Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Bushy bushy and Yummy yummy ganjazz, lol :circle-of-love::thumb:
Highhh Sarah ;)

4th week into bloom(mars2 700, reflector 300)


That is true, sometimes we don't get good result as expected might be just because we use the wrong way, and at those times, we need to learn from others' experience. :thumb: Thanks Dennsie, :thumb:
Alpaja... I'm not going to read back to what ever you are gripping about but you are more than welcome to check my journal and see what the reflectors can and do grow for me... My very first light was a 96x3w reflector and I have many others now but they are all documented in my current journal.... Heck I got 3.2 oz off a PE auto under a 48x3w reflector so these lights do most certainly do their job..:circle-of-love:
Already 996 pages, so quick! I guess we can make it to 1000page this week. haha :cheesygrinsmiley: Let's make it. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Post your growing pic, give any comments of our lights you have, and if you got any question, post here too, it will feel sooo good to see more than 1000 pages, and that is all your contribute. :thumb:
Let the party start :party::party::party:
Already 996 pages, so quick! I guess we can make it to 1000page this week. haha :cheesygrinsmiley: Let's make it. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Post your growing pic, give any comments of our lights you have, and if you got any question, post here too, it will feel sooo good to see more than 1000 pages, and that is all your contribute. :thumb:
Let the party start :party::party::party:

Lets make it 1000!!!! :volcano-smiley::lot-o-toke::tokin::blunt::bong::passitleft::goof:

here is my video of the harvest i did yesterday under the mars 144x5

The Ganja Garden - Artificial Light Provided By 1,200 Watts of Mars-Hydro Sun Series LED Lighting

Pics taken during Weeks 2 to 4 of Flowering. Plants moved into the tent in 2 batches, two weeks apart.

:thanks: Mars-Hydro
How far away should I out my 96x3 reflector from vegging plants

24" or more above the canopy should work out fine.
Just be sure to transition them into the LED rays gently if they've been under CFL's, T5, or even HID's. You'll want to set the light high (36" or so) for at least a few day until they adjust to the LED's then you can begin moving the light downward a couple of inches every couple of days until you're at 24" or so.
You don't think 24 inches above canopy is too high?

I wouldn't have told you 24" if I thought it was too high now would I? Others may disagree and be able to offer better advice.
It's your girls and your garden man, do as you'd like. One of the of the joys of gardening is experimentation so play with light distance as you see fit and you'll probably end up where ever you and your girls are both happy. That being said, I suggest that you be patient and let your girls grow at their own pace without blasting them with too much light or being overly aggressive with nutrients. You'll be better off taking this approach. Once they're in bloom then you'll want to increase light intensity by lowering your lights to the 18" to 12" range with 12" being about the lowest.

My 2 cents anyways. Good luck and Happy Gardening!!
Uncle I appreciate you input and value it very much. I'm asking from a perspective of curiosity rather than doubt. No question at all you have more expertise in this area. I guess I was concerned because I could barely feel any heat 2 inches away so that's always been the advice I've read is close enough that it doesn't burn back of hand with heat. But that was with t5 lights. I am only feeding them rapid start gh right now at 1ml a gallon as they are only in their first node and still have cotelydons
Hey UncleCannabis (can I call you UnckyHerb if you like The Simpsons? ha ha..old episode).
Seriously tho', nice plants. If that is stretchy-LED-nodes, Alpaja, then I'll take it any day..
Hey UncleCannabis (can I call you UnckyHerb if you like The Simpsons? ha ha..old episode).
Seriously tho', nice plants. If that is stretchy-LED-nodes, Alpaja, then I'll take it any day..

You can call me anything you'd like just don't call me late for dinner. Doh!! :blunt:
I think Alpaja should give some thought to what his daytime (lights on) versus night time (lights off) temps were running during the time when he experienced longer than expected node lengths.

Day/night temperature differential (referred to in botany jargon as DIF) has been proven to affect node lengths in plants just as much if not more than light intensity / color spectrum.

A day/night temperature differential of more than about 10 to 15 degrees F will result in extended node lengths while reducing this temperature differential will result in reduced node length distances.
However, it should be noted that maintaining too low of a day/night DIF or a negative day/night DIF for too long will result in chlorophyll problems so there's a fine line to walk between reducing node length and creating chlorophyll issues.

For those who may be interested in this subject.

the first thing to do is to add more light to your area ...... old model reflector 96X3W is CLEARLY not enought for a 2X3 area ..... you need 2 panels like that to give enought light power to your plants.

170W true watts for 6 square feet is really not enought ..... this is under 30w per square foots and you need 45-50 minimum .... my advise will be add another panel 96X3 and you will have a very nice light.

and every single plants will love the better light power but also better light distribution.

1 thing is clear .... you need more light .... at least 50% more but 100% more will be perfect.

each 48X3 reflector can cover 40X40cm or 35cmX45cm (1.15' X 1.5') for full flowering ... the news 48X5 reflector can cover 47X47cm or 45cmX50cm (1.5' X 1.66') each for full flowering.

more is better than less ... you plants cannot be hurt by little more light power than needed.

hey there everyone.
i need some advice on my grow.
im using the reflector 96x3. growing 3 strains. maui waui,durban poison, and cbd medi haze, side by side in a scrog.
the reflector LED was about 12" above the plants,(i moved it today up to around 14" now to get more spread....) and the strain in the middle (maui waui), which incidently is in the center of the lights so probably is getting more light than the others, its flowers are much larger, fatter, and fuller than the other two strains which are on either side of it.

even the strains growing on the two sides of the maui waui, are pretty much directly under the light. theyre just sticking out about 1 to 2 inches from the sides of the light.

i figured that the middle strain is flowering so much nicer because of the genetics, but today i read into the genetics, and actually the two strains on the sides (durban poison, and medi haze), are supposed to be better yielding than the middle strain (maui waui). also i notied, that those two strain on the sides, have some buds that stretch into the middle, and in the middle theyre growing just as nice as the center strains.

so i can only imagine the difference would be because theyre not in the center of the light????
well check out my sig to see more photos and details. i would be happy for any input:

heres some pics of the canopy. theres one pic of it all together, and then one closer up of the right, and closer up of the left.
Funnily enough to all the naysayers regarding the green LED's being warm white, there are a total of three people that see this grow including myself. All three of us agree that they're green, I suppose my Photographs couldn't show that clearly enough for some people. All the best :thumb:
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