Method 420-s1ing gets waxy

OOps, sorry 'bout that, I follow both and when I click on I go to the last seen post usually (although not always, pinche 420, lol) and didn't realize which one I was in when I asked that. I'll try to be more careful with my curiousity next wonder I'm down to the last couple of my nine lives, to anxious.
No Problem at all jam
So after reading this thread I was inspired to make some Bubble Hash. I dont have any trim cuz I made hash out of it after my last harvest so I decided I would bust up a QP of dry cured buds.

Ive never made more than 4OZs of trim worth of hash and it dont last long so I have never dried and cured my hash. After watching Frenchy make a Cannoli I wanted to go ahead and give it a try.

My question is how do I tell if its dry enough. I watched both videos and the 1st one twice but either missed it or it wasnt there??.
What Ive read says it depends on temps and humidity. I have 75 to 80 degrees and 35 to 40% humidity since making the hash 24 hrs ago.
Heres a few pics taken after it was chopped up.

This one is of the first 2 runs, 1st run in back, 2nd in front, left to right 45-73-160

This one is 3rd and 4th runs combined, 4th had next to nothing so stopped there. 45-73-160 again

This one is of the 3 separate 73 runs which I want to press and age. The 3rd, lighter colored run was done about 2 hrs later than the first 2 runs so they are darker.

Being that its not that much would it take more than 24 hrs to be dry enough to press and not mold?
Hey Dank! Long time no see, glad to see your doing such a fine job with the evidence on the pressing screen.
I washed some frozen trim earlier today and am beat, too many things going on with not enough breaks I guess.
Hopefully members with way more knowledge than me will keep chiming in cause Im a newbie at it and don't want to pass on advice that I am not 110% sure and then only if it was second nature.
Ill have to go take a peek and see what you've been up to
if you have a pyrex with a top, put the runs in there, cover and put in the freezer for a bit (1-2 hrs.) The water trapped in it, if any, will precipitate to the outer edges. Let it sit out again for awhile and that will help evaporate it away. I don't usually press mine but I wouldn't press for at least another day if it were me and probably not for two or three; but I dry mine outside for 24 hours then toss in the fridge for another day before breaking it up usually also.
Yeah my wax is much drier after three of four days, darker too
You mean just press it into a block and be done with it ? The modling is one of the things that makes the quality, if I've understood the gist of all of his vids. Drying will take till it's dry .. when that is depends on many things. Most tut's I've read describe dry as 'dry'. It should be noticeable darker and feel dry :p

I'd like to try a two gram wax puck one day, I'd have to use a frozen press to have any hope of it letting go
Hey Dank! Long time no see, glad to see your doing such a fine job with the evidence on the pressing screen.
I washed some frozen trim earlier today and am beat, too many things going on with not enough breaks I guess.
Hopefully members with way more knowledge than me will keep chiming in cause Im a newbie at it and don't want to pass on advice that I am not 110% sure and then only if it was second nature.
Ill have to go take a peek and see what you've been up to

Ive made quite a bit of Bubble Hash but like I said Ive never dried or cured any so Im tryin it out.

I just recently started a new journal( 2014 link below) so please do come check it out when ya got a minute, everyone else is welcome to come chime in also. Nothin special goin on yet but Ill be shutting down the indoor soon til I can build a sealed room and just focusing on Outdoor for the rest of the year.
Washed the trim at the end of last summers grows, dried it then jarred until today.


Just letting the hot water bottle sit under some pressure for a min or so, you can see the resin start to change.

After 1/2hr maybe a little more of pressing.

At this point my wrists were shot, so I heated the oven to 140, then put the packet in for about 6min, removed and folded the sheet, and pressed out with bottle again, which didn't take very long, with the little bit of preheating. I rolled but it just didn't feel just right, not like hash I remember. So I folded it again, put it back in the oven, then took it out to the garage and put in the "Hash Press" I let it cool completely in the press. Now it has the feel and texture I'm looking for

I did roll the puck into a 3.1 gm cannoli

I have sampled and it has a wonderful flavor, and the buzz ain't bad either.
By Mold I meant like moldy and no good.
Just as with curing bud, make sure there is no stagnant air where stuff is drying, and this should not be a problem. Or so I have been told.

