McBudz - Twilight, Great White Shark, Master Kush - 2009

how old is that mother? how often do you swap out mothers? im sure youve answered this shit already. but were all stoners here

I had to look back through my journal ... the mom is a clone I took from my first monster GWS back around 4-20 .. no joke ;) So she's about 6 months from the time she was cut.

B.....I love your clones....SOOOOOOOOO healthy.

Thanks Pit, hopefully I get some more real nice healthy mom's for clones with these new DNA genetics

Nice money tree, McBudz!

Thanks munki !
McBudz nice growin' Also great job hittin' the weight room! Do you find Cannabis slows adding bulk? Seems the more I smoke the more harder it is to add muscle! But being 43 yrs old could be my problem too. Any Special Supplements you take? Thanks again for the great journal and ALL the help you do around 420! :peace:
McBudz nice growin' Also great job hittin' the weight room! Do you find Cannabis slows adding bulk? Seems the more I smoke the more harder it is to add muscle! But being 43 yrs old could be my problem too. Any Special Supplements you take? Thanks again for the great journal and ALL the help you do around 420! :peace:

Cannabis stimulates my appetite and allows me to take more clean calories then I normally would eat. Arnold smoked while in competitive BB must not be too bad for adding bulk :)

At 43 your body is probably heading into andropause (male equiv. to menopause). Your body as it gets older makes less and less testosterone and growth hormones and you actually end up with higher levels of free estrogen. You could consult an aging clinic to have your endocrine levels checked and see if you are a candidate for HRT (hormone replacement therapy) where they can supplement your low levels of testosterone. Way off topic.....Google male HRT..

Anyways the 3 big things for adding bulk - Working out, eating, sleeping/rest.

Cannabis helps me phenomenally in the later 2 I never smoke before working out.
Thanks for your kind words granny :)

The g13 haze is a new addition. Will be a while yet before she goes in. I'm just growing the mom now so once she full enough to support hearty clones, I'll clone veg for a bit and flower. I'm hesitant on messing around with this strain too much as it goes 50% longer than what I'm used to. For that reason I'm still contemplating on growing her at all :( I have LA Confidential and RockLock both by DNA sprouting into mom's to be right now. They are 8 weekers and great genetics which is more my style :)

In the 10 strains I'm growing I have 3 strains that are mainly sativa, the G13 Haze, Utopia Haze, and Thai Tanic - I totally understand where yer coming from on being reluctant to grow these cuz they take longer to grow. I won't be growing much of any of these, but would like 2 or 3 plants each. I guess my main reason is cuz I like to vary what I'm smokin'. I hate smokin' the same thing for long periods of time and that sativa buzz is usually a great heady high that is much different than the indica couch lock body buzz. If I only get one short term opportunity to do this, I'm planning to get myself some variety!

Gees - I just noticed this morning that I have stars by my journal - COOL! VERY SURPRISING TO ME! Took me a bit to figure out how I got them... and now that I figured it out I went and voted for YOURS and gotcha moved up to 5-stars. IMO, your grows are TEN+ STARS!!! I learned so much from your White Widow/NLBB journal - it sure helped me get started. And now I'm learnin' how much fun ya had in journaling them! This is a great quest to be on! So REWARDING!!! :rollit:
Just had to add - what a MOTHER on that last page! My Goodness! Clones from that mom are half way to grown plants!!! SUPER MOM and SUPER CLONES! Fantastic! I bet when ya flower yer moms you get the MOTHER LOAD!!! Makes my lil clones from yesterday look like.... well, McBudz would probable say "Where are they?" LOL!!!
Just had to add - what a MOTHER on that last page! My Goodness! Clones from that mom are half way to grown plants!!! SUPER MOM and SUPER CLONES! Fantastic! I bet when ya flower yer moms you get the MOTHER LOAD!!! Makes my lil clones from yesterday look like.... well, McBudz would probable say "Where are they?" LOL!!!

Thanks granny! It really helps in my cycle being able to have such robust clones to start with. My new mom's are on their way.. maybe 5 or 6 weeks and they'll be making me some nice cuttings.
I guess u dig that EZ cloner

I'm trying out the power cloner this round. Same principle, aero mist sprayers etc... With multiple mom's I'm trying to take max advantage of my space and that ez clone 60 is using up too much real estate. That and the power cloner 25 uses about 20% the solution the ez cloner does.
I'm trying out the power cloner this round. Same principle, aero mist sprayers etc... With multiple mom's I'm trying to take max advantage of my space and that ez clone 60 is using up too much real estate. That and the power cloner 25 uses about 20% the solution the ez cloner does.

I agree with you on the cloner..its a bit unwieldy. as far as the huge usage of olivias...we got that handled by using the same root accelerator that we bought from H&G. very concentrated. They promise it will work way better than the oliviass...promises..promises. Ill keep you posted as I will be taking cuttings soon just to try it out. Im not even going to grow them out, likely donate them but I want to see if it works as "promised"
I agree with you on the cloner..its a bit unwieldy. as far as the huge usage of olivias...we got that handled by using the same root accelerator that we bought from H&G. very concentrated. They promise it will work way better than the oliviass...promises..promises. Ill keep you posted as I will be taking cuttings soon just to try it out. Im not even going to grow them out, likely donate them but I want to see if it works as "promised"

I'll bet it works fine with just water and clone gel on the cuttings to be honest. may take a couple extra days.
bad news.. all my clones were wilting which shouldn't happen after a few days in the cloner.. Checked the stems and all had the consistency of cooked asparagus :( threw em out and am filling up my ez cloner. hopefully I can pull 12 good clones from the mom. Looks like I still have some decent branches to choose from. Worse case I'll wait a week or so for the mom to grow some more.

The water in the cloner was very warm.. Wonder if I need a 10 gallon res like with the ez cloner to prevent this or of the ezcloner pump is just superior due to it being "thermally protected"? I need to look and see if I can find a thermally protected pump I can use in the PC 25..
Really sorry to hear about your cuttings. Always a worry with those kinds of cloners; if something is off, the whole batch is ruined. Why don't you try a wick cloner for a few cuttings? Cheap to make and is effective. Just may not be the fastest method but hard to argue with success.

Wick Cloner: simple, cheap and effective
My 60 site ez-cloner is 100% successful and pretty quick. I will just use that for know as I know its good to go. Just would rather have something with smaller footprint. I haven't given up yet still spinning the wheels in my head :)
My 60 site ez-cloner is 100% successful and pretty quick. I will just use that for know as I know its good to go. Just would rather have something with smaller footprint. I haven't given up yet still spinning the wheels in my head :)

Cool. The wick cloner can be made pretty small though and requires no electricity so can be placed in many out of the way locations. Then, you wouldn't have "all your eggs in one basket."
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