Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Thanks Smokesara.
That helps, I'll be running this in my veg area but will probably run the bloom switch for the last week before I move them to my bloom tent. :thumb:
That sounds like a plan! :green_heart:
Ok guys Ben too tired to even type trimming buds I’m def proud to run with mars so far I can tell did better then my hps this run was just a test run next run will b even better

Will get better pics of the big buds witch there a lot just had to share something with y’all I’m def happy with the performance of the mars ts 3000 . O n this is only exactly half of my harvest took me few days n still at it ugh grower problems lol this is new crop in the making now I kno what I’m doin this run goin to b even better also running clones under my hps to c witch do better but I already kno ts goin for the w....
:circle-of-love:Seems like I miss the big time! Congrats on the particial harvest Jack! :ganjamon: I cannot wait to see the final harvest, and the next round surely will be better! :hookah:
What would the coverage area of two ts600s be side be side????
Hi Syko420, it can be 2x4 for veg and 1.5x3 for flowering, :) :ganjamon: But many of the growers say the lights are more bright than what we recommend,. :lot-o-toke:
You can find the data for the TS-600 on the Mars Hydro website.

It states the coverage is 2' x 2' (60 x 60cm) in veg. Two would cover 2' x 4' (60 x 120cm).

It states the coverage is 1.5' x 1.5' (45 x 45cm) in flower. Two would cover 1.5' x 3' (45 x 90cm).
Thanks Old Salt, hope you have a great weekend there! :green_heart:
Weeks 2 in flower under ts3000
Such a bushy grow room, soon will fill out with beautiful buds there! :yahoo:
OUCH 30°C-40°C for temps is way too high for happy plants , is the figure the ambient temperature around the drivers maybe ??.
Your right, new guy make this. I will let them revise :thumb:
Howdy ho fellow Marsians , just a quick update on the grow of the fast buds autos 4 strain , 12 plants on 18/6, day 63 under 2 x tsl2000's and an sp250 powering the middle ground of the 6x5ft canopy and all for a meagre 780w(approx) from the wall.

1st harvest is some time this week for the BlackBerry.
Hi Ganja, how do you feel the difference with the SP 250 in? :circle-of-love:
Totally Agree! I never let it get above 80 F (27C) indoors at any point, and lately I run the last 2 weeks of flowering at 73-74F to preserve terpenes. An interesting guide by Fluence called High PPFD recommends the optimum temp at flower at 84 F (29 C) unless you are running co2 in which case it can be higher. I can't find a link to it for some reason. They say too high and the plants stops growing and just spends its time transpiring. And as I am paying for RO water, and heat, and dealing with the humidity , its more practical at the lower temps.
Definitely right! How could I not found this out before posting :(
@SmokeSara on a comment spree, you go girl!!!! Lol

Does mars still make their Bar24 series lights? I looking for something small for seedlings
Hrenklin, we currently don't have them in stock and not making them anymore, but maybe you can email Kelly ( check if we have them in your country.
BTW, we are making some low watt light bar for growing vegetables and for greenhouse plants as well, not sure we will stock them since they are for project growers and many will need customize. :Namaste:
Hi Ganja, how do you feel the difference with the SP 250 in? :circle-of-love:
I am loving the extra umols without having to bend and twist them for better positions. I can see the appeal of the sp250 if running multiple together maybe 3 in my space would fill it out. The middle of my space is perfect for it too. Once I get the council goons work done and can rebuild again in February. I want to try to pendulum it between the tsl2000's with them on the outer edges on an angle slightly to cover the sides. will make sense if I do it !!. lol
The TSL-2000 seems to make a bigger plant than the sp250 with those girls having a slightly bigger overall appearance to the sp250 vegged girls. could be down to space too so not 100% on that one yet. Rhe nugs are so damn solid and well formed on the near ready ladies and that has to be the lights you make.2 grows with similar results !!. Love my Mars hydro led. Am thinking I need a tent next to go inside the thermal box roof space. Would create a perfect stealth grow with excellent thermal properties and my old tent is now just a zipper front for the current room and some side panels. Wasnt worth re erecting as it had more holes than a thimble from the constant dismantling and putting up. was a cheap amazin one 7 years ago so cant complain but I miss the sealed tent security now. Hope tour good after your break and that Mars polished an office door plaque with your name on it ?.
I am loving the extra umols without having to bend and twist them for better positions. I can see the appeal of the sp250 if running multiple together maybe 3 in my space would fill it out. The middle of my space is perfect for it too. Once I get the council goons work done and can rebuild again in February. I want to try to pendulum it between the tsl2000's with them on the outer edges on an angle slightly to cover the sides. will make sense if I do it !!. lol
The TSL-2000 seems to make a bigger plant than the sp250 with those girls having a slightly bigger overall appearance to the sp250 vegged girls. could be down to space too so not 100% on that one yet. Rhe nugs are so damn solid and well formed on the near ready ladies and that has to be the lights you make.2 grows with similar results !!. Love my Mars hydro led. Am thinking I need a tent next to go inside the thermal box roof space. Would create a perfect stealth grow with excellent thermal properties and my old tent is now just a zipper front for the current room and some side panels. Wasnt worth re erecting as it had more holes than a thimble from the constant dismantling and putting up. was a cheap amazin one 7 years ago so cant complain but I miss the sealed tent security now. Hope tour good after your break and that Mars polished an office door plaque with your name on it ?.
Thanks Ganja for the honest input. :D Next time try our tent, it won't let you down as well, haha!
I don't have a specific room for my working, I prefer to work with all the other fellows so that we can talk and discuss the issues or stuff more easily. :circle-of-love:
So I'm currently growing in a 4*3 using two SP 250 lights but I'm planning on getting another 4*3 tent but instead of two SP250's would two TS-2-3000 would be better?

I'm growing specifically for yield this year so any help would be great as this is my first Led setup and don't know what the eventual outcome of the SP250's.

My target yield needed each harvest is 15-20oz.

With two sp 250 in that area I cant see why you wouldn't hit that I was in a 4x4x6.5 and 3x3x6 didn't have nearly that light and still walked out one winter grow with 22 oz dry .
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