MissBud and Her K-Train

Propa Gator:

Hahaha I could only imagine!:Hookah::smokin2::laughtwo:

Atleast I'd have a better chance at hitting the damn thing :geek:;):laughtwo:


Thank you very much sir :thanks::Namaste:

This whole time has been a roller coster but at least I'm still on the ride :peace::Namaste::circle-of-love:

Casa Verde:

:thankyou: for the warming words friend :Namaste:

It is my dream to grow something like your purple killingfields one day:drool::dreamy:
Hey there MissBud, I am with James on this and am wondering that myself. I would also recommend cutting back the time of the light cycle if you can, also what do the trichs look like under the scope? She just may want to keep ripening for a while longer. If those trichs are all clear and you are ok with that, take her if you want. I would leave her be and may even start feeding her again if you can.
BTW - what have you been feeding her, this may be the cause of her not finishing off.


Thank you very much for chiming in and the awesome words friend :high-five:

Unfortunately the timer built into the bloom box is programmed to only do 12/12 so I can't really change the cycle (I would love to though! lol).


Hey there good old pal! :Namaste:

As I just mentioned, it sucks that I can't change the light schedule but such is life. The trichs are about 75%cloudy25%clear and I just started the flush two waterings ago. The last dose I gave them might have been a bit high (1.4 EC) so maybe I should run like 0.4 EC through?? I am feeding her with this local 2 part series called Island Blend...basically the same as GH, AN, FF with the addition of some cal-mag and floranectar. I could maaaaybe go another 2 weeks if it really comes down to it, what would you do friend?:Namaste:
Hey Miss Bud, those ladies look nice. Being the novice that I am, sadly I can't give advice on when to chop. But I have chopped prematurely before with trichs half clear and half cloudy, it was still a pretty nice smoke and high.

"a former female tenant I guess burned him bad in a lot of ways but that don't have sh*t to do with me"

A pal of mine gets stuck with the bill when his tenants don't pay their utilities. Corrupt Democratic City Hall won't allow utilities to shut off any of their precious constituancy's power gas or water, so he's stuck with a dead house when they leave because that's when the plug is pulled. Now what does he do?He has to pay a lawyer to sue the utility companies, and maybe his empty house will become rentable again. Or pay thousands for his ex-tenant's perfidy. He tells me that they all speak the same 'innocent, honorable me' line that you spoke above. He hasn't accepted Section 8 money in years, but still gets stuck. If I want to fly anywhere, I must be searched & humiliated like everyone else because of some shit that I didn't do. This year is 2012!

Alas, Mr. Gator, you are very wise but that is not the case here with this landlord. I understand his concern or fear of being burned but I have more than proved (being his tenant 2 years) that I pay my bills on time considering he gets his rent on time every month. He gets paid before anyone. So to me whatever fear or doubt he had should have been relieved to some degree. Another thing, I don't think he is even on the up and up so to speak because when I first moved in, paying my electric bill on time, I was getting shut off notices from the electric company in his brother's name. Regardless if a tenant is on a government program or not or what the last tenant did should not reflect on the next tenant. I could tell you horror stories I have had with this man to the point of calling the city on him.

Sorry for the mini hijack Miss B, just wanted to respond to Mr. Gator.
I also hate to ask this, but if any of you were in my shoes what's the earliest you would chop her ?(from the pics I posted)

I was thinking if I let it go another week it should be fine?:scratchinghead:

I wait till new growth/swelling stops. I don't magnify trichs, but do notice/desire their sparkle. Fortunately, my main strain Pineapple Express is usually done in 49 days of 12/12: not quite instant gratification but close. It's so odorific that the more quickly it's cut trimmed dried and put in jars the better. By the fresh color of your plant's pistles, I would let them continue except for a small lower branch now if I had nothing else to smoke. They'll be no worse for a week or two, probably better.
Hi Missbud!

First :bravo: Those are some killer colas! Wait til they fatten up even more. :yummy:

I agree, might be closer to 2 weeks. I also agree that it might not hurt to go to a shorter light schedule. Either 11 hours, or taper it down to 11 hours over the next few days/week. Can send a signal to plant that it's time to finish up.

