Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

We are back at work now, you can contact her freely. I am sure she will get back to you soon, :high-five:
Hi Sara. Happy holidays! I made a payment with Lucy through PayPal on the 23rd. It was not through the website, since a refund on another order was issued. Is there a way to check on it, since I haven't heard back from Lucy.

It is different when we work at home, usually use cell phones instead of computers, so the email is really a mess, please trust us that we are not intended to igore your order. Will definitely get back to you tomorrow. :circle-of-love:
This means I'm being ignored as soon as I make a payment and it seems it's the same way for others who ordered earlier than I did. This is not acceptable.
Thanks Dennise. :circle-of-love:
Galeno..... Sara and her assistant are back for the first day.... I too am a bit upset about an order and the way it was handled once I was able to get in touch with Sara however since this is the first day and from all the post from upset customers I have read over the last few day I am sure they are inundated with issues and angry folks.... so with that being said I decided to give it another day to let them try and get some of this mess straightened out.... Some is because of the backlog at the docks but some of it is not..... This is something like my 12th or 13th transaction with Sara and I was shipped 2 tents instead of a tent and a light.... at first I was told it was their mistake and she would arrange for the light to be sent out at once.... then I was told that they did deliver the tracking # I was given so I was going to have to wait... Yes I did receive a package from them... it had 2 tents in it so now I feel like I am being called like a liar.... however before I assume that this is going to turn into a bigger problem I am going to give them the time to get back to work and get a handle on all the problems that seem to have occurred over the holiday.... I hope you get all your problems with them worked out to your liking and I guess we just don't have any choice but to wait for them to get things back in order.... Then in the future we can maybe rethink our future purchases......:circle-of-love:
Thanks k0cept, every time I see your picture, I am happy again. :cheesygrinsmiley:
we just need a cheer up picture.. Just think of when you do get your lights, that you will be climbing them like Jack here heheh...
These are some 700's in action with me on top :p

now I remember what it was like when I used to go on vacation, I would come back and it would be as if the world was going to end.. almost makes taking a vacation not very restful when you come back to a tidal wave... But soon you will be growing nice meds...


We will make reduced invoice if the light is come from China. :volcano-smiley:
They've been responding this whole time Dennise, the point is that they're ignoring customers and responding to potential customers. Smiley faces and cultural understanding is all well and good but this is a business transaction and so far they haven't fulfilled their side of it.

Another thing is that they explicitly told me I wouldn't have to pay duty because it would be shipped from within Canada. If they're shipping to me from China then not only do I have to wait weeks instead of days, I'm going to have a substantial charge when it gets here, and I'll expect them to pay for it.
The fact is we did arrange the light and tent, not two tents, therefore the Logistic department defended themselves. Please understand. But I know you get the wrong item and I told Lucy about it. She will check with the express company to confirm the package we sent. If everything goes well, we can process the repalcement very soon. You are my friends, and I won't call you a liar any time. :circle-of-love: Please do not lose faith in us. :Namaste:
I 100% agree but when you promise that your emails will be answered and that things will be run on a skeleton crew but that someone would be handling the emails and correspondence.... This light is certainly not my only light but was one I needed for a particular project... I do understand things happen and warehouse workers pull the wrong items etc.... but after a dozen transactions with Sara I now feel as though I am being called a liar and that my integrity is being called into question and I fell it is very disrespectful..... I know this will all get straightened out because I know I did not receive what was supposed to be sent... it is the way it is being handled that has me upset and very confused.....:circle-of-love:
Hello Densenug, I will ask Lucy to provide your order status to you tomorrow. :circle-of-love:
Sara any information on my lights, They have been ordered for 2 weeks now and you were emailed all information, my name, user name on 420 and order number. thanks my order number is 100003595
We now have the light in stock in our Germany warehouse. The light 400w is out of stock in UK warehosue. You can order freely now. :circle-of-love:
hi sara :)

I hope you had a good holiday? !! : Cheer2:

I think commissioned in early March! :)

You have the stock in uk or Germany? delivered to my house in France

because it make me too expensive china delivery + $ 50 !!

: Merci:
Sorry about the delay, the order status will be provided very soon. :circle-of-love: Please do not get angry, we will solve this problem out very soon. :high-five:
Galeno is on the same page as me. I'm not a guy who likes to complain or cause any kind of turmoil. However, I own my own business. Rated 5 stars on yelp for 7-8 years now. Its not easy to maintain the reputation.... but if its important to you to have a good rep ,and happy customers, you find a way to make it happen. These guys have found a way to take our money... quickly, efficiently... but did so knowing that they couldnt fulfill the orders!!!! Kind of like going to the grocery store and them selling the same pack of Ribeye steaks to 15-20 people. Except, as soon as you paid for them.... the store kindly apologizes that it was a "hot sale" on those steaks... and takes them out of your hand after you just finished paying.

So now that they have your money, you can wait 2-3 weeks until they get in a new order, and come back from vacation. In the meantime, figure out how and what youll eat because they already have your money and are no longer concerned with you. In the same moment they're doing this to you... smiling, walking you to the door, and locking you out of the store. You can clearly see they're letting more customers with money in the front door and showing them the same steak that they just apologized to you for being out of stock on!?!??!? Ifff, I chose to conduct business the way Mars Hydro has over the past few weeks... I wouldn't have a business!!

