Mechanic's Log: WW, AK-47, FFof Soil, Screw-In LEDs

Super quick update...
The AK test subjects now have more light... yay.
But not how I wanted it. I’m using a 600 watt hps dimmed to 300 watts hung vertically. It doesn’t really matter how they get their light as long as they get enough. But... this is way way way more wattage than I wanted to use. I have a 250 watt magnetic ballast and hps bulb I could use but I have to dig it out so I may switch to that to that when I do. Or I’ll build a new SIL fixture when I get a few extra bucks. We will see. For now.... some pics.

I’ll have more to share later tonight...
So I’ve had quite the busy day. I’ll try to give details about what’s going on soon. looks like I need to raise the lights.




One clone got transplanted today.

And the new temporary super high tech clone area... using a salt rock lamp base with bulb as lighting and panda film as a reflector. Once again whatever works for you/ whatever works for now. .. haha. I couldn’t give up the AK test subjects just yet.
Hello everybody...

Finally I have some time to sit down a give a proper update.

Overall.... it’s hot as heck outside and my house a/c is running a lot more than I really want to have to pay for. Not cool... haha. My little tent with 300 watts of dimmed hps lighting got to 89 degrees by the time I got home today. My house a/c is set to 76 usually but that upstairs room stays around 77 or higher unless I shut the door and/or keep the a/c running, then it gets kinda chilly up there.

So that’s what I’m doing now to see what it takes to get down to at least 85 in the little tent. The bigger tent was happy at 79 degrees with 264 watts of screw in led. The hottest the bigger tent has ever been is 85 and I think it’s because that bedroom got to 82 one day. So it’s super easy to cool an array SILs and now I’m wishing i didn’t have to resort to this hps light. I think I will be able to build a new SIL fixture by the end of this weekend and I’ll put the bulb away. Maybe it will make a reappearance around winter time for a bare bulb vertical grow. Hmmm....

So now on to the ladies... they all got watered last night and I’m mostly happy with their overall health.

I’ll start with the AK keeper and let you know what I’m watering with.



So... the AK has greened up nicely but is still showing some light green areas on the leafs and some rusty looking spots here and there. I’m pretty confident the spots will not continue and she will green up even more now that she’s getting established in her 5 gallon pot. She got her first true watering last night after the first dry cycle.

It took a gallon to fully saturate the soil. I used 6ml calmag, 5ml Age Old grow, and 6ml liquid karma mixed in a 1 gallon jug of RO water.

She has a ton of tops and I know she’s a pretty decent stretcher being 60% Sativa or so. I think I’m most excited to see the AK grow but I’m more excited for the white widow smoke. Can’t wait.

Now for White Widow # 1 and #2.



These babies got watered 2 nights ago and shared 1 gallon of water consisting of 6ml calmag, 5ml of the seaweed plant food, and 6ml liquid karma. And last night they shared 1 gallon with 6ml calmag, 5ml of the fish fertilizer, and 6ml of liquid karma.


Lookin pretty good. She got 1 gallon just like the rest and mixed with 6ml calmag, 5ml seaweed plant food, and 6ml liquid karma.

Here’s a group shot and I’ll post about the AK test subjects soon.
Hope it was a good day.
Damn @The Mechanic your plants are looking great!! I saw when you first come to the site, saw you were making a journal soon, and I wanted to catch it and follow along! But I fell behind, by a lot lol! I did quick skim through the previous 4 pages and I’m all caught up. Lol I liked your comment about the Pringle chip, made me laugh :laughtwo:

Yeah man! Looking good! I’m looking forward to seeing your journey unfold! :thumb::popcorn:
Here’s the AK test subjects. These pics are horrible. And I only managed to get 3.


So these babies got watered last night as well.
1 gallon with 6ml calmag, 5ml fish fertilizer, and 6ml liquid karma.

The pics dont do these babies justice, they actually look really nice for not having enough light for as long as they did. They are taking to the the hps very well and I would love to keep it in there but it’s just too hot. Maybe the 250 with mag ballast would do better than the 600 watt bulb dimmed to 300 watts but still. I’m definitely building a new fixture, or I should say I’m “re”-building my 9 light fixture. 108 watts should do the trick. And I will now set my goal to 108 grams from these 2 plants living in the same pot. Haha. Roughly 4 ounces. We will see if they have it in them...
Damn @The Mechanic your plants are looking great!! I saw when you first come to the site, saw you were making a journal soon, and I wanted to catch it and follow along! But I fell behind, by a lot lol! I did quick skim through the previous 4 pages and I’m all caught up. Lol I liked your comment about the Pringle chip, made me laugh :laughtwo:

Yeah man! Looking good! I’m looking forward to seeing your journey unfold! :thumb::popcorn:

Thank you it’s really nice to have you here, I’m happy you caught up. A lot has happened in a short period of time and I couldn’t be too much happier than I am right now. I’m getting really comfortable here also. Please feel free to stop by and share your thoughts anytime.

About the Pringle chip... haha. Even tho an innocent chip on the floor is no big deal, until it crumbles into a million pieces, I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that it wasn’t a real one just chillin on my floor. Haha.
Happy healthy plants Mechanic I think we are starting to see the bud sites forming and you will have a ton of them :thumb:

The plants are probably loving all the light the hps is putting out. What kind of exhaust are you running in your tent
Happy healthy plants Mechanic I think we are starting to see the bud sites forming and you will have a ton of them :thumb:

The plants are probably loving all the light the hps is putting out. What kind of exhaust are you running in your tent

Thank you @N420.