:thanks: for the words friend

I am always interested in your opinion girl, if you ever feel I am doing something out of place please let me know :Namaste:

Hopefully it will still be good smoke like yours!!:circle-of-love:

Propa Gator:

It sucks because I went for a "faster" strain this time and I'm still dealing with +9 weeks!! lol

The smell was bad about 3 weeks ago...now it's like someone stole my plant and replaced it with a family of pissed off skunks lol

Last stuff was very fruity, but this seems to be a lot more "mossy" and "earthy". I really appreciate your advice on the pistils friend :circle-of-love::thanks: Hopefully they start to swell quickly because I am tired of waiting! lol but that was also a nice idea on cutting off a small branch. I will probably look for a nug that is on par of ripeness with a top cola and give it a quick dry next week :Namaste:


Hey there good pal :Namaste:

I hope everything is okay with your health, I really am thinking about your family a lot.:Love:

I also hope you kill the sh*t out of those buggers!!! I just scanned your journal to find that out..I have all faith in you though, if anyone can do it..

:thanks: for the positive words of encouragement X, it really means a lot.

I actually just found out today that I can tinker with the parameters on the BloomBox timer. It seems a bit difficult, and I will have to shut the box off first, but it can be done. The online rep said I should just finish with 12/12 but those guys have yet to give me some solid advice :icon_roll

It sucks because I have some ridiculous family coming over fairly soon that really doesn't support this medicine and that might be the main reason for me cutting early. I know that 10-14 days longer would be ideal but honestly the latest I can do it is Monday the 21st (I have it all planned out lol). I will probably give one more tiny dose of nutes (0.4-0.8 EC) then just keep watering with just RO:Namaste: Hopefully I don't sacrifice too much, but you gotta do what you gotta do lol:bongrip:
It sucks when your on a deadline and the plants have a schedule all their own.

I hope they swell up quick for you before the chopping date!

I have never done this but have heard that leaving them in 36 hours of darkness before you chop is suppose to make them really plump up.

However it plays out I wish you the best of luck!:goodluck:

Tell me about it James! :nomo:

I have read about a particular rare pheno with this strain that apparently takes 10-12 weeks!!! :bitingnails::icon_roll:scratchinghead:

So far I'm seeing all the traits that people explained but there is no way I would wait that long lol

They might look fairly small but some of these nugs are bigger than Damn Sour run even without the swelling happening so if I have to chop, at least I will still get something lol

I have also read about the 24-36 hours of darkness before harvest in a couple different books, articles, and some actual experience in journals on this site. From all the debate, I really don't believe there has been any scientific research done and proved that it bulks the plant up, or makes it more resinous. I certainly am not disagreeing with that...In fact, it makes sense that it would become more resinous from being stressed out (not a big deal, being at the end of life cycle). I personally prefer to harvest in the morning because it is convenient and I have some feeling that it is more resinous before lights come on, "plants grow in the day, roots grow at night"...but I just read an article on Xlr8's most recent journal that has someone who did do a very solid trial run and it gives a good idea...Wow am I ever sorry for this I am just very medicated and it's been a while lol.:smokin2::Namaste:

:thanks: very very much for the wishes friend!:Love::Love:
Hi Missbud!

First, you got my NOTM vote. There were some beauties you were up against, but your nug is drop dead gorgeous!

Second, I just posted a test that was done recently where they did the dark period first. The buds tested had zero increase in potency due to dark period vs no dark period. If you missed that post, it's only a page or three back in my journal. Seems like the guy who did it was pretty scientific about it, too. If anything, maybe it increases bulk/weight (swell). I've done it and didn't like how the plants seemed to get a bit limp after 48 hrs or so... Your mileage may vary. :)

Much love - hope you are well!
I'm on my way over now X.

I have a fellow grower around here that swears by the dark cycle, that it plumps them up having one between veg and flower and one before chop 36 hours each. I was going to try it this time but I already missed my chance. I may try it for 12 hours before I chop and see what it has done, then go from there if I chop or let it go more.

Edit: LOL, somehow I lost your journal, when I went there I clicked view first unread and sure enough just 2 posts down was the article!!! Now to finish catching up.

That feels awesome to have other people see where I'm coming from and understand too. There seems to be a lot of articles but I think it might just be too much of an inconvenience to give it a shot. I have also noticed once I left the lights off for a couple extra hours by accident and they were looking pretty droopy as X said as well. Looks like it will be an early chop but only for my convenience :circle-of-love:

Thank you too much for stopping by friend! I hope you have an incredible harvest :Namaste::Love::bravo:


Thank you very much for the comments friend :Namaste:

I definitely just checked the article you were talking about and that's some solid info right there. :goodjob:

Soo many tricks and tips in the game I'm just lost at this point! lol

:thanks: for dropping in friend


It seems to be a very large debate but I would be very interested to see a trial run myself, even though this time won't really be the best. I have also had experience with plants going limp after too much darkness but that wasn't at harvest time and I'm still a giant noob lol:cheertwo:

I really appreciate your willingness to help me james :Namaste:

I love all the suggestions and tips...if you guys feel like saying anything please don't hesitate...:Namaste:
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