Its dry when its dry, well how do you know its dry when its dry? Can I leave it out too long and get too dry?
It cant get too dry. It will feel like dry, unbaked clay when it's done. It shouldnt feel sticky/oily.

Sorry I dont mean to be a pain in the ass but I just dont know how to know what dry hash looks or feels like. Does it need to be chocolate brown to be dry like what he presses in the video?
Color is largely depending on strain .. like mud has different colors, but all dries kinda darker then it looks wet, and feels grainy but doesnt really stick anymore. (altho the last one is dependand on strain as well)

I'm sorry for my not so helpfull reply regarding what dry is earlyer ;)
So I waited 3 days. Temps since last post were 65 to 75 and 16 to 40% humidity. Ceiling fan has been on and windows open so air flow was good and there was no stickiness to the hash and it felt crumbly as suggested so I went ahead and pressed it this morning.

5 Grams of 73 micron bubble

Pressed it 3 times and rolled it. I put it in the jar and into the closet for aging. The jar is not air tight cuz my buds that were in there dried out if left for long periods of time.
I put it in the jar and into the closet for aging. The jar is not air tight cuz my buds that were in there dried out if left for long periods of time.

I learned the hard way that those "air-tight" nug jars with the plastic seals on the lid are definitely not air tight. Upon close inspection of the seals, I noticed that there are gaps, I suppose so that you can easily open/close the lid without any air pressure issues. I now use those jars for mulch left over from vaping since it already is dry and I don't car it it drys out even further and use other storage for the cannabis I've removed from curing to use over the course of a week or two.
I learned the hard way that those "air-tight" nug jars with the plastic seals on the lid are definitely not air tight. Upon close inspection of the seals, I noticed that there are gaps, I suppose so that you can easily open/close the lid without any air pressure issues. I now use those jars for mulch left over from vaping since it already is dry and I don't car it it drys out even further and use other storage for the cannabis I've removed from curing to use over the course of a week or two.

Same here. Luckily I just had the small ones to use for different strains when I was still buying so they werent for long term storage but any more than a couple weeks and you can feel the difference.

What do you use the vaped bud for? I read before about using it in butter or oil for cooking and have 3+OZs crammed into another jar Ive been saving but havent needed to make butter yet.
I use it for edibles. I grind it up using a mortar & pestle and add it like flour to brownie/cookie/muffin/etc. mixes. Typically, for high altitude baking the directions say add a tablespoon or 2 of flour to the mix so I use the mulch flour, but you could add it in anyway since it isn't that much really. It does not have the kick of non-vaped cannabis edibles but you can definitely feel the effects over time, also more edibles can be consumed without any real concern of "overdosing". The only two drawbacks that I've noticed are that it does darken the edible since it isn't a white flour that is being added and it does alter the flavor a bit since mulch has an entirely different smell/taste from cured cannabis. If I ever get to making butter, I will try mulch and see how it works but so far I've only used it as explained above.
I found this a couple years ago somewhere else; I didn't come up with it, but have used it (and pretty much still do, with a couple tweaks) and it works very well:

"I have somewhat of a background in organic chemistry, and I am always seeking better ways to extract and make usable cannabinoids. To this end I've come up with a method that makes the purest and most potent QWISO I've ever smoked.

The key to this method is the heating phase after the initial cure. This decarboxylates the barely psychoactive THC-A into the THC we all know and love. Because it's done all in one set of steps there is none of the slow degradation to CBN and CBD that you get with slow curing. The end result is a very potent product. Those who have tried of know of 'budder' will note that for the most part this is the key to making budder; the isomerization of THC-A to THC.

First we need the usual tools for making QWISO. I use fresh, not dried, bud and bud bits that have been frozen overnight. Using undried and frozen buds is key to making high quality hash oil, as the rest of the plant matter is barely touched by the solvent; just the resinous trichomes are affected for the most part.

Putting the buds in a mason jar I think put just enough 91% Isopropanol in the jar to cover them. I then shake vigorously for thirty seconds. After that I strain the mess through a mesh strainer into a bowl. From there I pour it through a coffee filter into another container. Note how it's fairly clear; there is virtually no chlorophyll or compounds other than cannabinoids in the resulting liquid.

