McBudz - Twilight, Great White Shark, Master Kush - 2009

harvested the left 6 today.


Main Stem averaged 29 inches and the main cola averaged 11 inches long and 8 inches in circumference.

Looks like 15-20% of my over all yield will come from the main colas. I will know for sure when dried. I have the nugs from the main colas seperated until I get the dry weight.

1 plant harvest. main cola nugged out in upper left:





Upped the left side sites up to 12 now its a mirror image of the right side.


Right side.. 35 days










G13 Haze :


RL and LAC sprouts:


GWS Clones prior to transplant / bloom:

wow, thank you so much mcbuds,

your plants are looking awesome. I would love to get some 11" buds, lol, i am very interested to see what it ends up weighing. 1/2 - to just short of an ounce? or more?

i wonder if you could get a similar size top on a plant only 4 inches taller in total (15") instead of 29, although 29" isn't all that tall if i wasn't nailed to 16" max really.
very nice. your cycle kicks ass. . . so you doubled the number of buckets? trying to increase yeild?

i have a question about these flood and drain buckets, i see the return line in the empty buckets, does an inch of water remain after the controller empties? i dont see how it could get that bottom inch of water out.
very nice. your cycle kicks ass. . . so you doubled the number of buckets? trying to increase yeild?

i have a question about these flood and drain buckets, i see the return line in the empty buckets, does an inch of water remain after the controller empties? i dont see how it could get that bottom inch of water out.

Well I had 8 buckets in there 2 plants succumbed to death by root rot early on. That is why I expect low yields for this batch. Even the plants that survived had to struggle for a bit.

I am playing with sites and veg times to try to fully maximize my yeild potential for the space. More sites and slightly less veg time will give me a higher quality packed canopy vs fewer larger plants IMO. This is why I'd like to give bushmaster or dr nodes a whirl to see if I can keep the plants from branching out so much I can get even better light penetration into the canopy and get just as much or more yeild, and have over all uniform bud density. Like how you see in pics of a room full of single monster cola spires.

Yes water will sit down in the bottom maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch. It sits under the point where the inserted bucket stops so unless you really grow through the holes you are not sitting in a puddle ( I havent had a problem with this yet, probably since I'm not growing monsters. My root balls are not all that much. I am able to recover 99% of my hydroton from them). sites are elevated about 1.25 inches on inverted saucers which helps send the fluid in the lines back to the controller.

The puddle water in the buckets is only there for 3.5 hours before the lines are flooded again. So its not like it is totally stagnant water.

I also have an air stone in the res which helps since the new water is oxygenated.
:adore: I sooooooo LOVE going thru your journal!!! Your grows give me such great joy to visit (and drool over again and again and again...). You sure do show us newbies how it CAN be done!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

I see you also have/had some G13 Haze going too - I had missed that in earlier visits. Hell, you might have even harvested it by now cuz I don't remember what page I saw it on!

Love all those cola pics thru out yer journal... dreamy. Egads man, Granny's movin' to your house!!! :grinjoint: Nah... I best stay where I'm at and just keep droolin' over yer pics. By this coming Sunday (at the latest) I hope to go to flower with my first group... so my day is coming!:yummy:

kudos McBudz... :adore: ya forever have my greatest respect - not just for yer grows, but for your support of others too. :thankyou:
Thanks for your kind words granny :)

The g13 haze is a new addition. Will be a while yet before she goes in. I'm just growing the mom now so once she full enough to support hearty clones, I'll clone veg for a bit and flower. I'm hesitant on messing around with this strain too much as it goes 50% longer than what I'm used to. For that reason I'm still contemplating on growing her at all :( I have LA Confidential and RockLock both by DNA sprouting into mom's to be right now. They are 8 weekers and great genetics which is more my style :)

:adore: I sooooooo LOVE going thru your journal!!! Your grows give me such great joy to visit (and drool over again and again and again...). You sure do show us newbies how it CAN be done!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

I see you also have/had some G13 Haze going too - I had missed that in earlier visits. Hell, you might have even harvested it by now cuz I don't remember what page I saw it on!

Love all those cola pics thru out yer journal... dreamy. Egads man, Granny's movin' to your house!!! :grinjoint: Nah... I best stay where I'm at and just keep droolin' over yer pics. By this coming Sunday (at the latest) I hope to go to flower with my first group... so my day is coming!:yummy:

kudos McBudz... :adore: ya forever have my greatest respect - not just for yer grows, but for your support of others too. :thankyou:
Clone Day :) Trying out the new power cloner 25 or whatever they call it lol

Also really needed to clean up the mom. She was getting a bit unruley. After taking 15 or so good hearty cuttings trimed out a bunch of schwaggy little branches blocking light and pulled her apart some more (LST) to get light in there to make me some more nice branches to clone.

My unruley mother:



One of my old cut points. You can see the 2 new branches that grew from that point. Like topping and topping and topping again. :)




Cutting trimmed up:


A little scarification:


Let it sit in water until I have the rest prepared then I will dip in Olivias Cloning gel then right into the power cloner


Trimmed up mama:




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