Mechanic's Log: WW, AK-47, FFof Soil, Screw-In LEDs

Some morning pictures for y’all...

The AK keeper is definitely getting greener. :D
In a few days maybe she will be just as green as the rest of her roommates.


And the AK test subjects are looking pretty good too... lefty is starting her stretch. And righty has stretched even more since yesterday.
It’s about to get more interesting in here. I’m going to get more light for these girls this week maybe. Their taking up more than 1 sqft so I have to right.? Haha.
Looks good in there.
what are you adding for more light

I’ll probably add 3 or 4 more of the 12 watt screw in Leds. I really wanted to keep this one at 36 watts but the Plants are too big. Which is not a bad thing. Haha.

84 watts of light should cover these plants but hopefully I yield 3 ounces so I can continue the 1gpw streak. (Which currently stands at 1...) haha.
That is one big plant looks like she has at least 20 tops

Ya it is a good idea to supplement with cal mag. My first 2 grows showed calcium deficiency at around week 5 of flower and your not supposed to use cal mag after week 6. With my current grow I'm using cal mag from the start and the plants seem happier
I just said goodnight to these girls. They will be getting their first 12 hours of darkness.


Literally right after I took this pic the lights turned off... right after the click. Kinda funny coincidence. I took it as a good sign, and also I realized my timer is 5 minutes fast. I’ll fix tomorrow. I like trying to sync the timer perfectly with my phone clock.
That is one big plant looks like she has at least 20 tops

Ya it is a good idea to supplement with cal mag. My first 2 grows showed calcium deficiency at around week 5 of flower and your not supposed to use cal mag after week 6. With my current grow I'm using cal mag from the start and the plants seem happier

It may benefit from some more calcium or magnesium. It’s hard to tell in the photos but in between the veins look a little yellow on the leafs.
Not trying to be picky or anything
I don’t think your being picky and I like having other peoples input. I use cal mag pretty much every watering so I’m hoping It’s not that, but It is easy to dose it up some. I’m only running calmag at about half recommended strength.

I’m definitely waiting for them to green up a bit I know there craving some nitrogen right now and more light.
Thank you guys for stopping by

Something to try on your flip is 24hrs of darkness before you go to 12/12 it really kicks them into flower faster

I’ve heard about doing that and ive done it once. To be honest idk why I convinced myself not to.
I may just go unplug my light timer right now and fix it up tomorrow.

I think I’m forced to have 36 hours of darkness tho. Lights go off @8pm, then they skip the next 8am lights on time, for 12/12...
24 hours after that the lights come back on @8am and then stay at the normal 12/12 schedule.
Ah just pretend a volcano erupts and sends ash into the sky for 36 hours, completely blocking out the sun. The worlds an amazing place. Lol :lot-o-toke::goodluck:

The world is an amazing place, so beautiful and dangerous at the same.

Lucky for me I don’t need a volcano to create darkness... haha.
Well I forgot unplug my timer last night so the light came on at 8am and the plants won’t get the extra 24 hours of darkness before 12/12 like @N420 mentioned.

I think next time I flip I will definitely try it out and I’ll have something to compare it to since I’m finally keeping track of my grows.

Here’s some pics... the 4 ladies are all saying their morning prayers and the AK test subjects NEED.... MORE..... LIGHT...... ahhhhhh. It won’t happen today tho.

Well I forgot unplug my timer last night so the light came on at 8am and the plants won’t get the extra 24 hours of darkness before 12/12 like @N420 mentioned.

I think next time I flip I will definitely try it out and I’ll have something to compare it to since I’m finally keeping track of my grows.

Here’s some pics... the 4 ladies are all saying their morning prayers and the AK test subjects NEED.... MORE..... LIGHT...... ahhhhhh. It won’t happen today tho.

The ladies look really happy reaching for the sky :thumb:

Don't sweat forgetting to unplug the timer will be fun to see if you notice a difference on the next one. I found it worked well for me it was a tip from my go to guy at the grow store he said you could go 36hrs as well but not to exceed 48hrs. I also use an bud blood knockoff which also helps them get into flower mode faster.

Another suggestion for next time you flip give them a good lollipop before you flip will give you less popcorn bud so the plants can focus their efforts on the top stuff
The ladies look really happy reaching for the sky :thumb:

Don't sweat forgetting to unplug the timer will be fun to see if you notice a difference on the next one. I found it worked well for me it was a tip from my go to guy at the grow store he said you could go 36hrs as well but not to exceed 48hrs. I also use an bud blood knockoff which also helps them get into flower mode faster.

Another suggestion for next time you flip give them a good lollipop before you flip will give you less popcorn bud so the plants can focus their efforts on the top stuff

Thanks again... I will look into the bud blood. My next grow I plan to be more “technical” when it comes to how I feed my plants. I really want to do my own High Brix Soil following most of what has been done in this site already.

For now I decided I will try some “technical” stuff on my plants that I did not do last grow. Things like foliar sprays and compost teas. Hopefully the next time I water I will watering with a compost tea to get some microbes kickin before flower is in full effect. And a foliar spray containing liquid kelp I have and maybe calmag also. I’ll will be doing a little more research before I spray my ladies tho...

I usually do a decent lollipop before flower but this time I decided not to because I already did a lot of training in a short period of time before flower. I will definitely be doing a good lollipop/defoliation around 21 days after they show pistils.

Actually WW#1 did get a minor lollipop and I took clones at the same time as well, around 5 or 6 days ago. We will see how different she is than her sisters.
Hello everybody I’ve been busy the past 2 days and I haven’t posted anything so...

Since my other ladies are sleeping I figured that I would show you the clones and the super high tech way I have kept them alive.



So it’s obviously not high tech at all and actually I’m worried they are not getting enough light and might start to flower.

Can that happen when clones are rooting.?

I know a lot of people keep clones under 24 hours of light but 18/6 is fine. These are in a window, not getting much light at all, and the days are only about 14 hours and 3 minutes long right now. Haha.

They look fine tho and at least 2 of them in the rooting plugs have roots. I’ll have to transplant those tomorrow, there are some roots growing out their home cube into the cube next to it. Not ideal at all. Haha.

The 4 that are in the cup of water look like they have little nubbs starting to form on bottom 1/4 inch or so of the stem. I’ve seen people root clones this way and thought it would be cool to do it myself. I put them in water right out of the tap and I only used rooting hormone on one of the stems. The rooting hormone dissolved (or vanished.. who knows) off of that stem after a day or so.

So now I have a problem. My original plan was to put these little babies in my 2x2 tent to veg for next round and eventually keeping one as a mother plant. As you know my AK test subjects currently house that space, and are looking pretty ok but it’s more important for me to have a veg/mother room. So i have some figurin to do. Hopefully I have time tomorrow to remedy this issue but i may just have to find a new home for the AK test subjects.

I will keep you all updated.:thumb:


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Can't argue with success, brother.
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