Now we pour the liquor into a pyrex baking dish. I set it on gentle heat and let it evaporate under my kitchen vent/hood. I have a very powerful fan in my kitchen; you might want to do this outside unless you're sure of your ventillation.

Once the QWISO has evaporated down to hash oil and it's cured overnight I put it in an oven a 220°F for 15-20 minutes. I'm still playing with different durations. This is a key step to this method. During this phase the inactive THC-A loses a carboxyl group and becomes the more strongly psychoactive THC.

Let it cool until you can handle the pyrex, then put it in as cold a freezer as you have handy for no less than 2 hours. The hash oil will freeze up and form very hard crystals. be continued in the next post.

Next I immediately scrape the hash oil off the glass using a fresh, sharp razor blade. It's important to be gentle and consistent in pressure but to work quickly while the oil is still brittle and frozen.

Once it's scraped up I sometimes freeze it again depending on the ambient conditions and the consistency I'm getting. I continue to gently chop it up with the blade until I get the texture I'm looking for.

It keeps fine at room temperature but I like to keep mine in a pill bottle in the freezer. It's easier to handle because it's a bit less sticky that way. It also keeps much better in the cold and dark. Either way it's perfect for sprinkling on bowls, bongs, into vaporizers, or onto a joint.


EDIT - NOTE: You can also just use this like any other QWISO and just scrape it up into a ball like you would any other time. - OSG"
Once the QWISO has evaporated down to hash oil and it's cured overnight I put it in an oven a 220°F for 15-20 minutes. I'm still playing with different durations. This is a key step to this method. During this phase the inactive THC-A loses a carboxyl group and becomes the more strongly psychoactive THC.

EDIT - NOTE: You can also just use this like any other QWISO and just scrape it up into a ball like you would any other time. - OSG"

I've always decarbed the dry sift & water hash I use for editables for the exact same reasons. But I've never thought to decarb my oil. I've always shyed away from using any heat while making oil to save all the flavor terps. (It'll take me 2 wks for a bho run) I've always thought that the melting of a solvent extraction would meld all the layers of thc, terpenes, & waxes?? I would have never thought at this point that decarbing could transform A to C (or 8 to 9 as we called it in the 70's). But in my next run I'll split the 2oz run into 2 - 1oz runs and I'll decarb one. I haven't learned everything yet.
I've always decarbed the dry sift & water hash I use for editables for the exact same reasons. But I've never thought to decarb my oil. I've always shyed away from using any heat while making oil to save all the flavor terps. (It'll take me 2 wks for a bho run) I've always thought that the melting of a solvent extraction would meld all the layers of thc, terpenes, & waxes?? I would have never thought at this point that decarbing could transform A to C (or 8 to 9 as we called it in the 70's). But in my next run I'll split the 2oz run into 2 - 1oz runs and I'll decarb one. I haven't learned everything yet.

I think the main reason for using heat here is to attain a shatter consistency. The powder after scrape outa the freezer is really gorgeous and makes it easier to use if not dabbing, but the freezer isn't really neccessary. If you scrape outa the oven you'll get shards of shatter right off the blade.
All good,s1ng, not sure of the proper tubes,but i found a stainless steel turkey baster that does about an oz at a time,ive only "blasted"about a dozen times with it,but it seems to work well

ya convinced me to order some bags
Ive got to better schedule my time, super behind on everything

Im going to be purchasing some extraction tubes and some other stuff to do some "Blasts" soon,
ill try to get more time to hang out here

as long as the scheduling you have now includes the wife and kids, I'd hardly worry 'bout trying to do better for here. would like to know how your bubble run with the boys came out though whenever convenient
All good,s1ng, not sure of the proper tubes,but i found a stainless steel turkey baster that does about an oz at a time,ive only "blasted"about a dozen times with it,but it seems to work well

ya convinced me to order some bags

They got glass basters also and you're right they do work well
the last run turned out well and the hash looked less green than the previous "Green" run
try to put few pics of what looked like little baby turds haha
I must have blown it and deleted the card.
I've still gotta a lot to learn extraction wise but am super excited to get there
As for my problems since the first run I think it has been using material thats too old.
do ya'll think the old fresh frozen in the freezer could be dried and blasted bho style
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