Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Hello Gf, that is the reason we still keep the brass hooks. If you don't like the bracket we added, you can still hange the lights the way you like. :high-five: But someone else may find it useful, so they can use it. :circle-of-love:
If they added that mount onto the smaller mars lights that have a diamond pattern for hanging then it would make a difference, but I too don't see anything different in the hanging setup.

With the last light I got I did notice they changed the hangers themselves a little. Still use my yoyo hangers though.


Thanks inspector161 :circle-of-love:
The flange on either side of the unit with holes were added.
It allows more flexibility for hanging and you could gang-box them side to side with bolts, washers and nuts if the fans weren't there
I like the new additions to your light(s), but I don't like the infrared leds. I read that they're inefficient and produce mostly heat. it's weird that leds don't produce ultraviolet light. we never stop learning.
Hello b.real, there is no IR lights in our Sun series. :circle-of-love: But all the other lights has IR. According to the growing test, IR is useful to plants growth, but if you do not need them, you can order customized lights. :high-five:
Wow, nice set up :thumb: I am totally subbed. :cheer:
I've started a new journal with my 24 Mars II 400's :)

Hiker's Basement 2.0


Cannot wait to see how they works. haha :cheesygrinsmiley:
WOW Hiker 24 LED lights i gotta watch that

Yes, it indeed is. :circle-of-love:
Awesome setup Hiker. Wow
You will grow better as we all learn from our mistakes PurpleDerp. :circle-of-love:
Thanks for the help johnnie, im actually growing in coco & perlite mix the 2 smaller bushes are cannatonic about 4 weeks in & are lacking nitrogen i feed all my plants the same nutes cause i grow indicas & they take less then the cannatonics they just need a bit more nitrogen, as far as the others they're at 7 weeks flower so its a natural yellowing basically most everything in there is done about 1 week to go & now just getting water theres only 2 that i just put in 3 weeks ago.

It sucks cause im super low on meds, i never buy any i only smoke what i grow so i had to throw these in very early but have many seedlings & clones in veg now going in in about a month i usually finish my plants out around 2 feet with the 400w hps but plan on going a bit bigger now that i have the mars since it should penatrate more.

cant wait to experiment with auto flowers under the Mars too.
I know many friends here grow with auto, and they are having great results. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Haha, that will fun to see the icon from 161's art forum. And we have this one: :drool:
As said by other I'm so envious as I only have 6-400w lamps so far. So I need engineer 161 to share his icon base so I can post his drooling icon. LOL. I'm going to tour your journal. So with a total of >4000w draw power are you planning on supplying the entire west coast, ha ha? Thanks for posting and have a great day. Dan.
It's just under 4800W with both sides lit (each Mars II 400 is ~192 actual draw). Currently, Flower A is dark. I'm still working on getting my cycle right for perpetual. I am working on it, but it will take a couple more cycles I fear. There is a learning curve setting up any system. :morenutes:

It actually doesn't produce as much as you think. I'm not going to quote rates over time as I'm still adjusting to get both sides perfectly synced. I do help other patients, but it's not many people. The bulk of this gets turned into concentrates, so there is not a lot of end product. Information about yields is very helpful for other growers, so I provide some numbers in my journal. There are sooooo many variables though. :winkyface:

I only posted here as my whole flowering room is now Mars II. :love:

Everyone is welcome to my journal (link is in my signature). I'm a nerd, so I talk about my equipment and/or techniques a lot. I often post after medicating :roorrip: so I also tend to ramble. :rofl:

I've got plants in various stages, but I'm taking clones this weekend, so I will be chronicling a whole cycle.

Thanks Sara
I love my TopLEDs :thumb:

I still have my 2 of the reflector style I'm planning to use for more veg area. That will be in the journal too. Eventually... :rofl:

Cannot wait for the update :circle-of-love:
everybody here are fan of growing. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I love talking about growing :)

Thanks, I plan on building my own area in a few months after I move, but I will probably pester you with questions if you wouldn't mind? The previous bit about supply was just a joke to underline how impressed I was at your journal "Hikers Basement 2.0". Thanks again for sharing your ideas and knowledge. Dan
You will get your light very soon. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Just ordered my MarsHydro Reflector 450W Led Grow Light through Forrest Tang. This will be my first ever grow, can't wait :thanks:
Seems super dilicious to me. :drool:
This is from my Black Jack from my last harvest from under a 96x3w reflector... It has a little of a months cure.... I love my Top Leds and I'm a real person...:yahoo:....:circle-of-love:
Sara & Tina.. I placed my order for the MarsII 400 watt today.. I look forward to using and giving my review here. If all goes well, I hope to purchase a few more and get rid of the 600wHPS/MH system all together... I have a few popped beans going now and will integrate into this grow...
Nice Dennise :goodjob:

Is it just me, or did anyone else look at those trichomes and think about the yummy oil they would make. :biglaugh:
Nooo I thought it too but am just scared to death I will muck it up and it works really well in my eatables and my vape and I don't want to mess that up... but yep.. if I could just take a razor blade and get the trichs off of the plant matter without having to do all that other stuff i would be dabbing as I type....:circle-of-love:
Nooo I thought it too but am just scared to death I will muck it up and it works really well in my eatables and my vape and I don't want to mess that up... but yep.. if I could just take a razor blade and get the trichs off of the plant matter without having to do all that other stuff i would be dabbing as I type....:circle-of-love:

Spoken like a future convert :biglaugh: :rofl:

I was sooo afraid of all that stuff when I got back into growing a few years ago. Especially when I heard about this BHO stuff. :yikes:

I'm not going to advocate anyone make it unless they are sure they understand what they are doing. Be safe always! Even the alcohol extractions have fire hazards. I've done a complete 180 on it though. My lungs are very happy that I very rarely smoke flower anymore. The difference was felt within days. My initial motivation to make extracts was for my wife. She does not like the euphoria, so I made her some oil. I've also made ice water/bubble hash, and done various keif experiments in the past. I'm a tinkerer/nerd typ, so of course I eventually looked into other solvents. IMHO, alcohol extractions are not suitable for inhaling.

Sorry, I think I got a little long winded there. :roorrip: I'll stop there and say I like my oil. :Namaste:
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