Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

:volcano-smiley:Actually i didn't know which type of oil i tried...As that was my first time to try it,and i smoked with someone with no both of us didn't know what we should feel or what it should taste like...Next time we will do more rearch before we smoke.:volcano-smiley:
Anything you can do would be awesome, Sara. :thumb:
When you tried oil, what type did you try? There are the thick oils and waxes that can be smoked, and there are the infused VG oils that can be vaped in e-cig, and there are the infused oils like sunflower that can be used in edibles. The infused oils like sunflower cannot and should not be smoked. The infused VG is mostly for e-cig vaping, but can be used for edibles as well, but should not be smoked.
I will assume that you tried one of the waxy oils? Sometimes the effects are not that noticeable the first times you try them. Some effects are subtle, some are more in your face. Probably the best way for you to try would be to consume with someone experienced, and then compare notes.
The first time I ever smoked, I didn't think anything happened. About 6 months later, I looked back and realized just how "medicated" I was, just didn't realize it.
:goodjob:Yes the Mars II and the Mars Pro II spectrum will be little different.:high-five:The plants in the middle got more lights,haha...more lights more buds.:volcano-smiley:
Actually, Sara, I have noticed a slight difference in the spectrum between the Mars II 400 and the Mars Pro II 160. If I hold my hand under the lights, which are mounted side by side, I can see a slight but very noticeable difference in the hue.
Now I'm sure this is just coincidental, but the plant that sits in the middle, and gets light from both LEDs, is the fastest growing.
Yesterday i was out of work,so i only checked the fourm,but didn't check the PM box.:high-five:
Yes and i also PM'd you a few days ago and u not responded yet. I figured your so busy making sales for mars-hydo :)

It will be a smoking party.
Ok,i made up my mind now,my 4.20 wish:smoke weed:volcano-smiley::lot-o-toke::hookah::tokin::blunt::ganjamon:
Ok,i made up my mind now,my 4.20 wish:smoke weed:volcano-smiley::lot-o-toke::hookah::tokin::blunt::ganjamon:
Sara, we all hope your wish will come true! :cheer:
It must be difficult when your career is so closely tied to a product that your country will not allow you to consume. I'm sure that the friends you meet at the Cannabis Cups will help fulfill your wishes! Maybe we will meet if they have a Cannabis Cup in Southern Ontario. That would be so cool.
Yeah,sometimes when i saw many beautiful buds...i really want to grow one...we have so many lights display in our office...:volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley:Yeah,when we go Cannabis Cup...i will try more:smokin::lot-o-toke:
We will have Cannabis Cup in Canada in July.:high-five:

Sara, we all hope your wish will come true! :cheer:
It must be difficult when your career is so closely tied to a product that your country will not allow you to consume. I'm sure that the friends you meet at the Cannabis Cups will help fulfill your wishes! Maybe we will meet if they have a Cannabis Cup in Southern Ontario. That would be so cool.
:circle-of-love::circle-of-love:My pleasure,if you need to know anything,you can always find someone here can help.:cheer:
thx sara I appreciate all the info that is welcome to receive!! still trying to figure things out!!

here's my new ones week 1 done today :)
I mght not be posting as much as normal since doing the next log/journal for the queen seeds website and they want exclusive pictures. how ya been "sara"??
How many days are they now?:goodjob:Which strain you grow this time?:thumb:

here's my new ones week 1 done today :)
I mght not be posting as much as normal since doing the next log/journal for the queen seeds website and they want exclusive pictures. how ya been "sara"??
they are a week old in the picture and they are called bazooka from queen seeds it is a bubblegum x critical kush mix so should be a tasty one :) Ive entered their photo contest for free seeds again not sure why but why not :thumb:
one week...:goodjob:they got really big leaves.:thumb:
they are a week old in the picture and they are called bazooka from queen seeds it is a bubblegum x critical kush mix so should be a tasty one :) Ive entered their photo contest for free seeds again not sure why but why not :thumb:
Yeah,sometimes when i saw many beautiful buds...i really want to grow one...we have so many lights display in our office...:volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley:Yeah,when we go Cannabis Cup...i will try more:smokin::lot-o-toke:
We will have Cannabis Cup in Canada in July.:high-five:

Do you now where in Ontario yet? I'm saving some bud for you to try! :high-five:
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