I think its wonderful that they normally take such great care of everyone.... which gives them some slack with those who have previously done business with them. But, keep in mind... Advertising an item clearly as being IN STOCK.... only to take a clients money and immediately send am email about its a hot sale and you'll need to wait a few days is one thing. But, continuing to take orders, advertise, and trying to make additional sales is a bit weak IMHO.

Imagine paying them your money, only to find out that the item isn't in stock, that they will be on leave for two weeks, and while they are on leave they will be happy to take additional orders that they can in no way, shape, or form fulfill!?!???!? Even, when they return from their vacation... they make it a priority to answer every NEW potential clients questions, "buy two of these, smiley face, circle of love. Still ignoring what they have just done to all those who have already paid!?!?

That's two faces if Ive ever seen it.. Please please don't let your success allow you to forget about the people who have helped to make you successful!!! I KNOW for certain, if I'd read anything like this one the forums prior to this experience I would have STRONLY considered going another route.

I don't take my time to write this in order to be negative. I simply mean to put the situation out there exactly as its been presented to me. Again, if this was their first holiday in business, or they were new at all in this business... maaaaybe they could get a little more slack from me. However they are not new, they know exactly what they have done, and are doing. Bad business, with all the smiley faces, apologies, and circles of love in the world... Is still BAD business. For the last 3 weeks, mars hydro has put profit above its customers satisfaction and for that I am HIGHLY disappointed. Money isn't everything... Customer service IS.

This will be my last post on this issue.

All of this could have been avoided by simply updating your system. As well as understanding that people are watching these forums. The same way they bring business, the same way the allow the people to see what is most important to its sponsors. What Ive seen shows me that clearly they want my money, but as far as any repeat business goes... I'm not seeing Mich in the way of customer loyalty.

Even Dennise one of their biggest fans, has gotten a bad end of the stick. Imagine 12-13 purchases and when they make a mistake, instead to make it right no question asked.. she mentioned being made to feel like a liar!?!? I'm certain they will make it right.... but definitely doesnt sit well knowing there are all these recent issues, and before they take time to correct them.... The first thing they do upon their return is address every new potential clients questions whole sweeping these last few weeks under the rug!?!?

The very first response from Mars Hydro upon their return... should have been a public post addressing all those who have already paid, and been forced to wait. At least an apology, update, small discount off purchase price for any inconvenience... Something. NOT completely ignoring the whole situation and jumping right back into "smiley faces, circle of love, buy 2-3-4 of these"
Mars II flower spectrum has more red and white lights, less blue lights, which is best for only flower. :circle-of-love:
Has anybody used both the full spectrum and the flower spectrum on the Mars II? I'm trying to decide weather to get the standard spectrum or wait about 5 weeks for the custom flower spectrum to be made
Thanks, will definitely provide the order status tomorrow morning as it is late in China now. :circle-of-love:
Hi Sara, I used the email Thank you for replying Sara, hopefully everything will get better. I know my mothers are looking forward to there lights.
Please send PM to me. :Namaste:
Great, money is not allowing but the 300W should do the job, I can always supplement it with LED strips for better penetration. I want to order one right now! :cheer: Can I PM you the order? :Namaste:
Happy to see Sara is back. Man, people went crazy there for a bit!

I wonder how upset Chinese consumers get when its December/January?

I know I stop working around the 15th, then start up again 1 mo later.
I usually put a notice, but different cultures do it differently.

Can't wait for my light. Girls are in desperate in these last few weeks of flowering!
We sent several tents out, I am sure you can get some feedback on this forum. :circle-of-love:


My biggest concern it the Hydo logos on the boxes of the tents. The boxes my lights came in did not have anything except fragile. I don't need my neighbors (or my UPS man) knowing that I have a grow set up. Can the logo's be covered before shipping? A littled colored packing tape can go a long way.
Either of the 1200w light or the 2x700w light can replace the 600w HPS easily. But for the space your friends has, I would suggest he go with the 2x700w lights. :high-five:
Morning all. I have been asked to post a question here, My Buddy already has 2 x 700w mars II. which he is using along side a 600 w hps in a custom 1.40x 2.40 x 2.0 h. mtr box..... he wants to replace the 600 w hps with more LEDs... and wants to know what your thoughts are on either 1 x 1200 LED or 2 x 700 LED as the replacement?

Peace M
The light will fly to you soon :cheesygrinsmiley: Thanks for your understanding, For the holiday you have, we will still work, but not so busy as always. :circle-of-love:
Happy to see Sara is back. Man, people went crazy there for a bit!

I wonder how upset Chinese consumers get when its December/January?

I know I stop working around the 15th, then start up again 1 mo later.
I usually put a notice, but different cultures do it differently.

Can't wait for my light. Girls are in desperate in these last few weeks of flowering!
The tent package was supposed to be a plain one as well, but the workers produced wrong packages for us last time. Please do not worry, I will ask the warehouse to do some work, see if they can cover the logo. :high-five:

My biggest concern it the Hydo logos on the boxes of the tents. The boxes my lights came in did not have anything except fragile. I don't need my neighbors (or my UPS man) knowing that I have a grow set up. Can the logo's be covered before shipping? A littled colored packing tape can go a long way.
I finally replied all the posts, it took me almost the whole day. Now I need a good sleep. Will be back tomorrow morning. (your night maybe). :cheesygrinsmiley:
Everybody, happy growing. :cheer:
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