Hey McL. Sorry I haven't been on your thread. I can't hit all my subs everyday, so I always start at the top or bottom of the list. I think your thread managed to stay in the middle for a week or so. Sorry bro.
Those spots should be a good sign. There are only a few deficiencies that lead to spotting (K, Mg, and Ca). Using all the resources already posted here, we should be able to figure this out...
I've said before when you talked about your water, I suspect your hard water is causing the problem. My tap water is crazy hard, ie ppms of 400+, almost 500 at times. I believe most of my hardness is Ca. If you have too much Ca, it can lockout Mg. My permanent solution was to get an RO system. In the meantime, I did add Epsom salts (Yes Sl1ng, Epsom is ONLY Mg), and they started looking better. I think you said your problem plant was more sativa too, right? My sensitive strains were my more sativa strains as well. Now that I'm using RO, my deficiencies are gone. Granted I'm in hydro, but I think the lockout issue still carries over. If your tap water is high in Ca, it can lockout Mg. You're also not phing anything. High Ca can raise ph, which leads to other lockouts. Specifically, K.
For sure it's one of these 3. My suspicion is an abundance of Ca, locking out Mg, and then K. The flush may or may not help depending on what you flush with. If you're using tap, you might just be exacerbating the problem by adding more Ca.
If it was me, and again I'm hydro but have mothers in coco/soiless, I would continue using the RO, and add a little Epsom only. If you don't see a positive change in 2-3 days, it's not Mg being locked out by Ca. Then I would water with RO + high K nutes (ie bloom flavor), and NO calmag supplement. We know you have too much Ca or Mg, so you don't need anymore of that!
I'd be focused on excess Ca. Don't give up, I'm sure you can solve it.
What's wrong with a soft tail?
Granted, I'm not a Harley guy. When I rode bikes, I was a fan of sport bikes.
I always wondered why anyone would want a hard tail? My bony ass is a big fan of rear suspension.
There is also a performance benefit to the suspension, ie keeping the tire touching the pavement on rough surfaces.
As I've gotten older, I'm less interested in the crotch rockets, but I'm still more interested in the sport tourers than the chrome plated cruiser type. Although I wouldn't mind a Road King.
That has always been my favorite HD. I'll probably never own one though. I'm pretty sure I would have my HD taken away when I inquired about adding a muffler. Part of why I'm not into the cruisers, is most guys make them so damn loud!