Each of my tents have their own 435CFM hurricane inline fan. 6 inch. I keep the bigger tent at about 70% power unless we’re not running the house AC then I will put it 100% just because.

My little tent never needed more than 70% power my last round with 144 watts of the same lights but I usually kept around 50%. That’s still a lot of flow. But with the HPS bulb in there it’s at full blast. Haha. Bedroom temp was about 78 and the little tent temp was 89 by 4pm. Idk if that was the high or not actually now that I think about it...
@N420 I forgot to mention how it’s ducted. I have 6” ducting and it’s just aimed toward my bedroom door to get the flow in and out. No carbon filter at the moment. Got smelly last round. This time will be worse probably.

I have old carbon filters laying around so I have to ask....... has anyone had experience repacking those with new activated charcoal.? I’m on a budget so I may give it a try. Or, now that I think about it, maybe I’ll wash my old filters really good first. Let them dry then give em a try.

(Edit) I meant to add that I can’t remember who did this for several grows and claimed it worked. That’s the only reason I figured, hey, it just might work.
Good morning community...

I changed my avatar last night and thought I’d share what it is.

This is a white widow bud from my last grow...

This one is my avatar.

And a horrible pic..... side view

I hope my buds look just as good or better for this round.
@N420 I forgot to mention how it’s ducted. I have 6” ducting and it’s just aimed toward my bedroom door to get the flow in and out. No carbon filter at the moment. Got smelly last round. This time will be worse probably.

I have old carbon filters laying around so I have to ask....... has anyone had experience repacking those with new activated charcoal.? I’m on a budget so I may give it a try. Or, now that I think about it, maybe I’ll wash my old filters really good first. Let them dry then give em a try.

(Edit) I meant to add that I can’t remember who did this for several grows and claimed it worked. That’s the only reason I figured, hey, it just might work.
sounds like your exhaust fan is definitely big enough for your tents. When you get your charcoal filter figured maybe you could duct the exhaust out of your bedroom window that would definitely help your heat issues.

I have never repackaged a charcoal filter but I have heard of people doing that.
Good morning community...

I changed my avatar last night and thought I’d share what it is.

This is a white widow bud from my last grow...

This one is my avatar.

And a horrible pic..... side view

I hope my buds look just as good or better for this round.
That's some beauty buds you got there
sounds like your exhaust fan is definitely big enough for your tents. When you get your charcoal filter figured maybe you could duct the exhaust out of your bedroom window that would definitely help your heat issues.

I have never repackaged a charcoal filter but I have heard of people doing that.

Thanks for the advice...

Yes the fans are big enough for sure. Haha. I’ve vented out of my window when I was venting a 600 watt through a cool tube but my thoughts are that this time its more efficient for me to circulate air through the house rather than blow out over 600 cfm of mostly cool air out of my window constantly.

I tried this when I was testing a 4x4 tent downstairs and it just pulled way too much hot air into the house and the AC ran nonstop even when it was not that hot outside.

It would work tho if I was able to cool air coming into the house. Like I have also done before with a homemade swamp cooler. Haha.

So many options. I have an 8000btu window AC that I was planning to hook up but I don’t want to use the extra electricity. I wish it could be 65 degrees outside all the time then I would never have a problem with heat. Haha
Good morning community...

I changed my avatar last night and thought I’d share what it is.

This is a white widow bud from my last grow...

This one is my avatar.

And a horrible pic..... side view

I hope my buds look just as good or better for this round.

That is some great looking bud sir! :drool:
That is some great looking bud sir! :drool:

Thank you @Backlipslide. I’m getting low already I need more. Haha.

This is the last of the white widow... I went a little too hard right after they were harvested and good to smoke. I have just over an oz left.

And there’s a hand me down bong in the pic as well. Haha. I need to get a new bowl with the smaller male end and it will be glass on glass again.. not glass touching glass covered by two different types of duct tape.Haha.

Thank you @Backlipslide. I’m getting low already I need more. Haha.

This is the last of the white widow... I went a little too hard right after they were harvested and good to smoke. I have just over an oz left.

And there’s a hand me down bong in the pic as well. Haha. I need to get a new bowl with the smaller male end and it will be glass on glass again.. not glass touching glass covered by two different types of duct tape.Haha.


Haha I know that feeling. When my green Crack was running out I was one sad panda. Some of the best smoke I’ve ever had!

Damn I miss bongs. We used to smoke out of them religiously, then we were gifted our beautiful daughter (as she’s giving me attitude right this second) and we packed them away and been in a box since before she was born. She’s two now. We usually just pack single hoots in our glass cheech and Chong pipe :goof: lol saves on weed and sure makes us cough. Gotta cough to get off lol:yahoo:
It really is a horrible feeling. @Backlipslide
I’m happy at least that I have more coming and some clones to keep a WW going.

My friends dad grew green crack when we were in high school.. I didn’t know it was his dads stuff till after we were graduated, but anyway, it was always super dank. I miss that stuff too.

I can’t see me giving up my bong anytime soon, but I know what you mean tho. I don’t want my kids to find any of my stuff so it’s always hidden well and stashed in a high place. Idk what I will do when there bigger and smarter tho... haha.

I really do love a good pipe hit tho sometimes. When I take a hit of a pipe I feel like I’m connecting with all of our ancient ancestors who smoked marijuana that way. I need to make my own pipe out of bone or wood to further deepen the connection. Haha.
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