Mel & Tra: Cocktails & Coffee With Black Sugar

Mines over 8.0 as well. I think it matters more in hydro though. I walk into some of those highly spirited topics without realizing it sometimes. Example: Flushing :rolleyes:
for salt buildup or end of flower? Flushing can be important if you're adding alot of nutrients (salts), the plants wont uptake water and will burn. That's why I picked up a ppm/ec meter. Electrical continuity, the higher it is. The more nutrients or (salts) will be present. Which will prevent the uptake of water... ph range is for soluble nutrients. What ones will be present for uptake. Soil has extra microbes to help break down certain phosphates, also the decomposition of organic material such as guano can also help to bring the ph to 7. So ph in soil is somewhat forgiving if healthy enough. Alkaline water will also kill the microorganisms present in soil so unless you're using fresh or extensively reamending the soil each grow. ph is VERY important.
I wish I was lucky enough to get 6.2 out of the tap. Dang...
I flush preharvest for the same reason also... to remove excessive nutrients or salt buildup in the flowers and soil. So they use up the excess nutrients that were provided throughout their growth. Also leading to more water intake due to less salts in the soil. Which could lead to larger nugs.
I'm a little tired, so if I miss anything (like how I missed taking pics with the proper white balance) let me know.

I went a little further trimming her than I initially intended, but I think this might work out better. When I opened the tent it was obvious that she had grown since yesterday, so I'm fairly sure we're over the nutrient issue. So I topped her and trimmed a bunch of fan leaves, as well as taking off a couple of underperforming side branches.

Katrina-Black Sugar
Day 35

Now I need to go sit for a minute.
I don't know if you knew this, but kettlebells are heavy! 🧠💥
for salt buildup or end of flower? Flushing can be important if you're adding alot of nutrients (salts), the plants wont uptake water and will burn. That's why I picked up a ppm/ec meter. Electrical continuity, the higher it is. The more nutrients or (salts) will be present. Which will prevent the uptake of water... ph range is for soluble nutrients. What ones will be present for uptake. Soil has extra microbes to help break down certain phosphates, also the decomposition of organic material such as guano can also help to bring the ph to 7. So ph in soil is somewhat forgiving if healthy enough. Alkaline water will also kill the microorganisms present in soil so unless you're using fresh or extensively reamending the soil each grow. ph is VERY important.
I wish I was lucky enough to get 6.2 out of the tap. Dang...
I flush preharvest for the same reason also... to remove excessive nutrients or salt buildup in the flowers and soil. So they use up the excess nutrients that were provided throughout their growth. Also leading to more water intake due to less salts in the soil. Which could lead to larger nugs.
Hmm. I've never done the preharvest flush thing. I feed straight to the end. I might ask some of hempy pros about it, but when I grew in soil I didn't worry about it.
Mines over 8.0 as well. I think it matters more in hydro though. I walk into some of those highly spirited topics without realizing it sometimes. Example: Flushing :rolleyes:

Don’t mention the F word!

God forbid you treat your own grow like it’s your own grow. And do things your own way while producing healthy plants.

I cringe reading those flush vs anti flush debates.

AntiFlusher: you support bro science
Flusher: no you support bro science
Flusher: no you do
AntiFlusher: no you do
AntiFlusher: NO YOU DO, PEEFACE!

*Admin needs to get involved and calm them down. Blocking and sulking ensues*


I don’t even understand pH. Tbh if my plants were suffering, I’d definitely try and work out what I can do to help them. I use rain water to water my plants, and so far so good.
I'm a little tired, so if I miss anything (like how I missed taking pics with the proper white balance) let me know.

I went a little further trimming her than I initially intended, but I think this might work out better. When I opened the tent it was obvious that she had grown since yesterday, so I'm fairly sure we're over the nutrient issue. So I topped her and trimmed a bunch of fan leaves, as well as taking off a couple of underperforming side branches.

Katrina-Black Sugar
Day 35

Now I need to go sit for a minute.
I don't know if you knew this, but kettlebells are heavy! 🧠💥
Here she is!

She looks really great el Beardo.

Great problem solving.
Good morning el Beardo :)

I missed my hump day update this week.

I’ve been enduring this horror!


I’ll be back Sunday :)
Good morning el Beardo :)

I missed my hump day update this week.

I’ve been enduring this horror!


I’ll be back Sunday :)
It must be terrible! But I know you'll endure it with your usual reserve and stoicism!
🤩🤩🤩Happy Sunday Seedsman Seedstars🤩🤩🤩

A.M is definitely enjoying summer. I’m happy with her growth. I can definitely see two different shades of green in there. Her growth is completely entwined.

AnnMarie Bee aka Black Sugar
Seedsman seed from Sponsors Seedsman Seeds
Age: 41 Days


Thanks for growing with us, and happy Sunday to you el Beardo get your update on bruv! Xo
Thanks Tra, AnnMarie is looking great!

I want to give Kat one more trim, and then I'm ready to flip whenever you feel AM is ready.

Yesterday, while pruning Katrina I noticed that she has some fasciated side branches! She's getting really bushy.

Katrina-Black Sugar
Day 42

Thanks for stopping by!
👯‍♀️⭐️Happy Humpday Growstars ⭐👯‍♀️
Hi :)

AnnMarie got an uppot yesterday and will definitely need two more weeks of veg. I hope that suits you el Beardo. Because there’s 2 plants in that pot she looks bigger than she actually is. She is still coming along quite well. Her green is perfect. I will say she doesn’t have a lot of meat on her bones. Hopefully two more weeks of 18 hours of light will help remedy this.

AnnMarie Bee aka Black Sugar
Seedsman seed from Sponsors Seedsman Seeds
Age: 44 Days


Thanks for having a look and have the best day! Xo
Thanks Tra, AnnMarie is looking great!

I want to give Kat one more trim, and then I'm ready to flip whenever you feel AM is ready.

Yesterday, while pruning Katrina I noticed that she has some fasciated side branches! She's getting really bushy.

Katrina-Black Sugar
Day 42

Thanks for stopping by!
those are cool if it's like the one I had.
If it is you can isolate and clone it.
What I had was a Polyploid or mutation during meiosis due to excessive lighting and lst. Like a triploid, The buds weren't fascinated.
it was a cool science experiment and really fun to grow.
I use very similar training methods. Are you keeping them in the tent or going back and forth outside? I believe that caused my own mutation as I didn't have a veg tent back then and it was summer so they stayed out during the day and in a lit tent at night. I successfully isolated it but my clones were lost during the move. Really cool science experiment. It grows wildly. Tops itself, grows to 3, tops itself, grows to 3. Almost all agricultural crops today are polyploids that started off as a mutation... I'll post a link in a sec if I can find it.
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