but does not support it's use and for the following reason(s)...

I have been doing some research already but am having troubles finding articles more in depth than "over 60 different cannabinoids help with anti-inflammatory - 1995 study" lol

I really do hate to ask for help, but if any of you suffer from OA, please could you possibly provide me with some strong information on all of this? I would like to know as well as inform my doc about the scientific studies of cannabis and arthritis! =):circle-of-love::Namaste::high-five:

This is all you will need:

Granny Storm Crow's List


:bongrip: - JZ
on the run, forget breakfast tea is cold,
I push people away, running up the escalator and I can hear the whistle ,all on board ?
Move people move !!
Oh my god did i just missed the K train ?
Or am I still on time?
I wish all passengers a save trip on the K train .
I just had to stop by and say Hi and subbed!
Good luck with the OA search! no one should be denied medication that trully helps and never hinders.

I like the look of those little ladies, nice job :high-five:
It will be fun to watch them grow up and be smoked ~ yeah


It's pretty shitty that's for sure =(

But hopefully with our vibes, we can conquer all the pain oa thinks it can dish out!! :cheertwo::Namaste:

Your vibes are bringing out the best of me Smokz, having people like you subbed to my journal is more than I could ask for :Love::Love:


Daaaaaamn Jz!!!!:thedoubletake::clap::reading420magazine::Namaste:

Is there anything not covered there?? lol!! :welldone::bravo:

Only trouble I'm having is all the scientific terms!!! too bad I sucked at chemistry and biology in school =(...also seems like there is a lot of info on rheumatoid arthritis but not as much as osteo but I have come across a couple decent articles already so hopefully we shall be all good!:circle-of-love::Namaste::cheertwo:

:thankyou: too much friend that is exactly the stuff I'm looking for!!!:Namaste:

Casa Verde:

Casa glad to see you here friend!! :circle-of-love::Love::cheertwo::cheertwo:

Honestly, with what you have going on over there, I want to give you a special thanks for subbing! =)

If anyone hasn't seen Casa Verde's journal...lol I feel like I'm in heaven every time I visit it:Namaste:


:welcome: MSquared!! =)

Again, with what you have going on thank you very much for stopping by!:Namaste:

I know a busy lifestyle is something, but some I couldn't imagine fitting a large or just very dialled in grow in along with it! so well done amigo and thank you!!

:thanks: for the comments friend


:welcome: shottafire!!:circle-of-love:

You arrived at the perfect time friend!!!

I appreciate your words of encouragement =), hopefully all goes well!!
Update. Day 19 of seedling

Hey guys and gals, just thought I'd toss another couple pics up =)

Last time I started using nutrients around the 12th day but I still haven't fed anything but water yet so soon as they dry out a fair amount ill give them 350-450 ppms :Namaste:



Missbud - only have a sec, but wanted you to know I'm sending you positive vibes, thinking good thoughts, and wishing you didn't have to deal with the hassles you are being faced with. Much peace and love your way - hang in there!


Ah, friend but I could already feel your warmth! =)

Thank you very much X, it really does mean a lot and it's posts like that which gives me some special determination:Love:

I feel pretty confident with some of the info I've managed to gather so hopefully he'll have no choice :smokin2:
Hey Miss Bud,

It's nice to see more women growers on this site. Because women are nurturers, I think they have a more intuitive sense on how to grow things. (Sorry guys, get back to me after you've birthed a few babies!)

I could have offered you a few pointers on your first grow, but this one is perfect! I've been meaning to post but I don't know if I can offer you any advice except for the odd esoteric fact.

But if you don't mind, I'd like to cheer you on.

Hold on a sec ...

No Mom, I'm not going to become a cheerleader! And it's called "Cheer Squad." Yeah, I'll be up in a minute.

Sorry about that. I live in my mother's basement and she insists on checking my spelling before I post any messages to 420magazine.

Personally, I think she comes down here just to raid my stash! But when I confront her, she gives me this far-away, glassy-eyed stare and says:

Dearie, you know I don't smoke Indiana Ditchweed, Johnson Grass, Lamb's Head, Paca Lolo, Bambalacha, Butter Flower, Charge, Djamba, Gage, Green Goddess, Mary Warner, Queen Ann's Lace, Red Cross, Stack, Sweet Lucy or whatever it is you kids are calling it nowadays!

I guess she's right. I mean, my own mother wouldn't lie to me, would she? But what I want to know is

Why does she bake so many cookies?
Esoteric Fact #1:

Safety of cannabis
Various strains of medical marijuana in front of a vaporizerAccording to an approved statement from the US Department of Justice in 1988, "Nearly all medicines have toxic, potentially lethal effects. But marijuana is not such a substance. There is no record in the extensive medical literature describing a proven, documented cannabis-induced fatality. In practical terms, marijuana cannot induce a lethal response as a result of drug-related toxicity."

From January 1997 to June 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported zero deaths caused by the primary use of marijuana.

Esoteric Fact #2:

Cannabis was sold in pharmacies as a tincture. Cocaine and Opium were also available from pharmacies. Coca Cola originally contained cocaine as one of its ingedients. Maybe they should have called it Buzz Cola!

Here is a picture of

Cannabis Indica Extract


The label says:

Fluid Extract. Cannabis Indica. USP eighth revision. The flowering tops of cannabis sativa. Alcohol 60 percent. Physiologically tested. A.D.S.. Guaranteed by the American Druggist Syndicate under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906. Serial number 1218. Manufactured by the American Druggists Syndicate Laboratories. Long Island City. Greater New York.
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